Couch to 5k- I've mentioned this before, but I started doing this app for running and it alternates the time that you run and walk and it gets harder the more you do it. It's pretty cool! I like it!
In The Balm of Your Hand Palette- I'll be talking about this a lot more on my other blog, but I've really been loving this palette and I would think it's just been my favorite thing to use this week, not just favorite beauty related thing.
Lady Dynamite- I've only seen an episode of this so far...but it's really funny and deserves a mention. It's not for everyone, but I know everyone will be talking about it in 10 years.
I don't think I did too much this week either. Started working out again and I worked out to the Hamilton soundtrack, which was cool. That worked nicely lol. I went to target and they had nothing... My target has been kinda bad lately aside from the dollar spot. It's so messy...and now the dollar spot doesn't even have anything... So it's extra bad.
Lin Manuel Miranda had his last day as Hamilton on Broadway. They filmed it, so anyone that missed out on his time as Hamilton will be able to see it... But I'm guessing not for a long time. He said he wanted as many people to see it on stage as possible before releasing it, so I'm guessing it will be available on the 10th anniversary of Hamilton's run on Broadway.
Lots of terrible things happened this week... And I'm just going to comment Be The Change You Wish to See In This World. Very important quote these days... And we are only responsible for our own actions, so be kind and loving to everyone.
Alright... I don't think I have noteworthy food this week. I like grapes that's a thing. I had some good donuts this week too... But yeah. My advice for the week is there and that is everything.
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