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Weekly Wrap Up 6.26.16

The Tonight Dough- This ice cream flavor... is amazing! I love it! 

Me Before You- I started reading and listening to this book more this week... and its really good! Its one of those books that makes me grateful for what I have and I feel more accepting of others and how they are... if that makes sense. I'm not that far in... but I like it a lot so far!

Grace and Frankie- I just really liked the way it ended and I thought it was really good... now I'm onto OITNB so... yeah! lol.

Snippets from the week 
-I don't think I mentioned this last week... but it happened saturday and its kind of funny. I saw a train case in my room and it was filled with newer jewelry that I wasn't reaching for because I was too lazy to ever grab for it. And I was like "Hey I could probably clear out some of my jewelry, put that in my big jewelry box and then use this for travel." And then I spent most of my day clearing and decluttering my jewelry just because of that... and it set me back with what I was supposed to do that day... but that kind of made me feel better. Except idk what to do with the jewelry. Lol. Some of its old or broken so I'm just getting rid of it, and some of it is better and I can donate that... so yeah. I'll have to figure out that sort of stuff too... 
- Monday wasn't a good day. But no day is totally bad. I watched some As Told By Ginger because Snapchat did a seal filter so I sang The Little Seal Girl... lol.
-But on Monday funny story: My Mom, Nana and I were at the cemetery to water flowers on my grandfathers grave. And to visit him because it was the anniversary of his death... so that was sad. But my mom tried to get water from the hose and it was leaking on the side... so my grandmother and I also got wet... lol. That made us laugh!
-Tuesday was a little more positive. Not much really happened... but nothing bad really happened... so that's good.
-Wednesday... I did a what's up Wednesday on that... you can read what happened to me then.
-Friday I went out with my friends and that was a lot of fun! Thursday not much happened... so yeah.

TV Highlights 
I watched The Goldbergs finale this week... that was really good. American Gothic... which I'll have a review on soon and Grace and Frankie, which I reviewed also! And I watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2! Love that movie!

Noteworthy Snacks 
Blueberry Oreos, The Tonight Dough... I had an iced chai latte... all was good! 

News and World Events 

Actor Anton Yelchin died in a tragic freak car accident. He was getting his mail and the car rolled over him and lodged him in between the mailbox and the gate or something like that... straight out of a movie Anton would have likely starred in because he did do a lot of unique independent movies. I'm a big fan of David Duchovny, so I know him from Duchovny's movie House of D and I thought he did a great job. He was one of those actors I was always waiting to really make it big. It sounded like he was a genuinely nice guy and great to work with as well from other celebrity twitter condolences. Very sad. He will be missed greatly. 

Youtuber Pewdiepie, the most popular youtuber was kicked out of his recording studio by a homophobic landlord that thought Felix was having gay sex and came down and yelled anti gay slurs at him... Felix handled it well and said he's happy to be away from that man anyway. Felix is straight, but joked that at least he can do sound bites for gay porn now. I have to watch his videos again, he's funny and seems like a nice guy. 

Matt Leblanc is planning on leaving the show Top Gear if his co host Chris Evans, not to be confused with the actor Chris Evans, isn't fired. Evans is apparently rude to the team members and LeBlanc doesn't want to work with him anymore for those reasons. Interesting.

Brexit is probably the biggest news of the week... and while I don't fully understand it because I don't know much about finance in my own countries let alone in other countries, here is an article of British celebrities and their opinions on it. Its pretty one-sided against the decision to leave the union... if you want to read more of a fact- based article thats a little longer, but it will answer any questions you may have about it, and it breaks it down in an easier-to-understand way, here is a BBC article about it. Lin Manuel Miranda wrote that the song What Comes Next came to mind... and I kinda thought that too... so who knows what comes next!

David Duchovny started a campaign where if you get your dog to lick your face, he will donate money to his favorite animal charity, trying to get Shelters to not kill animals! So post a video or a photo of your dog licking your face, or your cat or any animal and it will go to a good cause!

Stephen Tyler announced that Aerosmith will be on its farewell tour in 2017... so thats a thing.

I feel like I've been more creative lately, and I think its maybe because I'm not really pushing myself too hard... but I am still kind of pushing myself. I'm trying to think outside the box and come up with different ideas for blogs and books and other things. And I've been dreaming about ideas and other things... and I've been writing more... so clearly I'm doing something right. Lol. 

I used to do this and I loved it... here are some things I found online this week that are just worthy of taking a look at! 

Listen Up-Gender: Kimberly Clark - Kimberly Clark is a drag queen that does beauty videos and anti-hauls on youtube and she has a lot of interesting things to say and she's really smart... so this is an interesting video and I look forward to the series. 

Lick My Face Campaign - Here's what I was talking about with David Duchovny

Lin Manuel Miranda's First Periscope - No explanation needed!

Hamilton in 7 Minutes- An A Capella group performs a medley of the songs from Hamilton!



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