Alright- I've mentioned a few times that I've been doing Yoga lately... and I actually think it's really been good for me!
What I'm Doing?
So I started off doing a beginner yoga video from Yoga with Adrienne and then I found another video that was part of her 30 Days of Yoga challenge from 2015... so right now I've been keeping up with that year's challenge and so far I have finished up to day 7.
The videos are actually pretty easy to follow. There are a few moves where I'm like "I can't do this." But some... I've ended up being able to do a few days later. Or at least kind of do. Plus most of the videos are like 20-ish minutes... so it's not too long but it's still a nice workout. I kind of feel sore sometimes after- but now I feel like I've gotten a little better and it's a little easier.
And I have skipped 2 days... one I was just exhausted after work...and one I had a bad headache and even though it went away I didn't think Yoga would make me feel any better. So I feel pretty okay... I'm trying to do something every other day at least... but i'd like to finish this around 30 days.
Am I losing Weight?
I think I've lost a few inches, maybe some weight. I had a pair of jeans that I bought a little bit big in February- before the shutdown- because I thought it would be better than the size down. So they used to be a little bit big, and then after the shutdown they fit pretty good... and now they're pretty big now. So... I guess it's helped a bit.
How Am I Feeling?
So part of why I wanted to do yoga was because it feels nice to kind of stretch out and it relieves some pain and a lot of times my lower back hurts so I thought that yoga might help it feel a little better. And it has been feeling better lately so I think it is kind of helping my body alignment.
I'll probably check in more with this from time to time if you're interested... but I feel like if I write about it- I'll stick to it!
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