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13 Nights of Blogoween Day 9: Halloween TV Episodes so far

So I think pretty much all the shows are done with their Halloween Episodes... and I watched some of them... so I'll talk about those a little.

First off I'm going to talk about the scariest mini series on TV... they've been airing it pretty much over the month. Anderson Cooper was a guest star... Its called The Presidential Debates. Just kidding! Kind of... lol.

The Middle 
I know I watched this one... I totally don't remember what happened. I don't think it was that halloween-y... I remember the religious haunted house and the kids said that they'd rather live with their dad if Frankie and Mike got divorced... but I don't remember much else that happened. I really liked last years episode...and this one just wasn't as good.

Fresh Off The Boat- This was a good episode too... again I liked last years episode better I think... but I liked how they showed Luis is so into Halloween and Jessica is not. I liked the episode and the halloween party. It was fun.

The Real O'neals- I didn't see all of this one... I don't love this show as much as other shows... but it was alright. LOl I'm such a downer with these reviews.

The Goldbergs 
I thought The Goldebergs was really good this year. I like the Erika's storyline this whole season of her trying to get the guy... its a good change to the show that I liked seeing. I was hoping there would be another story of Murray seeing Kujo and being afraid of the dog... but that was a funny thing at the end. It was a good homage to Stephen King. I liked it.

This one was probably my favorite! I've really been liking this show and I thought this was one of the best episodes so far. I thought the costume the dad made was really cool and it was just really funny.

Modern Family 
I think this whole season of Modern Family has been my favorite so far. At least, I think its the best its been in a really long time! And this episode was really funny. My mom kept on saying how funny it was today. I think she liked that Claire got egged. Good one!

I really liked this episode! I liked this better than the one last year. I thought Charlie was really funny in it and Junior. I liked The Purge storyline... it was good!

Scream Queens 
I'm not really as into Scream Queens this year as I was last year... Last year I liked it so much I dressed as Chanel #3 this year... I like it... but I didn't really notice anything too different about the halloween episode except that they did mention Chaneloween again and they had the party at the hospital... I didn't like it all that much though!

American Horror Story 
This was a great episode but I think it falls a little flat compared to their other Halloween episodes. This whole season is sort of a Halloween season because of the Blood Moon... but in general this episode was maybe the scariest episode ever... but it wasn't particularly halloween-y in my opinion. At least, not the way AHS usually does it... and idk how I feel about that.

I don't always really watch this show... but I'm watching this right now and its pretty funny. Everyone is in costumes and stuff. I like it!

And then next is The Good Place, which I'm excited about! I didn't realize it was Halloween Themed... and it also has Adam Scott in it!



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