So I went to Barnes and Noble today and I got some stuff... probably too much stuff but... hey! That's life right?
Anyway, first I saw a cover that looked interesting for the book The Down Days by Ilize Hugo. This sounded REALLY SCARY and it's an apocalyptic world. There was an illness that made everyone have hallucination and they had a laughing epidemic... and it just sounds like a crazy, complicated and scary book that I really want to read. And I have a week off next week so I want to see if I can maybe read some things... so this is exciting.
Next up I saw an endcap with Hamilton and Lin Manuel Miranda related books so I picked up the Music and Lyric book for In The Heights Music and Lyrics book... I've seen In The Heights with Lin Manuel Miranda in it and I do have the lyric book for Hamilton- so I wanted to get this too when I saw it... so I did!
And I got the Lin Manuel Miranda G'morning Gnight Little Pep Talks For You and Me which is a collection of Lin's tweets illustrated by Johnny Sun... I don't like inspirational quotes... but these are the type of inspirational quotes and messages I do like so... yeah I'm excited to read it when I wake up and/ or before bed!
And then in the line I saw one of those 642 Little things to write about books... and I have one of those but... I thought another one would be useful. I like the little size of this so... I finally bought it. I know I probably shouldn't have but... I've been wanting this for a while so I got it.
Anyway that is everything! I hope you guys like it!
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