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The Weekly Pop 11/4/17

Now it's time for the weekly pop.


The latest Hollywood Sexual Assault allegation is against actor Kevin Spacey... who was one of my favorite actors until now sadly. Anthony Rapp accused him of sexual assault while Spacey was very drunk and 26 and Rapp was only 14. Spacey has since come out of the closet. Spacey claims not to remember the incident and says he was confused at the time and will now live his life as a gay man. Many are criticizing the timing of Spacey's coming out because... well it seems like he's using it as an excuse and there is no excuse for sexually harassing or assaulting a 14 year old. Or anyone for that matter. Humans are not sexual objects and there's no excuse for treating anyone as less than a human. It makes me mad.

Netflix has stopped production of the final season of House of Cards amidst these allegations. I believe there was a spinoff in the works that they are still working on... I'm not sure if I believe that... but if Netflix was already working on a spinoff... I say just do the spinoff series or do a "time jump" as a way to explain what happened to the characters and Spacey without showing him. Kill him off and do a time jump.

And an outspoken advocate against sexual assault- Rose McGowan has been issued a warrant for her arrest. She was found with narcotics on her while taking a flight back in January... McGowan tweeted that she believed this was an attempt to silence her.

When I started The Weekly Pop I would hope the news would be a lot lighter. I'm sad that we live in a society where just because a man has power he believes he can treat people like objects... man or woman or whoever it is. No one is asking for this. It makes me really mad.

What should you watch? 

Here are some of my picks for shows to watch, catch up on or watch or... idk just things to do. I think a few shows are having a little hiatus- I know the CMAs are on and if you watch whatever shows are on that night- you might be like me and have no real interest in the CMAs so... yeah.

Superstore has been having a really good season this year. The Halloween episode has been the best so far. I need to watch a few of the episodes from this season... but the Halloween one is a great one to watch!

Young Sheldon returns on Thursday along with Life In Pieces. I really liked the premiere of Young Sheldon... but that was so long ago... idk if I'll continue watching it because there are so many great shows on Thursday night... but no way I'm missing Life in Pieces! Lol. It's just such a good show- I'll probably record that and Mom and watch it on Monday night or Friday Night when nothing is on.

Except there are some good things on on Friday Nights... Crazy Ex Girlfriend and Jane The Virgin! I love these shows! So funny and fun to watch! I need to catch up on last week's episode.

Some other shows I have to catch up on: Kevin (probably) Saves The World... watched the first episode and I liked it a lot so I'll have to watch some more. Also need to catch up on This Is Us... that was one of my favorite shows last year and I haven't been keeping up with it at all!

And I'd recommend watching The Mayor, American Housewife, Blackish, and Modern Family. These have been funny this year and I just really like them!

Ohhh and Great News! Such a funny show I love it!

10 Fun Facts About Some of My Favorite Movies 

I thought this would be something cool to include this week. I love looking up trivia after watching a movie... and I thought it would be fun to share some from my favorite movies! I'm finding all these on IMDB

1) Monster's Inc 

Mary Gibbs voiced Boo. Her father Rob Gibbs worked for the animation department of the movie and since Mary was just a toddler at the time (2 I believe) they couldn't record her in a recording studio... so they just followed her around with a microphone as she played and recorded the things she said. I think this makes the movie wayyy better because you can tell Boo is just a regular playful baby having fun! She sounds a lot like my niece!

2) La La Land 

My newest favorite movie! Emma Stone did 9 takes for the Audition scene and the director chose her 2nd take for the film.

3)The Nightmare Before Christmas 
Oogie Boogie was supposed to be Dr. Finklestein in disguise... but Tim Burton REALLY didn't like that idea. Rumor has it he kicked a hole into a wall!

4) My Big Fat Greek Wedding 

I must have seen this movie a thousand times... and I missed this detail. In the backround of Toula and Ian's first date (at the restaurant) you can see a glass jar filled with apples and a glass jar filled with oranges. This refers to the last names of Toula and Ian- and the fact that they are as different as apples and oranges.

5) Moana 
Never noticed this either- but you can see the Genie's lamp from Aladdin on Tamatoa's shell.

6) Forgetting Sarah Marshall 
The Role of Aldeous Snow was written with Charlie Hunam in mind... interesting.

7) Tangled 
Rapunzel is the only green eyed Disney Princess. This is also the most expensive Disney Animated Film to date!

8) Chicago
Speaking of Tangled, Mandy Moore auditioned for one of the roles (Kitty Baxter) but the producers believed she was too young.

9) The Princess Diaries 
In Anne Hathaway's screen debut... she improvised a couple of parts! First off when Mia falls in the bleachers- Anne Hathaway really did fall and Gary Marshall thought it was funny (and in character_ for Mia- so he kept it in. And in the scene where Mia accidentally sets the man's arm on fire... the fire was supposed to go out when they put the arm in the bucket of water... but it didn't so Anne Hathaway panicked and threw water on his arm although it was not scripted.

10) Sleepaway Camp 
One of my favorite Horror movies almost cast one of my favorite sitcom stars as an antagonist! Jane Krakowski was originally cast to play Judy! That would be funny!



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