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This Week in Geek: Nerdy News

So last week I did This Week in Sexism as a different spin on my Scribbles about news... this week I'm gonna go with some nerdier items of the news. These aren't all news stories... some of them are just thoughts I have based on some things... but its all nerd related things that are relevant right now... so yeah.

1) Aquarius and X Files- I know Aquarius debuts this week... and I'm excited. Love me some David Duchovney, love a good murder mystery... and Charles Manson.... seems like a good recipe for a tv series right! But Idk... I don't totally want it to just be a mini series... I kind of want David Duchovney to continue being a detective on a murder mystery show... it seems good to me! Now I may post my review on Aquarius before this... so it could be really bad... but I think I'd rather have more Aquarius instead of more X Files...

Also... I'm just confused as to why they're bringing it back to tv... mostly because they already did a second movie...which was terrible. And they had such a good opportunity to continue where the series left off. It ended on a cliffhanger and it makes sense to me that they would continue from that... and I'm kind of hoping thats what they'll do now! Its a lot later... but I hope that is at least resolved in some fashion. Also... THERE WERE NO ALIENS IN THE 2ND MOVIE! So unless there are going to be some aliens in this movie... I don't care. I'd rather see more Aquarius.

And can we talk about the Gillian Anderson/David Duchovney dating rumors? They aren't and David Duchovney has said that they weren't... but I didn't even know they were friends! I thought they didn't like each other honestly! Lol. And I don't really think either of them are divas... but I thought there were problems on the set and things like that... but clearly they seem close now. She was at one of his shows for his new singing career (also what the hell???)  and they kissed... but it wasn't really a romantic kiss or a friend kiss or a stage kiss... but it was a kiss. Idk. Its a little odd. Where was this chemistry in the second movie? Actually their chemistry was always pretty good on the show, it would just make more sense if their relationship was less ambiguous.

Also according to EW, Duchovney says the new X Files script made hum cry. Awww. He's so cute I love him. Lol.

2) Harry Potter Fan Theory?- This might be old news and it might have been announced as true or false already... but it is 100 percent true I'm sure! And I have some other little theories alongside of it. Lol.

So I just recently read that there is a fan theory that the Dursley's were probably so grumpy all the time because they were living with a horcrux in their house for 11 years. Harry Potter himself was a horcrux! And thats gotta take a toll on how they live their life, making them rather miserable! So they didn't hate Harry because they were mean, he was making them mean. Kind of heartbreaking... but it makes sense that they were affected by his presence right?

And then I was a little skeptical... why is it only the Dursley's that were affected by Harry? Why weren't any of his friends as grumpy about this or anything...well lets back up.

Ron was the person that Harry was around the most. Ron was also the person Harry argued with the most... and Ron was the person that had the strongest reaction to the horcrux! And a lot of the other Gryffendor boys in the same year as Harry had disagreements as well! That makes sense! Its because he's a horcrux! It all adds up!

I'm sure this isn't really just a coincidence. It explains a lot about the series! I think this is simple and it makes sense and... it works!

3) Weekend Update Action Figures- This year San Diego Comic Con is releasing Limited Edition Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Action Figures for SNL's 40th Anniversary! I would be really excited about this... if I were going to SDCC. You can preorder it if you aren't going... but that doesn't guarantee you will get any because they're just selling what they have left over from Comic Con... and these are certainly going to sell out at Comic Con. While I think these are cool and I'm happy that they make them... I'm upset because I want them and I know I'm not going to be able to get them!

Also... I'm all for Comic Con, I think its cool that they're putting different things here... but I don't really think a NEW YORK based show should really be released at San Diego Comic Con. I feel like they should have just said "hey these will be at the NBC Store at this date, pick them up while supplies last." I totally would have gotten them then... but I'm not placing a pre-order for them cause I know I won't get them and its sad. Tina and Amy is what I plan on naming my two daughters... and I want these to show them who they're named after. Lol. Is that so wrong?

4) When Daenarys met Tyrion- I'm not a big GOT watcher... I like it and I watch it occasionally but I haven't seen any full season since the first season... which I loved, just never got around to watching Season 2 fully. Lol. Last night was kind of a big deal though because Daenarys Targaryan met Tyrion Lannister for the first time... and from what I'm hearing it was pretty cool. I think there was some controversy because they met later on in the book series... idk if thats true or not... don't spoil anything... but the showrunners thought it was time that they met... and the feedback I've heard about the decision is all positive. It seems satisfying for them to finally meet. I'm all for it. Daenarys is a hot chick... Tyrion is Tyrion... I can see them being friends.

Too Cool for School News: Keeping Up With The Kardashians... for realz! 

So... I know this isn't nerdy, but I wanted to include some too cool for school news, since theres a lot of Kardashian news this week.

First off Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are expecting their second child together! So if you're thinking of buying them any monogrammed items... I'd say South  is a safe guess to go with! Lol. I'm not a fan of the Kardashians, but North West is pretty cute... so Kim and Kanye make some cute kids. So yeah. Thats a thing.

And also Vanity Fair featured an issue with the headline "Call Me Caitlyn" on it with Caitlyn Jenner, who was formerly know as Bruce Jenner... and lemme say Caitlyn Jenner is beautiful! I saw it on instagram before knowing that it was him, I just thought it was some model and I was going to find out who it was... turns out Bruce Jenner is a hotter chick than me! lol. Good for Caitlyn! I'm glad that she's in the body she's clearly very comfortable with now... don't blame her! Lol. This is a pretty inspiring cover, and even though Bruce Jenner didn't have the best past year (lets not forget the car accident... he shouldn't have drove recklessly...) This is still pretty inspiring and beautiful!

Also why am I not that hot? This sucks. Lol.



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