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Stuff That Happened This Week! (9/21/14-9/27/14)

1) Jason Derulo and Jordin Sparks are split- Here is my reaction to the split... I posted this on facebook:

1) It makes me sad that Jordin Sparks and Jason Derulo are over 2) I really don't like either one of them as singers, so this actually should have no impact on my life at all. 3) I like the way that facebook news says "Jordin Sparks and Jason Derulo are breaking up" instead of "Jordin Sparks and Jason Derulo broke up" because I feel like its happening this very moment and I'm excited. 4) I wonder if he broke the news to her by singing his name first. That is all I have to say about this break up.

So yeah. That's about it. Derulo denies cheating rumors and says he and Jordin had a great relationship, but relationships have their ups and downs and they have actually split. So sad about that. Again, don't really like either of their music... so idk why I care... but I do.

Also Wiz Khaliefa and his wife split! Which is more music I don't really care about, but its a thing.

2) Kris Kardashian files for divorce- This seems like a shocker to no one... Kardashians and Divorces go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly. Actually more like Peanut Butter and Bread, its pretty common. I don't know what exactly is going on with Chris Jenner, but he seems to be up to some stuff. I don't know if he's really in the process of getting a sex change or not, but as of lately he has begun to look more feminine than Kris... not that that's hard. Lot's of men look more feminine than Kris... wow this is mean. Lol anyway they're over I guess, which is less sad then Jason Derulo and Jordin Sparks.

3) Modern Family star files restraining order against long term boyfriend- This is actually terrifying news that makes me really upset because Sarah Hyland seems like such a nice girl and whenever I saw pictures of her with this guy I didn't think he was crazy at all. The two broke up not that long ago after dating for a long time. I think Julie Bowen spoke out against him or something also and that set him off more or something like that. It's just a really sad issue and I really wish the best for Sarah. She's beautiful and funny and talented and no one deserves that.

Also E! News upset me a lot because they mentioned this as one of their headlines and they said "It's not a new episode of Scandal" trying to make light of this situation. That is a huge part of the problem! There are so many media outlets that try to joke about these terrible situations where celebrities are abused by their spouses. In a class of mine we talked a lot about the Ray Rice thing and apparently some news channel said "I guess the lesson here is to take the stairs." Like really? This huge guy just beat his wife till she passed out in an elevator. That's not a light situation or anything to joke about.

4) George Clooney marries Whatshername- Just kidding. Her name is Amal Whatshername! Lol so everyone was surprised at this because he's the world famous bachelor and he's always got a different girl on his arm and he swore never to get married again... and now he's married, which is fine. I know there was some sort of bet between Nicole Kidman and someone else years ago as to when he would get married. I don't know if either one of them has paid up yet or not! Lol. Congrats to the happy couple, and never say never I suppose.

5) Derek Jeter plays last game in Yankee Stadium- The end of an era! And he WON! So yes, the Yankees played on Monday and it was Jeter's last game in Yankees stadium and it was amazing because they won! And it was a good game besides him winning from what I hear and yeah. I don't know much about sports, but I do enjoy baseball and the one Yankees game I went to, it was super SUPER exciting when Derek Jeter was at the bat. Him, A.Rod (who I hate now, as does everyone) and Nick Swisher all made the game super exciting to watch, and me not being a sports fan really appreciated that.

6) Leah Remini and J.Lo rear ended in a car with J.Lo's kids- I read this story wrong on facebook. It said what I said right there, but I thought it said ended instead of rear ended. And I was like "Oh my gosh! Leah Remini and J.Lo died together with their kids!" and then I got angry cause "ended" seemed like it was making light of the situation again and I was already upset with the news. Thankfully they're all okay, but J.Lo tweeted that it was a drunk driver and that he fled the scene after hitting them. Which is not okay, don't drink and drive!

7) Chelsea Clinton and Snookie Welcome Baby Girls- Chelsea Clinton recently gave birth to a baby girl named Charlotte this week. Snookie also gave birth to a baby girl who's name will probably end up being Destiny or Karma or some stripper name. Idk I just remember Snookie or Jwow or someone saying that they didn't believe the doctors when they said that they were having a girl... and you know, I'm a believer that you know your body better than anyone... but the doctor is probably right over someone named Snookie or Jwow. Ummm yeah...

Also still pretty sure Snookie and Danny Devito are the same person. And pissed that Rutgers got Snookie to talk at their college instead of...someone useful.

8) Woman gets a third boob- 

I mean this is totally fake but its too funny not to mention. It was reported on that this was a hoax, but before that she said it was to stop male attention... that would be like trying to get me not to eat chocolate ever again and then locking me up in a room filled with chocolate. You give someone to much of what they like and it makes them sick... which works. But also notice that someone was clearly murdered in this house. There is blood on the shower curtain! This girl should be investigated. There's also a video with a cage in the backround too... wtf is with this girls house!?!?!?! I think she'll already get no male attention.

9) Apple Iphone 6 can bend- Yep you leave the new Iphone in your pocket and sit on it, your ass is going to bend it. Heyyyy how about don't sit on your phone? Kinda common sense. People are pissed about it... but if they have enough common sense this is a complete nonissue.

10) NJ based author sues Disney because Frozen is her life story- What the actual hell????? Yes apparently a story about a girl who falls in love with a man who is raised by trolls and has to go on a trek with said man, his reindeer, and a talking snow man in order to get her sister to stop being an ice princess and unfreeze the frozen city that she's frozen... that's not similar to anyone's real life. This author says that in her book she mentioned hurting her sister when she was younger and the sister lost her memory, there are guys named Hans and Christoff and there is also a sky that is similar to the DVD cover of the movie...

This is freaking stupid. I'm going to sue every movie now because this is a thing. Any movie where a white girl has curly brown hair and glasses? That is basically my life and I want 250,000,000.01 and a cease and desist for all these things existing. (I think its weird the article says 250,000,000.00... why do they need the .00 if there's no change. That's why I'm suing for a penny more.)

Some people just need to LET IT GO! Boom! Nailed It! Bye!


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