Okay... so I know no one really likes to hear about people's dreams... but this one I think is super important to who I am and my blog right now... so I'm going to talk about it on here... and if anyone wants to read it... that's cool.
So in the dream I was listening to some comedian's podcast... and it wasn't a real podcast... it wasn't even really a comedian that I know of at all... so it's no one or nothing real... but the name of the comedian was real... and for some reason this dream just seemed SOOOO real to me.
So I was listening to this podcast and I decided to review it for this blog. And since the comedian asked "hey you can email us here if you want us to talk about anything on the show" I decided to write a blog post about it. I forget if my review was of the podcast or about a movie or something that the comedian was on... I think I gave it a kind of bad review but I did the thing I've been doing on these blogs where I'm a little bit more diplomatic about whether something is good or bad. For example... I'm not sure if I posted this or not- but I did review the show The Proposal on ABC and I said the show was awful and the worst concept for a show ever... but the two "winners" of the show seemed really nice and cute and I kind of liked seeing how smitten they were with each other. So I feel like that makes it kind of vague as to whether I like it or not... and that's usually kind of what I do.
Just a little side note here that may be the reason why I had the dream... I wrote 2 posts on the ABC reality show The Proposal... and I thought they were both really funny and I had such a fun time writing them and I was Soooo excited to post them... but then there was a controversy involving the second episode of the show... and I think the show is under investigation... so I was conflicted as to whether or not I should post the blogs on those... so as of the time I'm writing this- I didn't totally scrap them... they may have been posted already... but yeah. If you didn't see those reviews- that is why... and I think that's honestly what made me have this dream in the first place.
Okay... so back to the dream. I decide to send my review to this comedian and his podcast. I said "Hey I reviewed whatever on my blog and if you want to read it on your podcast or whatever- feel free to do so."
So he read it and he did a podcast about it... and he ROASTED me! Like he really tore me and the blog to shreds- he named me and the blog and he pretty much told me to F*** myself. And in the dream I couldn't really listen to the full thing... but I think I listened to part of it and I thought it was funny... and I was kind of excited that he read the post regardless of whether he liked me or not... and I thought it would be really good for the blog.
I think his roasts were on the lines of "Ohhh wow. This 26 year old blogger that gets 4 views per blog doesn't like me. I better rethink my career decisions!" Like I wasn't a big deal and I was acting like I was and he just didn't like me. And he also said "OHhhh she didn't like this part of the movie but she still says good things about it... make up your mind Shannon!"
But this podcast went viral! Everyone was talking about it and how funny it was. Everyone had something to say about me... everyone was posting it. It was on the news, Access Hollywood, all the Facebook groups I'm in were talking about it... it was huge! It was like Fergie singing the National Anthem huge!
So when I saw it on my facebook I was commenting "Hey, I'm the person he's roasting in this video. I'm serious. " And I thought people would be more interested in me... but they weren't. They were only interested in what this guy had to say about me... and it made him incredibly famous- but my blogs weren't getting any views or anything because of it. I thought someone would want to interview me about it... but no one did! I was actually pretty upset about the whole thing because of that. I made this crappy comedian really famous and no one cared about my side of the story.
So I think I woke up after that or something... but I did go back to sleep and I think my resolution to this was that I was going to go Kanye on the guy. I made him famous and got no credit for it! So I was going to kind of just have my own voice and speak out against this guy and show the world who I was. I wasn't just going to be some faceless meme... I was going to really do something to show the world who Shannon is.
So... I guess that's the end of the tale. I think I actually learned a few things from this dream...
1) I'm scared to kind of go "more public" with this blog. Especially now that I'm kind of "re-launching" it I don't really know what to do and I'm scared of what can happen...but in the end I guess I'm just kind of showing who I am to the world... and I think I like that idea.
2) I may need to be a little bit harsher with my reviews or at least a little less like I sound like I'm on the fence about something. Something is either good or bad. Yes there are grey areas and things... but for the review's sake it needs to be "YES" or "NO". I can get into what I like or dislike about things... but I should give you guys a clear answer about stuff... and just speak my truth!
3) I've got to just let go of what people think and say about me and do what I want to do. I've been trying to improve this blog for a while and I think I've been posting some of the BEST stuff I've ever posted yet... so I'm going to keep going with that!
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