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13 Nights of Blogoween Day 8: Scribbles about TV: Spoiler Heavy The Walking Dead Recap from someone who hasn't seen the Walking Dead since about the third episode of Season 2.

Alright... there's some huge graphically violent thing that happens on the Walking Dead's Season 7 premiere that disgusted all of my Facebook friends and made them cry... so naturally I had to watch it with very little context of what's happening. I'm going to give a beat by beat summary during commercial breaks... but keep in mind, I don't know anything about the characters names or the show, so it is pretty unreliable, ill informed and meant for comedy.

So it starts out with Denny from Greys Anatomy talking to Rick and the Gang. Rick has blood on his face, and it appears that John Winchester just killed one of Ricks buddies. He keeps talking about a right hand man and someone named Simon... and he says "do you have a right hand man or was it." And then you see Denny's club with blood on it and Rick's bloody forehead. Then Denny brings Rick into a trailer.

Opening credits/ commercial.

Rick is in Denny's death trailer and he's mocking Rick for telling Denny that he was going to kill him.  So Rick is in Denny's Death trailer and Denny is torturing him by saying "Think of what can happen and what did happen" blah blah blah. Now Rick is having flashbacks of his friends... who I'm guessing died. Denny throws an ax out of the window and then makes Rick get it. Rick gets it fighting off zombies and he keeps having flashbacks of all these people. After they show Ricks son you can hear Denny's sadistic voice saying " I bet you thought you would all grow old together. It doesn't work like that Rick."

And then Rick falls down, lost and alone on the roof of Denny's Death Trailer watching zombie hanging from a tree.


Flashback! Rick and the gang in front of Negan... that's Denny's real name and he's saying he can't pick out who to kill and eenie meenie mo-ing it. While pointing to people with his death club... much suspense... Rick is crying.

He beats Rick's Mustache Ron-Swansony friend to death... in quite a gory scene while everyone watches and cries. Rick gets his blood splattered on his face. His last words were "Suck my Nuts". Then he talks to some other people... and then bashes Glen in the face, so bad that his eye starts popping out... and then he completely beats him to death, leaving his whole head a pile of blood.

Then he says "What was the joke that bad?" Which is what he said earlier in the episode. I don't know if that's the beginning of it or if that brought us to where Rick is at the beginning.

Glen's death was hard because I knew who he was and it was very violent... but so far its less violent than I thought it would be judging by people's Facebook status. Its graphic... but its cable TV.

Rick jumps on the hanging zombie or Zombie Piñata and then Denny ends up saving him from the Walkers because he is kind of a badass... and he explains that there were 2 of Rick's own killed... and rick has been imagining him beating all of the rest of the gang also... I think its just Rick imagining what could happen because Denny's Voice is saying "Imagine what could happen" And even though the show was only on for a very brief kit...


That pissed me off... its a really long commercial break too. I'm considering watching some of the "Fear Fest" on AMC because I've never seen a lot of the scary movies like Halloween or Nightmare on Elm Street or anything... but damn these are long commercials!

Anyway Rick is back with his gang, all still sitting at the same exact spot. I think Denny just has a crush on Rick... lol.

Anyway after that Denny gets his gang to put guns to the back of Rick's gang's heads... and then he tells Rick's son to follow him... ties one of his arms up so that it hurts but Ricks son won't say it hurts at all... and he makes a mark on the sons arm... after making some weird comments about cold balls being rubbed in his face or something? There's a lot of weird sexual language in this episode. Anyway he wants Rick to chop his son's arm off or else Denny is going to shoot the rest of the gang and then shoot his son and then Rick. Rick is trying to tell him that he'll be the one to die... but clearly Rick doesn't want to die! He wants everyone else to die and him to just watch because if I were Rick I would just take the Ax and kill myself since clearly it was Rick that Denny wanted because he wants to be the toughest guy in town and Rick is a threat to that.

Then he takes Daryl because he likes Daryl and wants him on his team... and then Maggie wants to get Daryl back but she wants everyone else to go home.

And then Rick gets in the trailer... I'm guessing to go look for Daryl. Not sure where everyone else is. They all kind of left Maggie alone to cry.

And then a zombie just walks nearby Rick all scary-like and sniffs around the blood. But that's it.

Overall I did think the episode was pretty great! I'm not gonna lie because I've been watching so much TV lately from random seasons I've kind of been judging shows on how good they are based on if I can watch them from a random season premiere and still enjoy it not knowing what was going on... and this was like that. I felt the need to watch it because if I didn't the visuals in my head were a lot worse than what actually happened... so yeah. I think I might be into this now... Idk if I'm that committed to watch it every week though... but I did really like it so I might just do that... hmmm... hard to tell.

Bye hope this was fun!


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