A lot of times a lot of jokes and stuff in tv shows can get lost throughout the entire series and things like that... but there are a few hidden gems in the writing world that just stick out to me even years after the show has ended. This is kind of something I want to do a lot in with my writing, so this is something that's important to me. These may not be the exact lines and they aren't the
Will And Grace
This is what inspired this post. There's an episode where I believe Grace is fighting with her friend Ellen and Karen is trying to stick up for Grace I believe. She insults what Ellen is wearing and:
Ellen: I got this from Ann Taylor Loft!
Karen: And when you walked down the street I bet they all Loft! (meaning laughed.)
I just thought that was so funny. And now of corse whenever I see a Loft or an Ann Taylor Loft I say "and when you walk down the street, they'll all lof" lol. I was with a group of my friends a few weeks ago and one of my friends mentioned that she wanted to loft the bed in her dorm and then my other friend said "and they all loft" and I started dying. It's just this silly little line from a tv show that I had repeated soo many times that now its an inside joke between my friends. And it's such an obscure Will and Grace joke that I don't think many people would get it, but to me it stuck out and its soooo sooo great!
The League
Anything Rafi does is just so funny and amazing, but in season 5 after the Rafi and Dirty Randy episode, I think he's at his best! He and Kevin are talking because Kevin left Taco money in his will and Taco needed to pay Rafi back, but he couldn't do it until Kevin was dead or Kevin had to give him the money. SO that whole thing is funny to begin with. But then Rafi explains that he's invested in "stocks" including chicken stock, beef stock, vegetable stock and he says that in the apocalypse everyone is going to come for him for soup. And then he says "I'm going to be a Boulien-aire." LOL! Just his face, the delivery of that line in particular and Rafi's behavior through the whole episode are just ON POINT and it was just such a funny line. None of these probably sound funny when I explain them like this, this may have been a less good blog post than I thought... but ohhh well. lol.
I could probably keep going on with friends, but I just want to pick one line. It was an episode in season 7 called the one with Phoebe's cookies... idk. But anyway... you know what? This is not going to translate in text... let me find a clip... here. Basically Monica wants Phoebe's grandmother's cookie recipe and Monica bakes a bunch of cookies to try to match it. And Phoebe thinks that she can get it from her relative Nestley Tou-louse... which is Nestle Tollhouse! Lol its just really funny and with the show as a whole 10 seasons... this is a moment that sticks out.
In one episode Andy Bellfleur says "Jesus Tits and God America." There is nothing that that doesn't offend... but that's funny.
Bob's Burgers
Louise and Gene are telling Bob all the holidays they like better than Thanksgiving and Louise says "Angela Lansbury's Birthday." First off... this would be funny enough to begin with. What a random holiday! It's like me wanting to celebrate Macklemore's birthday.(One time I had a dream that Macklemore's birthday was a celebration like Thanksgiving.) Anyway Angela Lansbury's birthday just happens to be October 16th... which is also MY BIRTHDAY! And Angela Lansbury is totally my favorite birthday buddy! She's much better than John Mayer! I also thought it was funny that Gene said the season premier of Game of Thrones. Lol.
Anyway I think that is it for right now... I think I'll do more of these, but that's it right now. Check these out if you can find them anywhere.
Will And Grace
This is what inspired this post. There's an episode where I believe Grace is fighting with her friend Ellen and Karen is trying to stick up for Grace I believe. She insults what Ellen is wearing and:
Ellen: I got this from Ann Taylor Loft!
Karen: And when you walked down the street I bet they all Loft! (meaning laughed.)
I just thought that was so funny. And now of corse whenever I see a Loft or an Ann Taylor Loft I say "and when you walk down the street, they'll all lof" lol. I was with a group of my friends a few weeks ago and one of my friends mentioned that she wanted to loft the bed in her dorm and then my other friend said "and they all loft" and I started dying. It's just this silly little line from a tv show that I had repeated soo many times that now its an inside joke between my friends. And it's such an obscure Will and Grace joke that I don't think many people would get it, but to me it stuck out and its soooo sooo great!
The League
Anything Rafi does is just so funny and amazing, but in season 5 after the Rafi and Dirty Randy episode, I think he's at his best! He and Kevin are talking because Kevin left Taco money in his will and Taco needed to pay Rafi back, but he couldn't do it until Kevin was dead or Kevin had to give him the money. SO that whole thing is funny to begin with. But then Rafi explains that he's invested in "stocks" including chicken stock, beef stock, vegetable stock and he says that in the apocalypse everyone is going to come for him for soup. And then he says "I'm going to be a Boulien-aire." LOL! Just his face, the delivery of that line in particular and Rafi's behavior through the whole episode are just ON POINT and it was just such a funny line. None of these probably sound funny when I explain them like this, this may have been a less good blog post than I thought... but ohhh well. lol.
I could probably keep going on with friends, but I just want to pick one line. It was an episode in season 7 called the one with Phoebe's cookies... idk. But anyway... you know what? This is not going to translate in text... let me find a clip... here. Basically Monica wants Phoebe's grandmother's cookie recipe and Monica bakes a bunch of cookies to try to match it. And Phoebe thinks that she can get it from her relative Nestley Tou-louse... which is Nestle Tollhouse! Lol its just really funny and with the show as a whole 10 seasons... this is a moment that sticks out.
In one episode Andy Bellfleur says "Jesus Tits and God America." There is nothing that that doesn't offend... but that's funny.
Bob's Burgers
Louise and Gene are telling Bob all the holidays they like better than Thanksgiving and Louise says "Angela Lansbury's Birthday." First off... this would be funny enough to begin with. What a random holiday! It's like me wanting to celebrate Macklemore's birthday.(One time I had a dream that Macklemore's birthday was a celebration like Thanksgiving.) Anyway Angela Lansbury's birthday just happens to be October 16th... which is also MY BIRTHDAY! And Angela Lansbury is totally my favorite birthday buddy! She's much better than John Mayer! I also thought it was funny that Gene said the season premier of Game of Thrones. Lol.
Anyway I think that is it for right now... I think I'll do more of these, but that's it right now. Check these out if you can find them anywhere.
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