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Scribbles about TV: Another Period Review

If you're like me you probably heard about this show and were like... Okay. Natasha Leggereo... Thats good. Riki Lindhome, also good... Drunk History people have something to do with it alright. Keeping Up With The Kardashians meets Downton Abby... you really didn't need to sell me that much with this lol. It sounded amazing is what I'm trying to say.

So, if you haven't heard, this is the new comedy on Comedy Central created by Natasha Leggereo, who is very funny and was in the Franco Roast and the Bieber Roast and Riki Lindhome who is half of the Comedy Folk band duo Garfunkel and Oats (she is Garfunkel). Its basically about these sisters who are trying to become famous. Its done like Parks and Rec or The Office where they have the talking heads. They don't address the fact that a TV show is being made of them... of corse because there was no tv back then... but its so funny. Riki Lindhome just says the stupidest things in the talking heads and its just amazing.

If you couldn't tell by now I really like this. Lol. I like the "mockumentary" style a lot... I think I've liked pretty much every mockumentary I've seen... except if The Blair Witch Project counts... but anyway I really think this is going to be the next big thing.

Natasha Leggereo and Riki Lindhome are just so good together! Natasha's character seems more like the "brains" I guess... but I use that term lightly. I'd say she's the one in charge, but she's kind of drunk and lazy and when she eats she'll just spit out her food  and have the servants pick it up. Riki Lindhome is just the dumb one that is having an affair with her brother and that is really funny. Her brother is played by Jason Ritter who is very funny. A lot of the funniest people are in this. Michael Ian Black, David Wain was in it... just a bunch of funny people. And Christina Hendricks, who as it turns out... Also very funny! She plays a servant that the girls named "Chair" because her name was Seline which was too pretty. And thats the sort of ridiculous stuff that happens.

Also for a 30-minute pilot... I felt like there was a lot to it! Remember how I didn't love the Grace and Frankie Pilot (side note: loving Grace and Frankie now!) I thought there wasn't a lot to that... if you already knew the plot and saw a couple of the funny clips from talk shows... you would get it. This a lot happens. You learn about the girls, and their brother and other sister... Helen Keller and Annie Sullivan show up. There's the affair between Rikki Lindhome's character Beatrice and her brother. There's a bunch of really funny stuff with the servants and Michael Ian Black showing around Christina Hendricks... who has a twist at the end... and there is just a ton. A TON of stuff. I checked to see if it was an hour or 30 minutes cause I felt like a lot happened in that 30 minutes for just a pilot. It was really good.

Also the theme song? Done by Snoop Dog! How crazy is that??? They talked about how they came up with the theme song on Comedy Bang Bang and I thought it turned out super funny. I thought it really fit well with the way this show was. I thought that was cool.

So yeah, definitely looking forward to the rest of this season. It reminds me of a show that was on for only a few episodes when I was younger and it was called Thanks. It was a CBS sitcom, that was kinda just like the other CBS comedies of the 90s but there were pilgrims in it! Which I thought was funny. I was probably to young to understand any of the jokes really, but I remember laughing at it and my parents and sister, who was a teenager at the time all thought it was funny.

It also kind of reminds me of Comedy Central in the 90s in general. I feel like there was a lot of good shows that they had on back then... that I watched because of my sister lol. Some of the shows I remember: The Critic, Dr. Katz, Viva Variety, Absolutely Fabulous (not their show I guess but still) and South Park was starting... and I think for a while they kinda slowed down with their shows other than The Daily Show and Colbert Report... but I feel like they've been bringing it back now with their current shows. This is something I could see watching back when they had this logo

Weird right? But it works. It also does kind of remind me of Absolutely Fabulous now that I'm thinking about it. It takes place in an early time period obviously (hence the name of the show... idk if I mentioned that... lol. But the characters kind of remind me of Ab Fab... makes sense to me!

Really digging this!



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