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Shannon's Scribbles 4.22.17

So I'm changing things up a little bit because I thought I could make these posts a little bit better so... we'll see how that goes.

Monday was a good day... start of the week... not terrible for me. I know a lot of people don't like Mondays because it is the beginning of the week... but it's also the day after easter... I was an okay with that. It felt like part of a holiday still... of corse I don't actually work so there's that. My niece did come over and my mom and I watch her on Mondays... but my dad was home too so he watched her too. So it was just a nice day. It was a good day... and I don't have anything more to say about that.

Tuesday was a more exciting day... I went to Target... and Target is a wonderful, wonderful place! I ended up getting a moleskin journal, some pens and some stamps and some sequins. The Sequins are for my blog and IG pictures... the other stuff is for my bullet journal... which I'm kind of loving right now. It's a really fun way to unplug for an hour or so... I like "Unplugging" which is when I just don't use the computer or phone for an hour. I think that is something important because I'm on social media so much and I blog every day and I just need a break a lot of times... so this is a nice "Unplugging" journal... and oddly enough I want to do a blog where I write thoughts completely unplugged... that seems counterproductive... but I might include that in a Scribble or two during the week... we'll see.

 I also started an Instagram dedicated to this blog, writing and my Bullet Journal... which seems interesting... idk how I'm exactly going to use it just yet... but I'm happy to have it. I have a few posts on there. The account is Shannonsscribbles... so there's that. Not for everyone... but I'm happy for it! It took me a long time for the cover... I like that it looks so very me. I'm not often proud of making something because I'm a very sloppy person... so usually when I make something... you can tell I made it... this one I'm sort of happy that it looks like I made it. I never decorated my Graduation Cap because it would look like I made it... I kind of regret that... but now I would want a Hamilton Quote on it and Hamilton wasn't around back then... so it makes sense that I didn't do that... but this makes up for that regret.

Speaking of regret... I also went to Ulta... not that I regret this decision at all... but I did something kind of regretful. I don't want to get into details... but a lot of things that have been happening lately have been scaring me a little bit... I haven't left the house very often the last few days... but when I have... something weird has been happening. Mercury must be in retrograde or there's a full moon or something. But something happened before I got into Ulta scared me just a little bit. It was nothing too interesting- nothing paranormal happened- no one hurt me in any way... it just caught me off guard and I was worried.

So I didn't buy quite as much as I wanted and I got out... forgetting that the whole reason why I went to Ulta in the first place was the 20% off coupon... so I walked to a few other stores there... went to join my mom where she was buying clothes and things for my niece... and she said the word Coupon and then I went "OHHH, I forgot my coupon!" And then I went back to Ulta and got my discount... so that was a whole ordeal!

It's funny though because lately I had been thinking about how one thing leads to the next and that can kind of change everything about your day. Like in my 13 Reasons Why review- everyone's actions have consequences. The other day I put my hair in a bun... which I never do... and put on my glasses... which I usually do... and that changed my day. This simple little thing... right place- right time changed that little bit of a day for me.

I also went to Dollar Tree that day and bought some stuff for my Bullet Journal... so that was fun... but another weird thing- Im sure the guy said that my total was $12 and then I handed him $13 and he said "You're paying with $13?" And gave me $4 change back... because my total was only $8... and I was like "But you said????" Lol. I'm sure it was him this time and not me... but that was funny.

Wednesday not a whole lot happened... watched my niece and that was fun. Played with my makeup that I got during the Ulta sale... and I just had a nice chill day... sometimes you need that. I saw the Unicorn Frap ALL over instagram... that was funny. Didn't expect to see that everywhere... but it makes me have fomo that I need to try it before it goes away... but I usually drink Starbucks in the morning and idk if I want that in the morning. I think I need to get a tall... but I hate getting talls... we'll see what happens tomorrow and maybe Friday.

Thursday was more shopping... I went to Sephora... and it was like a million degrees... but I found one of the only Nars Fully Loaded Eyeshadow Palettes! I put one in my basket right when I saw it and I shopped around a bit more... by the time I looked at it again... there were no more left! So I was happy I got that. I got a Bite Beauty kit too that I was happy for. It had all full sized things and a sparkly lipgloss!

Plus my Jouer Palette that I ordered over the weekend came in the mail... so that was really exciting! So much stuff to play with and review! I'm really excited!

And I really liked what I wore today... it was simple but it was put together well and I just liked how it looked on me... so that was good! It put me in such a good mood to be wearing something I really liked. Plus it was a nice day out... I was just really happy with everything.

I had tacos today too! Which is even better than shopping! They were good! I also had a good salad for dinner at my favorite restaurant... so it was just a nice day as far as good food is concerned. They had a corn and bacon chowder too... so so good!

Sometimes little things make more of a difference than you think. If you wake up thinking "I'm going to dress like a disney princess or Alice in Wonderland" you might be in a better mood than waking up not into that.... so that's a good way to think of things.

Friday I continued on that sort of positive "Look Good Feel Good" mentality. I wasn't doing anything... but I bought some new things at Old Navy that I wanted to wear- got some things from sephora I wanted to try out... so I wore those... and I felt really confident in myself... wasn't really planning on going anywhere... did end up going to the outlets with my mom and I got some things from American Eagle and a Mac Pigment set from CCO... which I was excited to try... and I tried the Unicorn Frap... which was sooooooo exciting! Idk if it was so much that it was delicious or if I was just super excited to try it... but I did really like it... not my favorite drink from them... but its a good one and I'm happy to try that! I already wrote my Weekly Wrap Up before I finished this... and I'm not editing that and I hadn't tried the Unicorn Frap yet... so if you're wondering... that is why.

I also went out to eat later in the night... and I had lots of pasta and lots of bacon... it was bad. I had a cheesy bacon pasta appetizer, a corn chowder with bacon soup, and a tortellini with bacon in it... it was kind of bad.

I also tried the Philadelphia Cream Cheese Cheesecake thingys... that was pretty good... I would maybe take some of the cream cheese part with some of the chocolate instead of mixing it all in... or I would mix half and then dip with the other half... because it wasn't quite chocolatey enough that way.

So yeah... in a pretty good mood. Hope you guys are as well!



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