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Shannon's Favorite Things: Ranked

Alright... so I'm a person of many interests... here I am going to kind of rank my favorite favorite things, and talk about why I like them so much. By the way these are only inanimate objects or pop culture related things... There might be a few people listed but it's their work I'm referring to. 

Some of the things might kind of connect... like I have Pixar, Star Wars, Disney and Marvel all listed separately but... I was trying to make a top 20 list and they should be separated anyway. Also this is only as of right this second- July 14th 2020 at 8:17pm when I'm writing this. It might be different by the time I post this. 

Honorable Mention: 

John Wick- 

So I had this on the list... then remembered Starbucks... so John Wick just seemed like the thing that wasn't a part of my everyday life- it is my favorite movie franchise that isn't Disney related... I just really like John Wick right now. 

20) Parks and Recreation 

Okay Parks and Recreation was not going to be on my original list- it was brought in for the top 20... interestingly enough- not everything brought in for the top 20 will be like this. So I absolutely LOVE this show- it is one of the best shows of all time... possibly even my favorite of all time but... I feel like rewatching it isn't quite as fun as other shows that I'm going to have higher on the list. It's not that this is a bad show at all- it's just the thing I have the least interest in right at this moment. 

19) Panic At The Disco- 

I still like all the bands I listened to in high school- and I do still listen to them from time to time... and I actually think Panic at the Disco is one of the only bands that's new stuff is as good if not better than their older stuff. The band has just had so many stages and each album is so different and so good in it's own way. I really think Brendon Urie is talented... and damn he's been through a lot and done a lot with the band.  I feel like they should be higher on the list... but I don't always listen to their whole albums... but they're still really great! 

18) Fall Out Boy- 

The same thing with Panic at The Disco... but I liked Fall Out Boy a whole lot more in high school. I don't think they're as good now... but I still like Fall Out Boy a lot! 

17) Handbags/ Fashion 

Sooo I love handbags... and fashion and backpacks. I'm putting Handbags specifically more because... I love handbags. I buy things more like Coach, Kate Spade, and Michael Kors- nothing too fancy or designer... but I do love a good handbag. 

And fashion sort of. I just love putting outfits together, buying cute things, getting compliments. It's fun! 

16) Harry Potter- 

I'm trying to put my feelings about JK Rowling aside while writing about Harry Potter because what she's been tweeting about the Trans Community isn't something I can just say I disagree with- what she's saying is 100% wrong and I have lost all respect for her because of it. 

Either way- I still feel like Harry Potter has to be towards the bottom of the list because I do love the series and I'd definitely read the books again- but The Crimes of Grindlewald was really really bad. And I don't even think I want to watch the third movie and I really don't think any more of the movies will get made. So nothing new from this franchise is good- but the old stuff is still really great. 

15) Lady Gaga 

I love Lady Gaga and all that she does. I still haven't listened to her new album... but I like the new singles and the new songs I've heard from it. I should listen to Kesha's new album too because Kesha's Rainbow is one of my all time favorites... Anyway yeah. I love Lady Gaga! 

14) Marvel 

I love Marvel... but they haven't done much new stuff lately... and I'm not really that excited for Black Widow... I'm not sure. This might change when Wandavision and Falcon and Winter Soldier come out... but right now it's number 14! 

13) Pixar

I really love Pixar! Onward was great and I'm very excited for Soul and whatever they have planned... it's always really good. They always make me cry and Monster's Inc is one of my favorite movies. I really love Pixar movies. 

12)  Lizzo 

Lizzo is maybe my favorite singer right now. Her songs just make me happy... Truth Hurts is my favorite- but her whole album is really really good. I would love to see her live one day because her shows are probably really fun! 

11) Star Wars 

Star Wars has been a favorite of mine since I was a little kid! The last couple of movies were entertaining... but I felt like they weren't great and they kind of left a lot of questions and they left a lot to be desired I guess. I liked The Force Awakens a lot- but the other 2 movies weren't exactly what I was expecting. The Mandalorian was AMAZING though. 

10) Funko Pops- 

So I collect a lot of Funko Pops and they make me happy to look at. I like having a small representation of my favorite characters. It's just a fun hobby to have I guess and a fun thing to collect. 

9) The Office- 

I'm watching The Office right now actually. It's a fun show to re-watch because there are so many seasons. It's on once or twice a week which is kind of a lot... I usually only watch it on the weekends sometimes... but I do really look forward to watching it. I know it's kind of silly because I've seen the episodes so many times but... it's just a funny show! 

8) Minions- 

The Minions!!! I love Minions- that's I think what people associate with me because... I'm a minion person lol. I just think they're really cute and funny! 

7) Makeup- 

So I have a makeup blog! I really love doing my makeup in the morning! It's just a nice relaxing thing and it's fun to see my face looking different. 

6) Nia Vardalos-

Nia Vardalos is one of my favorite celebrities. She is the writer and Star of both My Big Fat Greek Wedding Movies and... she's written a lot of other funny movies too and she's just a really nice person on Instagram and I'm just a big fan of hers. She seems like a family member to me. She also has a good book called Instant Mom about how she adopted her daughter! 

5) Animal Crossing- 

So Animal Crossing kept me occupied for the whole quarantine. I still love playing it and I love it! I love all the villagers and I really like how chill it is and that you can kind of just play at your own leisure. It's really nice! 

4) Disney- 

A lot of the things I mention are Disney things. And I was thinking of even mentioning things like Nightmare Before Christmas, or the Disney Princesses or Rapunzel or something... I just really like disney in general. Disney theme parks too... I just like them a lot! 

3) Starbucks- 

I need at least one Starbucks a Day... Sorry not sorry. 

2) Friends- 

This is another one of the main things I did in quarantine... I played Animal Crossing and watched Friends pretty much all day. And it was great. I've seen Friends a million times or more- yet it still always makes me laugh and a lot of times there are new things I notice in the show. Doing Friends Friday's made me really happy on this blog- and I'm definitely going to continue with it... but I think I'm also going to write about other shows and other things on this list as well... this is part of why I wanted to do this blog... I just really like Friends. 

1) Hamilton- 

Alright so after watching Hamilton on Disney+... Hamilton is definitely the best thing of all the things I like. It's my favorite Play, my favorite CD and it might just be my favorite movie now... it's... a lot! And everytime I tell someone about it their like "Ehhh I don't know" and then they watch it or listen to it and they like it just as much as I do and as much as everyone else does. I can only review it saying that I listened to it every day for about a year before I finally saw it live... and when I did see it live it WAYYYYYYYYY exceeded my expectations. To say I'm a massive fan is an understatement... this is just amazing. 

Bye! Hope you guys like this blog! This has been really fun for me to write and for me to think about! 


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