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Weekly Wrap Up 6.17.16

S'mores M&Ms- I've done a review on them here but I love these! I've been eating a lot of them right now... and I shouldn't be because I am trying to be helthier. They're just so good. I don't understand why no one is talking about these because they are amazing and I love them... but yeah. These are good!

Oh Yeah Disney- So I've been into disney vlogs lately... not suew why but this is just a channel I've been liking lately. The guy takes such nice videos of the park, that it looks really good. If you want to see my other favorite disney vloggers, you can look here.

Me Before You- I'm at the end of this book... and I really really like the way its going! I'm excited to do a review on this one because I have a lot of feelings about it already... we'll talk about it!

Life Scribbles
-Monday I worked out and went in the pool. I wanted to stay in the pool longer, but I felt something wet on the back of my neck and freaked out thinking it was bird poop and got out and showered.
-Monday was also the anniversary of the duel between Hamilton and Burr, so my dad and I did commemorative shots because I actually own Commemorative shot glasses of Hamilton and Burr. So that was fun!
-Tuesday I went in the pool and read Me Before You... which I'm almost done with. Even though I should be reading The Year of Yes... but I'll do that before Thursday and it will be good. I also went to the outlets and had a coconut milk white mocha at starbucks... which was gross. And I just got in a kind of bad mood at the end of the night. So yeah... thats a thing. Lol.
-Thursday I ended up feeling really really sick in the morning... didn't end up meeting with my book club and won't until next thursday... but I did end up going out to eat on Thursday... and there was good news at the beginning of the day... so I'll share that soon... and yeah.
-Friday I had Chinese food and it was awesome! Dessert at that place was good too and I don't think we've ever tried dessert from there! Its so good!
-Saturday I went to a dessert tasting with my mom and nana and it was fun... but there wasn't a lot to try. We went out to dinner after and it was so good!
-I also tried to take a nap on Saturday and my parents were talking to my neighbors and I didn't get my nap for another half hour or so... so frustrating. But then I slept for a long time, woke up with Trump yelling at me and then went back to sleep and had a dream that some guy was telling me about an awesome pan... only to find out that I fell asleep to an was nice though.
TV Highlights 
I watched a sad episode of Mom. It was the one where the girl Ana Faris's character was sponsoring died. It was still a funny episode mostly, but the show does deal with the unfortunate realities of addiction as well... So that was sad.

And I watched of 2 broke girls which is a happier show.

Hercules was on this week, which is very exciting! I really love this movie, one of my favorite disney movies and I highly recommend it! Really "I highly recommend it" I'm talking about the cartoon hercules from the 90s... not something obscure and weird. You know it and love it... watch it again! Lol.

Noteworthy Snacks 
I made a really good sandwich with a tomato and some fresh mozzerella on italian bread toast with a tiny bit of balsamic vinegar...that was really good!

I also had some tasty cake cupcakes and their powdered donuts... or little debbie's powdered donuts... not sure!

And with the taste testing thing we also got a discount at the bakery, so we got some macaroons which were really really good and some cupcakes that I'm excited to try.

I had fettucini alfredo and pineapple fried rice and a really yummy chicken dish that sorta tasted like a lighter chicken marsala but with spinach (which I now love) and mozzerella cheese.

News and World Events 
As I mentioned, Monday was the anniversary of the duel between Hamilton and Burr.

I hate saying "I don't want to talk about the news this week because its sad" every week... but thats the sad state of our world today. My thoughts are with Nice, Dallas, Orlando... I'm probably forgetting places and I'm sorry.

Lets end the hate. If there's someone you don't  like for whatever reason, try being nice to them because they might need it. I'm going to have to take this advice too. I'm going to continue hating things because I feel very strongly about Olives and the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind... but I used to hate spinach... so it could all change.



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