So this is a little Stuff that happened this year type of things... But I'm going over the top 14 news type of things that happened this year. No order. 1) Lots of hacking- If you were a celebrity in 2014, chances are there is some classified personal information out about you whether it be in the form of pictures or projects of yours or what other people think of you. First there were lots of nude photos being hacked and leaked to the internet. Then there was the Sony hack more recently where a lot of information and emails bashing various celebrities was leaked to the public. This all happened because of the movie The Interview which they cancelled in a bitchy decision and then they re-released it online and in select theaters and it was a huge success. So yeah there is that. It could have easily been a crazy marketing campaign for this movie... Idk lol. 2) We hate a lot of people and things we didn't use to hate- Bill Cosby was a beloved Sitcom dad. We loved Dr, Huxtable....