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Showing posts from 2014

Top 14 things that happened in 2014

So this is a little Stuff that happened this year type of things... But I'm going over the top 14 news type of things that happened this year. No order.  1) Lots of hacking- If you were a celebrity in 2014, chances are there is some classified personal information out about you whether it be in the form of pictures or projects of yours or what other people think of you. First there were lots of nude photos being hacked and leaked to the internet. Then there was the Sony hack more recently where a lot of information and emails bashing various celebrities was leaked to the public. This all happened because of the movie The Interview which they cancelled in a bitchy decision and then they re-released it online and in select theaters and it was a huge success. So yeah there is that. It could have easily been a crazy marketing campaign for this movie... Idk lol.  2) We hate a lot of people and things we didn't use to hate- Bill Cosby was a beloved Sitcom dad. We loved Dr, Huxtable....

Favorites I forgot about

Okay 2 shows I forgot about In my yearly favorites. 1) Bojack Horseman- probably the most different comedy I've ever seen. It's super funny, like laugh a minute type of funny... But it's also really sad and dark. The voice actors are great Paul F Tompkins is one of the funniest people ever and he voices such a funny character. Will Arnett is also one of my favorite actors and he voices Bojack. It's all just very funny and clever! 2) Jane The Virgin- low ratings but it is brilliant! It's about a woman named Jane who chooses not to have sex until she's married and then she gets accidentally artificially inseminated and she gets pregnant and there are love triangles and cheating and murder... It's just an exciting show!

Yearly Favorites: Movie, TV, Food, Books + More!

So this is the Creme de la Creme of 2014. Many amazing things this year... these are the most amazingingest of all of these. Movies  The best movie of the year... by far for me was Gone Girl. I think this is the most excited I've been for a movie in years and it really lived up to the hype. Rosamund Pike was PERFECT as Amy. Amy is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time... and Rosamund Pike really got all the layers of that character down. For a relatively new actress, she did a fantastic job. I also saw Wrath of the Titans, which was really the only other big movie she's been in and I really liked that too! This year wasn't big for comedies, but I really liked Tammy and I liked The Grand Budapest Hotel a lot.  Budapest was beautiful, really interesting and really funny actually and I liked it. And Tammy was a lot of fun too. Melissa McCarthy, Mark Duplass, Susan Sarandon. All great. For Action movie/ comedy I have to go with... Guardians of the Galaxy! I...

Scribbles about movies: Unbroken Review

Sooo I saw the movie Unbroken, which is the World War II movie that was directed by Angelina Jolie... I know what your thinking "That doesn't sound like a very Shannony movie" well really it isn't. My dad wanted to see it, so he took my mom and I and even though I didn't really know what it was about, I watched the trailer it looked good and I thought I'd like it a lot. And I did really like it, its a great story with great acting and overall a great movie and I would recommend it! So I just checked IMDB this is Angelina Jolie's 3rd movie that she's directing. She has a documentary and another movie, I thought this was her directorial debut, but it was not. She has 2 in the works too, so that'll be interesting. I think there were some weird directorial choices... it started off a little slow. Kind of a lot slow actually. It starts out, you get right into it, the main character Louie is in a plane during WWII... I don't think he's flying...

The 2014 Dictionary: Stupid things we may have said this year.

Every year is filled with stupid vocab... 2014 was not any different! Here I will define some of the amazing phrases and words that I think defined the year 2014. Bae- n. A loving term towards ones significant other, best friend, pet, or pizza. ex: Chillin with my bae #blessed. Mailkimp-  n. A sponsor of the #1 podcast that sends faster, better emails... yet can't get people to even say the name of the site. ex: I use mailkimp!  Bang Bang- v. fucking, but sang by girls who are young and want to maintain a clean image but still seem edgy. ex: I want to bang bang all over you.  #alexfromtarget- n. A target employee that gained fame and we still don't entirely know if it was a hoax or not. Ex: I think I'm too old to use #alexfromtarget in a sentence, but I want to appear young and hip so I better pretend I understand this since everyone else seems too.  Ebola- n.... wait is a disease a noun? I guess. A deadly disease that Americans didn't really care about unt...

Scribbles about Food: Foods I wish they would bring back!

1) Hood Sugar Cookie and Gingerbread Egg Nog- The sugar cookie egg nog was my absolute favorite... I could not find it anywhere this year and it is horrible! They need to make both of these flavors again! They have pumpkin flavor and their regular egg nog and "golden" egg nog is good... but nothing is as good as the Sugar Cookie flavor! I'm really upset about this, if you work for Hood, please make this nog again. It is the best thing that exists... maybe it does still exist and I just can't find it anywhere... but it needs to be in every grocery store ever. 2) String Thing- I feel like these were made of aliens and the Men in Black needed to wipe everyone's memories of this snack because no one knows what the hell I'm talking about when I mention String Thing. They look blankly, and say "you mean fruit roll ups? You mean fruit by the foot?" No I mean STRING THING! Ughhhh! So annoying. This was really good. I don't know what happened to it! Mig...

Thinking of reformatting my blog just a smidge...

Soooo just so everyone knows, I plan on keeping this blog pretty much how it is... but I'm kind of adding some more personality and Pizzaz to it in the New Year. Just some things I'm thinking of changing a bit... I may update the name of the It List... I'm thinking of using the word Bae with it... cause I just think its funny when people describe things as bae. I also might do reviews on things based on whether or not they're better than Cool Ranch Doritos. It may be all food related... but if I watch The Interview or something and its really good I'll let you know if the experience of watching the movie is better than the experience of eating a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos. I also think I'm going to do more personal posts. I was thinking of starting another blog chronicling my journey as an adult, but maybe I'll just start it out here and see how I like it. I'm done with college classes... but I'm not quite ready to adult just yet. lol. I bet lot...

How To-sday- My Writing Process

So recently, I've discovered a sort of new, for me at least writing process and I figured a lot of other people with blogs are probably writers to some extent. This isn't like how I write my blogs or anything, this is for larger projects like a book or a movie or something along those lines. So I start with my idea. My recent idea was about Christmas Songs and how they get made. I'll write down that idea and than other little things I'd like to include in that idea. I wrote Halloween, Jealous Brother, Love Triangle... a bunch of other things. And I just write it down slopily on a blank piece of paper. I'll write them down as I think of them, so I don't just brainstorm for 20 minutes or whatever. I think of an idea and I let it marinate for a few days. If I can't fill at least half a page, its probably not that great of an idea anyway. I'll also write down a list of some inspirations I have that are things I'd like to keep in mind while writing. F...

Chart Chat! 12/22/12

Soooo here I will talk about the top charts in music and movies.... thats all the prelude lol. Movies 5) The Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 1- Wow! This was number 1 on the charts for a few weeks I believe, it's been out for 5 weeks and now its number 5. I really love the Hunger Games books and I like the movies as well, but whenever they come out in theaters I'm not like super excited. With the exception of the first movie I've never been like "I need to see this right when it comes out." I don't know. I always like the movies, but the last one I saw later in the theater... and this I probably will too. I feel excited to read the books when I hear a movie is being made about them... but when they come out I'm not as excited. Except for Gone Girl and The Maze Runner. Mockingjay is also probably my least favorite book, so there's that too... but overall yeah. lol. I will see this eventually but its not at the top of my list. 4) Exodus: Gods and Kin...

Holiday Chit Chat: Movies, Holiday Specials, Things I'd like to watch and a podcast!

So this isn't really a scribble about movies or anything like that... but there are some holiday movies that I've been watching, some new holiday specials and even a podcast or 2 that I've really been liking so I thought I'd include that here too... just cause! First off: Night At The Museum. I liked this movie when I first saw it, but I didn't think it was anything worth watching a bunch of times or anything like that... but its been on FX a few times this week and I've really really been enjoying it! I think the cast is absolutely brilliant. I love that its fun to watch, but you do sort of learn something and I really enjoy the character arc of Ben Stiller's character Larry. I just think its such an interesting little series. I liked both of the movies, which doesn't happen that often. I'm really excited to see the third one now and... yeah. I want to go to the Natural History Museum now. I've been to the Smithsonian... which is odd cause I...

Scribbles About TV: Colbert final week, Blackish Marathonish, AHS Winter Finale, Serial Finale, Elf Musical

So... a lot of important things are happening on TV right now... and I thought I would do a bunch of mini reviews of all of them. Blackish Maronthon-ish- I wasn't going to review this... but I ended up watching it and I'm really starting to like this show. I saw the Christmas episode last week and I thought it was really funny. I didn't think it looked that good on the commercials to be honest. I thought it looked kind of sexist for some reason because the big joke being told on the commercials was that his wife "isn't even black" and she said "well then tell my hair and my ass that." Idk why, it just didn't seem... idk lol. And still the pilot is on right now and its not bad but it feels too much like a pilot. Like "Ohhh this is a show now and this is my regular life but I'm going to overexplain everything about my life and some of the themes of the show." I really like the show and I think these are the important episodes to see...

Women Crush Wednesday:Shannon Kahermanes's List of Most Fascinating Women of 2014

So in response to Barbara Walters 10 Most Fascinating people, I'm doing my own list of the most fascinating women. This is really more than 10 people... but I'm going to combine some of these women, I'm also only talking a little bit about some of them. I don't think I'll really go in any sort of order... but I'm going to save the person I think will end up being HUGE for the last... that way you can see. 11) Jamie Kern Lima- For those of you that don't know, Jamie Kern Lima is the founder of the Makeup Brand It Cosmetics. I only have one product from It Cosmetics... but I really like the message behind the company and I think Jamie has done a great job evolving this brand. It cosmetics works with plastic surgeons so that their make up is great for anti aging, and its made with good ingredients for the skin. It is also a cruelty free brand which I think is really cool. I think this brand was founded a while ago... but this year it became available in all U...

The Struggles of Public Transportation

So this is a subject I am quite well versed on: Public Transportation. I go to school in a city... so I use a lot of the NJ Public Transit thingamabobs and I have some opinions about everything. So first off is the bus... Now I just use my school's bus system... which is actual quite new. Its convenient, its free. They run often enough, even though sometimes I'm waiting outside for a little bit and its cold, but you know whatever. The one bad thing about it is that its very awkward for clumsy people to stand in. Today I was having such struggles hanging onto the pole while standing because there were no seats left. I almost fell a bunch of times. I did fall one time a few months ago and thats embarrassing. I also always fear how I'm grabbing the pole. If I grab with one hand, I'll almost definitely fall. If I grab with two hands, I may look like a stripper. How do strippers handle this situation? Its just such a struggle sometimes. And then theres the seat with the po...

Scribbles About News/ Feminist Rant: Amal Alamuddin Clooney is the most fascinating person?

So I didn't watch Barbara Walter's Most Fascinating people... but I'm a little pissed that it was pretty much a woman that just made the list because she married George Clooney. When will society recognize women for being themselves and not just being the wife of someone famous. And if thats the case... why not just make the famous person himself the most fascinating person? Side Note: What interesting thing did Scarlett Johansen do this year? She starred in one movie and had one baby... lots of people do that, I don't see why this makes her fascinating! I'm not saying that Amal is not a fascinating person. She's a human rights lawyer, that on its own is interesting enough. She doesn't need the Clooney factor to make her interesting or successful... but at the same time... she's been interesting and successful before George Clooney but the only reason that they chose her was that she's married to George Clooney now. That doesn't seem right to ...

Christmas It List!

Yes! It is Christmas time, so I will talk about my It list for things that are an absolute must around the holidays! 1) ABC Family's 25 days of Christmas- This is probably one of my favorite things about the holidays. They show the best holiday movies, and just some good movies in general. They have all the claymation movies, both Grinch Movies, Elf and Christmas Vacation. Plus every once and a while they have good Disney movies also like The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, and Hercules. When I went to Disney for high school we came back and they were showing all the classic Disney movies and that just made me feel really good. That made me like Disney even better... plus Elf and Christmas Vacation are my other favorites! Love it! 2) Egg Nog- I've mentioned my love for Nog many a times on this blog. I could even do a whole Nog Blog, but I won't. My favorite Egg Nog of ALL TIME was Hood's Sugar Cookie Egg Nog... and I don't think they make that any...

December 2014: It List

Heyyyy guys! This is exciting, my last Monthly It List of the year! I will have a 2014 it list soon and a Christmas It list out... if it isn't out already cause idk when I'm posting these things. Anyway here we go! It List for December! 1) Serial Podcast Spoof- You guys know I love the serial podcast, but I may love the Serial Spoof even more. The guy that does it is absolutely amazing, his Sarah impression is spot on, even though he's a guy and its still like "ohh this is a guys voice" but its still really Sarah-ish. Its so funny He does everything from the mailchimp ads that mispronounce the word "chimp" and everything. Its such a good parody, I can't get over it. I think its called either Serial Spoof or Serial parody. Its on youtube, the person's name is Paul... something idk lol. Look it up its so funny and just all around good stuff. 2) Instant Mom by Nia Vardalos- I love Nia Vardalos, she is the writer and star of My Big Fat Greek Wed...

Scribbles About Movies: Mini Movie Reviews

So this is just a random sampling of movies on demand and on tv and Netflix and things like that. Not Cool- This is Shane Dawson's movie. I'm a fan of his videos on youtube and of corse I wanted to see this movie. This movie was also a part of a reality competition show called The Chair where two first time directors get to direct a movie based on the same material and one will win. Spoilers: This one won. It wasn't like an amazing movie, but it was better than I thought it would be. It was very over the top, a lot like his Youtube Videos... I laughed out loud at least a couple of times. It was enjoyable. Chelsea Peretti: One Of The Greats- This was so funny. I love Chelsea Peretti on Brooklyn 99 and she was a writer on Parks and Rec, which i love. So yeah. I really love her and I thought this special was really funny. Chelsea and I hate all the same things, I tweeted her that and she favorited it, so we're BFFS now... and yeah. She is one of the greats! In A Worl...

Scribbles About TV: I'm a little over Freak Show...

So... I know this is kind of insane. I keep posting how much I love freak show, how much I love AHS and yes. I do love it and I will continue to watch it... but after last nights episode, I just felt some problems and I don't like it quite as much as other seasons. I think they have way too many characters. They say too many cooks can spoil the stew, and I think thats true with this show. There are wayyyy too many cooks. And it doesn't help that they keep killing everyone off either. Like once I see a relationship that I think is really good and brings a lot to the show... one of the characters dies. Like I was really excited to see the friendship between Kathy Bates and Angela Basset. Those two worked so well together in Coven and I was kind of obsessed with them in this show also... but then they killed off Kathy Bates... so thats not cool. And them bringing her back as a ghost doesn't have much of an impact on me because they killed her off before she really had an arc...

Worst Christmas Songs!

I think I did this last year... and the list probably has not changed much... but I have some different ones and my thoughts might be different than last year... so here we go! 1) Peppermint Winter by Owl City- Cannot stress how much I hate Owl City. They were super popular when I was in high school and the guy I liked senior year used to sing that goddamn Fireflies song... I should have known he was lame then. Anyway, I digress. This song is just some nonsensical winter lyrics thrown together. And then I think whoever wrote this was like "Ohhh shit I need to put something Christmasy in here" and they just threw the lyrics "What's December without Christmas Eve?" In it. Ummm yeah. It kind of feels like a little girl is singing it also? Like thats the person the narrator is supposed to be, but a grown ass man is singing it. Its bad. You guys should listen to it cause it sucks. Link!  Btw this person's username is hilarious because its "Subscribe to...

Scribbles about News: Man tries to get eaten by an Anaconda for TV and *Spoilers* People are upset he didn't get eaten.

I don't know what sort of news I was expecting this morning... There is so sooo much wrong with this being a thing that I don't even know where to begin. So on some sort of Discovery Channel or something a man volunteered, I guess, to be eaten by an Anaconda on TV. So they did this whole special on whatever channel this garbage is on called "Eaten Alive" and I guess people actually wanted to see this guy become lunch so they started watching. He had a special suit designed so that the snake wouldn't crush his bones while he was being eaten alive. You would think maybe the idea of possibly getting your bones crushed would be enough to not make someone want to get eaten by a snake... but not this guy. I wonder if at any point he was like "This is a bad idea" and TV Producers were like "No, you gotta do this shit! It will work! You might get eaten and die... but think of the ratings!" Probably not because something tells me, this guy went into...

Stuff That Happened this week: Week of 12/1

1) Sony Movies hacked- At least 5 movies that were either just released or coming soon have been released due to a hacker of Sony Pictures. Among the movies were Annie and Fury. The media seems to be blaming North Korea because they are angry at sony for The Interview, a movie in which James Franco and Seth Rogen attempt to assassinate Kim Jung Un. I'm not so sure. That seems like going from A to Z really really fast. You know? It could have easily been anyone. It makes sense that it would be North Korea, but idk that it necessarily is. 2) People Magazine accidentally publishes Kirk Douglas Obituary- Kirk Douglas is NOT DEAD, but I guess on People Magazine's website they published his obituary already. A lot of magazines keep obituaries for... well people they think are going to die soon. Thats why Joan Rivers obituary magazines were out a few hours after she died, they likely had that written before. It said "DO NOT PUB" On the headline from what I saw... so it was...

Holiday Gift Guide

I love watching these videos and reading these things for some reason, and I did some posts last year and you know what? I'm doing them again! I'll have one here and one on my beauty blog most likely. My Favorite Stocking Stuffers  So my mom actually got me something really cool for me, my sister and her boyfriend and it is an Elf Ball Shooter Thingy. It looks like an elf (similar to Buddy the Elf) and you put a ball in its mouth (tee hee) and then you press his stomach and shoot it out! These are sold at Hallmark and they are super cute and fun. They have them in other characters too, I think theres a reindeer and a snowman and maybe a santa. The Elf is my favorite though! Another fun little present that they carry in a lot of dollar stores are the solar powered dancey toys. My mom again got these for me, I have an awesome mom, I'm spoiled I know! They're so cute. And my sister likes these because she has orchids and if she puts these in the window and they'r...