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Top Charts and stuff this week: Sept 1st 2014


5) Break Free  by Ariana Grande ft. Zedd- I always say that I kind of hate Ariana Grande, but I like Problem and Bang Bang... So I guess I like her? This isn't bad. I would have been okay with this if it played when I was working. Not the best but it's good. 

4) Anaconda by Nicki Minaj- I'm kind of obsessed with this song. I don't know why, I've started loving Nicki Minaj from nowhere! I blame my friend Regan lol. I also like the Sir Mixalot song that they use, so obviously I like it! And the fart edit of the video is hilarious! 

3) Bang Bang by Jesse J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj- I just mentioned that I like this song a lot. I like Nicki Minaj a lot. The thing I don't like about Ariana Grande is that her song The Way just sounded like it's been around forever and there wasn't anything fun or different about it. It just sounded like a TLC song, but it isn't. 

2) All About That Bass- I've mentioned liking this song before too. It's something I've been hearing more on the radios and stuff also and I think it's nice. A lot of these songs are actually for girls that have curves and asses so that's a good thing. 

1) Shake it off by Taylor Swift- I have 2 Taylor Swift CDs on my iPod, I will probably borrow this one when my sister gets it and I'll probably end up liking it... But Taylor Swift does kind of annoy me to know end! She just seems so bitchy and like she doesn't really appreciate all of her success. She won a VMA or some award not that long ago and it was the night after she had a huge concert and she just didn't seem all that grateful. She was just kind of been there done that about it.  Plus I don't like that she put down Tina Fey and Amy Poehler because those are my queens. You don't insult them. And making a song about shaking off all the haters isn't really shaking it off... Lol. So yeah. Those are my thoughts on that. Not a huge fan of the song I guess, 


5) Let's be Cops- This was a good movie but I'm kinda surprised it's still number 5. It was really funny but I just figured with all these action movies out it might get knocked down. Glad to see people are still liking this. I think Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr are really great together and this is just a really funny movie and they were both excellent. 

4) As Above, So Below- I have no idea what this movie is about. I've seen the commercials and I get that it's a horror movie, but I don't think there is any other plot to it than that. What a weird title for a horror movie? Like it will never be one of those really great scary movies because the title you can barely say. And it's just very generic and doesn't really tell you anything about the movie. I really hate that with movies and tv shows. It's just weird. 

3) If I Stay- I thought this would have been way more popular. It's based off of a really sad book for teenagers, so I figured that would sucker people in for the next several weeks. I really don't know anything about this book, but it's another book I feel like is kind of exploiting a tragedy. Like they hear how great In The Fault of Our Stars is doing so they go "you know cancer is selling really well these days. We should give our main girl cancer that way it'll be so much more romantic when the boy falls in love with better yet let's put her in a coma. That's even sadder!" You know? Like there are people going through this situation right now and it's not romantic and it could be life changing, but it's also really scary. Emily Gordon, who's a comedian and host of a podcast and she's on the Comedy Central show The Meltdown was in a coma and she wrote a blog post or something about it. And it's not a time to think of as romantic or anything, it's just sad and it sucks. Anyway, I just kind of think it's wrong to do that. But whatever, the movie doesn't look bad. Lol. 

2) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- This movie looked terrible. Still looks god awful. I don't really care much about it. I do love Will Arnett, who is in this but that's about it. Probably ruining some childhoods. 

1) Guardians of The Galaxy- I loved this movie! It's like a funny Star Wars. I thought the characters were great and the storyline was interesting and not too actiony. Not a fan of the marvel movies really, but this isn't like the regular marvel movies. It's actually really good and exciting and I love it. 

Side note: I hate that fangirls of this movie are starting to watch Parks and Rec now. It's like when someone you don't like starts liking something you like and you just have to either stop liking that thing or forget it happened so it doesn't bother you. It's not like you can get me to stop liking parks and rec though. It is the best. Besides arrested development and breaking bad. Lol. 


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