I didn't drink on my actual 21st birthday. I was the first of my friends to turn 21... so that's kind of a lonely thing. It was also a weeknight... again not fun... and I didn't really have many friends in college. All of my really good friends are from high school. I was seeing someone at the time that was over 21... and that's kind of what I'll get to here... lol.
I don't exactly remember what he texted... I wanted to go out with him... I think he wanted to take me out... but something got lost in translation and I thought he didn't want to go out and I was pretty pissed at him and I texted him back something kind of bitchy... and then did not hear back from him again... lol. So idk what he thought... neither one of us was trying to be a jerk... but it probably seemed that way at the time... until I reread the text and realized what he was saying and how I sounded... so that was my own fault. If that guy is reading this.... I'm sorry- that's why I was weird... probably should have told you... but that's life. Lol.
The funny thing is he did take me to my first real bar and that was also a fun story. I ordered a cosmo... didn't mean to order a second one- but I guess I did... I had an exam the next day on Atlas Shrugged... which I had only read 6 chapters of because have you ever seen the frickin size of Atlas Shrugged? It's not a bad book... but it's a lot for a 21 year old. I was kind of a lightweight back then and even though I didn't drink enough to get me that drunk... I did feel a little dizzy getting up from my seat and the next morning when I had the exam... I would have rather slept in.
I think I ended up getting an A on the exam... maybe a B but the professor actually wrote "Nice Improvement" under the essay too... so I thought that was funny.
And really- I'm over-dramatizing this... I really wasn't drunk... I wasn't even hungover- and I don't think the exam was on all of Atlas Shrugged... it was just an essay about the first part I THINK so... drink responsibly- don't get drunk before English Exams, read the books... but mostly just kind of be good at answering questions about the books... because that will help you a lot more.
Alright next story is just my actual first time going out and ordering a drink with my friends. I went to TGI Fridays because again... they were still under 21... I got the Pink Punk Cosmo and they put cotton candy in there... and it's just really awesome. The cotton candy at the bottom that's all melted is the best part... but of corse you look a little ridiculous trying to drink every last sip... especially in front of your friends that can't drink yet. But yeah... I don't really remember what happened... but I remember saying "Abraham Vampire Lincoln Slayer" or something like that... and that was memorable.
I also remember it was October 20th I believe... which if you're a fan of Community- you know that that is the day Community returns... except it didn't. Community was set to return for season 4 (I think? The season without Dan Harmon.) and it didn't that day... but then they did a whole commercial saying that when it did come back it would be October 20th or 21st or whatever... but yeah. That was the actual year that Community was supposed to come back that day and it didn't... so that's kind of amusing... at least to me if you're a fan of community.
And my last story is my first trip to Atlantic City. My family friend took me out with my cousin Brenda because she was the only person over 21 I knew... besides my sister... and we had a lot of fun. We're all fairly obsessed with Muppets, so in the car ride over we were talking about people who look like muppets... (A topic that I discuss quite often... that will be another story...) Anyway... we saw a man who actually dressed up like Kermit The Frog. Not on purpose... he was wearing all green with a hat on... but he definitely looked like Kermit The Frog. And we were so amazed... we actually took a picture disguised it as a selfie just to have Kermit in the background. It was pretty awesome. I'd insert it here... but I feel funny- I don't mean to be making fun of the guy- that was probably his lucky Atlantic City outfit or something... and my cousin isn't on social media... so I don't want to do that either... but it's one of my favorite pictures... it was really funny.
I was also wearing a crown that day because it was my birthday celebration... and someone dressed as King Tut was just wandering around the casino... and it wasn't like he was a character or anything... he was just a regular customer dressed as King Tut... and he said "Heyyy you're royal too?" And I was like 'Huh? Ohhh yes." And I think he was hitting on me and wanted me to go over with him and his friends... but I was not going to do that... so I just sort of went on living my life... lol. He seemed pretty drunk... also I watch enough True Crime shows to not talk to strangers.
Hope you like these stories... let me know what else you want to hear! I think I'm going to do this on Monday's from now on because it's fun!
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