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13 Days of Blogoween Day 5: Scribbles About TV: The American Horror Story: Roanoke Twist (With Spoilers)

This twist is sort of what I was expecting, but I'm saying that in a good way. There have been so many crazy fan theories about what they think is happening... and its all been pretty bad. I'm happy they chose this route because it did totally turn the tables and turn it into something entirely different... but they did expand on the story in a different way that did really change things.

So I was hoping they would do something with the real Matt and Shelby... but also show the actors. I was hoping the actors would be the real actors of the story... but they did a totally more interesting take with having the woman playing The Butcher as a Crazy Woman, Sarah Paulson's character is British and married to Evan Peters, Shelby had a fling with the actor who played Matt... and Lee is angry at Angela Basset's characters portrayal of her. Its all very interesting the way that they did everything.

Plus... there was a very calm feeling in the first part of the series. Matt, Shelby and Lee made it out alive. It seemed like Flora was okay, it was all very safe... the total flip in this season is that we now know that only one person survives and that this is all found footage. I'm guessing Shelby... and I think I can kind of guess some of her backstory:

1) I think Shelby is a witch. I think she traded her unborn child's life to save Matt... it just seemed like that was how it worked. I don't think she's just a yoga instructor. Plus: She's all about Cosmic Balance. "I lost a husband but you gained one. Its never too late for love." That sounds like she really believes one loss is

2) Things between her and Matt weren't good to begin with. If a couple is describing themselves as perfect... I get suspicious. Obviously there was some tension between Matt's family and Shelby...which I'll get to.

3) I think Shelby had something to do with the death of Lee's other daughter. When Lee says Shelby is the reason people think she's a cold blooded murderer Shelby says "I'm so sick of you holding that over my head. I don't know how many more times I can apologize." It seemed like it was about something that happened a long time ago instead of something that happened a few years ago. Plus Lee definitely had reasons for hating Shelby to begin with.

4) The whole first part had unreliable narrators. I believe Lee... but thats it. The show tells more with the things that they aren't saying than with what they are saying. You really need to read between the lines for this season I think.

Lee in this seems very nice and helpful. She doesn't like Monet, who played Lee... but she still does offer to help her. She doesn't like Shelby, but she still helped her. She probably wanted her brother to hurt Dominick... but she didn't let him. Maybe she's the only survivor because I think she'll end up being the surprise hero of the show... since everything is not what it seems.

And keep in mind... we really don't know these characters that well. We still don't know anything about Dominick, we don't know Aubrey or Monet very well... and there are still 2 characters we're waiting on. Finn Wintrock, playing "his most effed up character yet." Which isn't all that hard to do. He's only been on the show for 2 seasons and his character last year was pretty much a good guy... but more Effed up than Dandy will be fun to watch. My guess is a Donald Trump type of character. Maybe I'm just assuming Ryan Murphy will want to go there... but American Horror story is mostly satirical and I think it would be a missed opportunity to not use Trump for satire.

I also think there's something to be said about mental health and addiction in this season. They tried to get to that last season (I think) with the addiction demon... and now I think Lee and Agnes are doing a good job showing recovery. Lee has pretty much been the most helpful, on her feet person and Agnes is still having some breakdowns... but she doesn't appear to be violent any more. I don't think she was at the house at all... so that was a little something I found interesting.

Overall even though I didn't find the twist as shocking as it was made out to be... I really ended up liking the episode. I thought they did a fantastic job with everything and its really one of my favorite episodes of the show... ever probably. I really think they are doing a great job this season. So far I'm not crazy about all of the actor characters... I was kind of happy they killed off Rory... and I think he'll make a better ghost I just think that will be super funny. Probably better than the hipsters last season... we'll see. I kind of wish Evan Peters had a better role... but it was still pretty okay and I thought he was good as Edward Mott.

Returning Cast Theories 
I wanted to include some of my theories about the returning cast. I sort of mentioned I think there's going to be a different character for Finn Wintrock... I don't think he's going to be Edward Mott because I think we saw Edward Mott in the shower with Audrey and he seemed to be a skeleton... so I don't think its him... unless he was darker and scarier than he was portrayed by Rory in the show. I think Taissa Farmiga is returning as Lady Gaga's character because of the connections to Coven. Lady Gaga's character is supposed to be the original supreme... and Ryan Murphy has mentioned wanting to return to Coven... so I think she might be that character. I also heard Matt Bomber is back... I think the most obvious choice would be Ambrose. I think maybe the Polk's left because of the attention on the show... I don't know that I think Gaga or any of the other actors will be back.

Another theory... it'll be a happy end for Agnes, she'll get killed by The Butcher and she'll love it. She reminds me a little bit of her character from last year... but I think it'll be really good.

This is a short season, there are only 4 episodes left... so I think there will just be short guest roles for everyone else... but I think that'll be kind of good. AHS did a lot of good one-off episodes last year, like with Evan Peter's backstory and the Countesses backstory... I think we might have an episode with Taissa Farmiga and Finn Wintrock at the end... There's a lot that can be done.

I think that is everything... I hope you are all having a happy blogoween and everything is good! I'm excited to see the new Rocky Horror tomorrow!



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