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13 Nights of Blogoween Day 11: The Time I dressed up as Donald Trump for Halloween in 2004

So not too long before Donald Trump was into politics, he hosted my favorite reality tv show, The Apprentice. And I decided it would be funny to dress as him for halloween... and it is a horrible mistake I would not make or allow any kids to make... because it was the weirdest trick or treating experience I've ever had.

Keep in mind... this was wayyy before anyone thought that Trump would ever be a politician... but it was ironically enough Politics that made this costume so weird. It was in 2004, which was right before the election between George W. Bush and John Kerry... both, which I didn't realize, were popular costumes that year... and everyone asked me "Which candidate are you" and the people with the Kerry signs kept saying "Well as long as you aren't going as George Bush!" And that made me uncomfortable. I was in 7th grade... I didn't know about real politics! I didn't even live through that many presidents... so there really is no sense talking to a 13 year old about politics.

It was also weird because I'm a girl. I'm pretty much a girly girl, and that's why I wanted to be Trump for Halloween... Lol just kidding, but not really. I was really into celebrities and Hollywood back then, so I thought it was cool to dress up as someone from a TV show or movie. The year before I went as Dead Paris Hilton (days before her sex tape was released weirdly enough), another year I was Gob Bluth and sometime after that I went as an "ex wife" like Cady Heron in Mean Girls.

So while this isn't really all that odd... it made things creepy because I had a button up shirt on, that I guess was see through since some woman commented that she thought Donald was a girl because she could see a bra... and that is a weird thing to say to a trick or treater. I don't think this woman meant any harm by it, I'm not implying that she did anything harmful... I think she was just awkward and maybe hinting that she thought I was too old to be trick or treating. But still that's still a weird thing to say to someone. If an adult woman I didn't know said something like that now I'd think that's creepy. My friend and I just sort of left after and we were like "well that lady was weird."

And back to the political aspect of it all... I know that politics are really important to adults right around election time... I know as an adult I want to show my support for a candidate and show what's wrong with the way that things are run now... I get that now... but don't push that on the Trick or Treaters! Chances are, they don't know anything about politics in the first place! They can see the sign on your front lawn, they know who you're voting for... you don't need to talk to them about it... just let them be kids! They don't need to worry about this stuff yet! If you're a supporter of Trump or Hillary and someone dressed as Trump or Hillary shows up at your door, I think you can just simply say "I like your costume!" Heck, even if they are dressed up as the candidate you don't support... its still nice to be nice to a kid and just say "I like your costume." You don't need to get in a debate with a kid... its just a kid! Just give them their candy, they'll be super happy! They don't need small talk!

I also kind of think they thought my parents were making me dress up as whatever candidate they were supporting... which again... is weird! Don't do that to your kid! If your kid wants to dress up as Donald or Hillary, that's fine... I know what its like to be a kid and set on a costume... but it was such a weird trick or treating experience. When I have kids, I would maybe tell them this story before and say "Well everyone thought I was a presidential candidate once, and people weren't always nice about it."

So yeah... politics aside... politics aren't fun for kids... so just don't bring it up to trick or treaters! My PSA for the day!


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