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Showing posts from June, 2014

Review Time! Maleficent Review

I know this is a little bit of an older movie and it will probably be out of theaters soon, but it is still showing quite a bit and I kind of wanted to see it and my mom and I wanted to see a movie... so we saw this. I wasn't really expecting to like it quite as much as I did, I have been super picky about movies lately and this got such bad reviews, but I really really loved it! Now it wasn't what I expected the movie to be at all. My sister loves Maleficent and she was really excited about this movie and she was a little disappointed that Maleficent wasn't the same as she was in Sleeping Beauty. She wasn't nearly as wicked... she wasn't really wicked at all, just kind of misunderstood. Speaking of Wicked: I thought this story was going to be like Wicked where its a completely different view of the Wizard of Oz and it tells what happened with the Wicked Witch. Or I thought it would be like a super villain origin story where it tells how she became evil... which I...

Stuff that Happened This Week (6/22-6/28)

1) Seth Rogen and James Franco will likely start WW3- So if you haven't seen previews for the movie The Interview yet, it's a movie where James Franco and Seth Rogen are hired assassins that are trying to kill Kim Jung Un. You can see why he's unhappy. He has condemned the movie. I really want to see it. I love Seth Rogen and James Franco and I think that this is why America is America. We can make the movies we want, we can look things up without them being banned or censored in any way. Idk, I'm curious to see how many people are offended by this ans what will happen of it. I wonder what Dennis Rodman thinks about it. It's just a weird and f'ed up situation to be honest. I feel like somewhere in th galaxy there's a Utopia on some sort of planet where everyone gets along and everything is peaceful and perfect. If you tried to explain the conflicts the US has with North Korea and other countries they would probably be really confused. Idk how to better expla...

Top 5 Friday: Top 5 Things about cleaning my room and

So I just posted a blog about how I cleaned my room and now I thought I would talk about some odd things that I found or did or learned in the process. These are in no order really. 1) Sequins from my Junior Prom Dress- so for my junior prom, I wore this beautiful black dress with black sequins all around it. I still absolutely love this dress, if I ever have to go to some event in the next few years, like an Emmys or some sort of writing thing, I'll probably wear this until I become like super super famous. It's just an amazing dress... I'd probably have to do a huge diet to fit in it, but that's neither here nor there... Anyway the dress came with a bag of extra sequins... Guess who found that sequins when everything was just about clean? Shannon did! So it kind of got everywhere. I noticed it on my foot and I didn't know if that was from my prom dress or my sparkly uggs. Prom dress apparently and there have been a few black sequins I've spotted around the h...

Scribble About Life: Cleaning/ redoing my room.

So right now my life is in a huge transitional phase in pretty much every aspect. I've moved out of college, and I haven't graduated quite yet,but I am living at home for quite a bit, I'm not moving back into the dorms this fall and I realized something... I have far to much crap for one household!  This is kind of a struggle! Ever since I moved back home I've been trying to find a place for all of my stuff and trying to decide what stuff to keep, what stuff to get rid of and where exactly to put everything. Some of it was actually not that difficult. I have a lot of drawers and other stuff from my dorms, that's good for some storage at least...but I have so many clothes and books and all sorts of things that I have to sort through and get rid of and all of that jazz. The first step was getting rid of things. This was probably the most difficult, but there are so many things that I have that I'm not using any more or it doesn't fit me and it's just t...

Charts of the week! June 25th, 2014

Heyyy all this is the blog where I tell the top 5 things of the week and tell you my thoughts on them. This week I'm going to do Itunes, Movies in theaters, and I'll try to do dvd charts cause why not. Music! (itunes)  5) Maps by Maroon 5- So the preview from this song actually sounds pretty good and different. I like Maroon 5 but I get tired of all their songs really quick. It's just hard when they play them on the radio over and over again and they play them all the time on my work soundtrack... and then they play the glee version on my work soundtrack (random. They don't really play glee at work anymore, but as far as I know we're the only store for grown up adult women that played songs from the Glee soundtrack... like a lot.) Anyway this is pretty good. I don't think this will be "the song of the summer" but it could be a good song that I'll like for a week or so. Also this has a really beautiful cover design for the single on itunes. Ve...

Scribbles About a Dream: Work Nightmares

This is kind of a  weird thing, I like my job for the most part. I like the store I work at, I like the people I work with, but it's not like being a cashier is my passion in life. I like it for right now, but ultimately it can actually be stressful. I know there are far more stressful jobs out there obviously but its more stressful than Gweneth Paltrow's life. So I can complain, I'm not complaining but I have permission to. Anyhoo when we have sales it gets slightly more stressful. Most of the customers are nicer and happy about the sales, but at the same time people get angry. Plus there's the added stress of people bringing up like 50 items of clothes, asking the price of everything and then only taking one of those things and leaving the rest by the cash rack for me to put back... its just a tad more stressful and I tend to get actual nightmares about working when that happens. So anyway I had a dream that this woman was buying a bunch of stuff that wasn't ri...

Man Crush Monday: Channing Tatum

1) He's super hot- Probably the most obvious man crush ever... this is kind of a no brainer. He's super super hot. Just hot hot hot. I try not to be shallow on these Man Crush Mondays, but its kind of obvious that Channing Tatum is hot. 2) He's one of those actors actually worth seeing in theaters- I feel like no matter what role he is in, he's good. With movie prices going up and movie quality going down, and movies being more readily available everywhere, its hard to justify seeing a lot of actors in movies. I think he's someone worth seeing in theaters. That's not something that I can say about very many people, but Channing Tatum is good. Do like. 3) He's actually super funny- He's sooo sooo funny in 21 Jump Street and 22 Jump Street. I wasn't expecting him to be as funny as Jonah Hill, but he actually really holds up. He didn't even want to do 21 Jump Street originally because he didn't think he could do comedy, but he did it and he ...

Stuff That Happened This Week: (6/15-6/22)

1) Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield promote charities for Paparazzi- I've seen them do this before I think. They were out to lunch and some paparazzi was following them, so they put up a sign in front of their faces saying that they don't need the paparazzi's attention, but these organizations could use the attention and they showed some websites for organizations to donate money too. I think this is nice. I know the celebrities don't always want all the attention and they probably would rather have it go to people that need it. I hope that people donate based on these photos, otherwise thats kind of sad. 2) Tracey Morgan released from hospital- After his scare in the car crash that left the actor in critical condition, he has been recovering and is now being released from the hospital! He still needs to go to a rehabilition center, and I'm sure he still has a lot of recovery to get to and it will be incredibly hard for him knowing that his friend and writer Jimmy M...

Favorite Movie list!

I don't know why, but I thought a list of movies that I think will always be my favorites would be a good thing for this blog. These aren't in any real order, but the first few are my favorites. 1) Despicable Me 1&2- these are amazing and adorable movies I could watch thousands of times and still laugh harder than any kid at them! I love the minions, I'm obsessed. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, these movies cheer me up! 2) Bridesmaids- Best Comedy of all time. Not only do I love this movie a lot and think it's hilarious, it's also an important movie. It changed female centric comedies and it was just awesome all around. 3) Forgetting Sarah Marshall- freaking hilarious movie. This is another one that is just so sooo funny I can have a terrible day and watch this and laugh my ass off. I feel like this is underrated, but not super underrated because I think this is a lot of people's favorite movie. 4) The Big Lebowski- yet another great comedy. I need ...

It List: June 2014!

This is a good month already and I knew before it even started! I already had my first "it" items before June even started and that makes me happy. 1) The Original Long Island Iced Tea- So this isn't what it sounds like lol. It's non alcoholic its just literally iced tea thats from Long Island. It's gluten free, slightly healthy there are two servings in a bottle. I don't think this is available everywhere right now, but it's been popping up at my Costco and it will probably be at some more Costco's, so if you are in the New Jersey, New York, Connecticut maybe Pennsylvania area, look out for it. It's pretty healthy and the flavors are amazing. We got a combo pack, I think my favorite flavor is Peach, but they have Raspberry, Lemon and Green Tea with honey also. The green tea with honey I think is a more powerful antioxidant, so if you're having trouble going to the bathroom, try that one. Not to be gross, just a tip/warning. 2) Brownie Brit...

Review Time: 22 Jump Street!

21 Jump Street is probably all around one of my favorite movies and I was really excited about the sequel and it actually looked really really good, but at the same time I was a tad disappointed in this. I think I'm seeing it again, I think it will be better after seeing it a second time... but overall it wasn't as great as the original. Now the thing I didn't like about it, was actually pretty funny. It was weird because it was a movie about making movies, and that's something I usually enjoy... but it was a little too apparent here. For example there were lots of references about doing "exactly what you did last time, just in college now." And sequels can often be just the same people doing the exact same things, but in different settings. The challenge was that Schmidt and Jenko didn't want to do the exact same thing as last time. There were also some jokes about things being too expensive and that they didn't know that they could afford to do stu...

Woman Crush Wednesday: Cameron Diaz

1) She's always entertaining to watch- I've seen a lot of movies with Cameron Diaz in it, and I feel like she's just super fun to watch. Even if a movie gets bad reviews and its not great overall, like Bad Teacher for example, its still fun to watch because she's just so good in it. I just think she's one of those movie stars that really brings it to any movie she's in. 2) She can do different types of genres- I know she mostly does Rom Coms but she can step out of her comfort zone and do a lot of different things. I really liked the movie The Box that she was in and that was a psychological thriller type of movie. I may be the only person that liked that movie, but I thought she was great. I've never seen the movie My Sister's Keeper, but that's not a comedy either and she was able to be the mom in that and I think it got pretty good reviews if memory serves me. She was also in that action movie with Tom Cruise a few years ago that my mom liked (I...

Close Encounters of the real people Kind- The Train Dancers

Sooo one day I went to the mall and I was  at school at the time, so I decided to take the Path Train to get there and... I was entertained. If you've never been on the Path Train before it's kind of like a subway and a train combined. It looks like a subway only a little nicer on the inside like a train. And they have a few stops between NY and NJ. Sometimes it's really really packed and other times there's a lot of space on the floor and people can move around and stuff... Well that is what these people decided to do. This one guy had a boo box and he just started breakdancing all through our cart. And he was really really good! He was with a few other friends, 1 guy and 2 girls and they were all cool attractive looking hipsters. This guy had a really cool shirt on. A lot of times in newark penn station people ask for money, and this guy was asking for money but he wasn't like begging or anything. Well literally he did beg some of the men on the train that wer...

Shannon Goes Viral! (Shrek is Love, Psy Hangover and More.)

Alrighty so the internet is a strange and wonderful place sometimes, but sometimes it can be dark and scary. Luckily for you, I am brave enough to test those waters, explore viral videos and inform you on what is funny and what you should avoid if you don't want to vomit and have to block your childhood. Ohhh god. The things that exist. 1) Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life- Okay so warning ahead of time, do not watch this. Under absolutely no circumstances is this going to make you feel anything other than disgust and regret. Remember how I was talking about how the internet was a dark and scary place that will ruin your childhood? This is it. So basically the video is about a boy that loves Shrek. He actually worships Shrek. A little weird, Shrek is an older movie... and its good but no need to worship it or anything. And his dad disapproves... which again I don't understand. I guess its a tad weird for your child to worship Shrek like a religion... but hey its not drugs or any...

Top 5 Friday: Top 5 funny things of the week.

This week was a long week that was also not my favorite week that's ever happened. But here are some funny things that have happened recently. 5) Cannabis Sex Lube- Yep of all the things that exist... This is one of them. Forget a cure to cancer, we need this to exist. I thought it would be some cheap-o thing at Spencer's that would just have like a picture of weed on it, but nope. My friend saw on Facebook it's an actual fancy bottle that cost like $50 and it's not really something that would get anyone really high, but it still does work like a drug I guess. It's also edible... So there's that. I don't do drugs and I don't know what sex is, so I don't think I'll ever use this product... But it exists and that is funny.  4) The Bacholorette Commercials- Did you see the commercials for the bachelorette this week because they are hilariously awful. "Three words for you. jeal-ous-ey!" What the actual hell? Who writes these commerc...

ShanLogic #1: Tips on how to date people

Sooo as you can probably guess: I'm an amazing person when it comes to dating... Which is probably not true but hey I think I'm okay lol. Btw if you guys don't know ShanLogic, it's basically my own personal philosophy on how to do things. My friends say my logic is odd, but it's totally legit and it absolutely works. If you want to live your life right, let me make your decisions for you... That is what I say. Or at least that's what I just decided now. ShanLogic is a little touch and go, cause logic works on the spot like that. 1) Find out his favorite muppet- this says more about a person than anything else that exists. In my idea a persons favorite muppet is a slight impression of themselves. I got this theory from my mom who always told me different family members favorite muppets. My dad's favorite has always been The Sweedish Chef. I don't know why that resonated with me so much as a child, but as an adult I can see a lot from my dad by that ch...

Woman Crush Wednesday: Piper Chapman (spoilers)

In Honor of OITNB Season 2 coming out on Netflix, I thought I would do a WCW on the shows main character: Piper Chapman. 1) She really does make the best of bad situations- No matter what Piper does, and how much trouble she gets into, she always seems to make the best of the bad situation. When she goes to prison she says it'll be great that she'll get ripped. When she goes to the Shu, a few times, she does what she can to not go completely crazy. Even when Larry and Polly get together, she handles it quite well. She knows what she's doing, in this season she's kind of figured prison out and she gets it. 2) Even though she's kind of selfish... she does care greatly about the people she cares about always- Piper is pretty selfish, I think its safe to say she does focus on her own problems... even when Polly is getting married she complains about her own problems with Alex. But even with Larry and Polly's affair and Alex betraying her so many times, she still...

OITNB Season 2 Review: Spoilers

I'm gonna try to make this spoiler free, but we shall see what happens... I'll probably spoil some things, so if you haven't seen the whole season yet... you've been warned! So I loved the way it started out. It was a little odd because it didn't take place at Lynchfield Prison and some people are complaining it didn't feel right to start without the whole gang in Lychfield, but I really liked it. Because the show is such an ensemble, a lot of times t can feel like the show isn't really about Piper and her story. I thought the way it focused on Piper and Alex and the way that Piper got in prison in the first place was important. It also showed a lot of new characters that were super super funny and it was just overall a super funny and entertaining episode. It also gave us a good insight into the relationship between Piper and Alex. Piper lies for Alex, Alex told the truth and betrayed Piper. Alex and Piper seemed to get over their original problems and th...

Top 5 Friday: The Monday Edition

Soooo I thought I would make things a little more personal on this blog and tell you guys the top 5 things that happened to me this week and just share my life with you guys. 5) I had Chipotle 2 days in a row- And I ordered the same thing too! I think the Chipotle I go to has new employees or something because they had been skimping a lot on the bowl the last few times I had gone before this week and now they're doing a good job. Both days I got heaping amounts of food. I think I found the best time to go too... but I don't really want to share it because I don't want it to get crowded around that time. Lol sorry, I'm going to be selfish about Chipotle. If you're smart, you'll figure it out. It's good! 4) I finished Orange is the New Black On Sunday- I wanted to make this a "Top 5 Friday" but because of a number of reasons this week... it was a big week. More than 5 things happened. Anyway among them was my obsession with Orange is The New Blac...

Stuff That Happened This Week! (6/1-6/8)

1) Racist Video of Justin Bieber singing parody of One Less Lonely girl surfaces- This is disturbing to watch, not just because it's Justin Bieber at a young age joking about the KKK, but there is clearly someone in the background laughing at him. It seems to me that someone put him up to it, filmed it and thought "hey I'll sell this to TMZ years later and make everyone hate Justin Bieber more." It's pretty impossible for me to hate Justin Bieber more than I already do, and I think the video is awful- but that being said, he has apologized for it a lot and I think it was something someone forced him to do. I mean he shouldn't have done it, but kids do stupid things and in teen pop star years 14 is really 7... not that that excuses it either, I just don't think this is the #1 reason for America to hate Justin Bieber. He told Usher and Will Smith about it before the video was released, and to me that shows that he is and was genuinely embarrassed about it an...