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This Week In Geek: Nerdy News 2- 6/8/15

So I did this last week... and it was fun... and some more nerdy things are happening... so instead of another Scribbles About News, we're changing the format again a bit! Cool.

1) More Arrested Development to be released in 2016- This is just about the most exciting news since the last time Arrested Development made a comeback! Lol. I know the 4th season got mixed reviews... but I was thinking about it recently and I really think it was done well. Not many shows can actually come back after 10 years and change so much. Gob's story got so brilliant and dark but it was still really funny... Gob was kind of the Goofball character, but in season 4, he really went dark... and it was sooooo funny! It was pretty amazing. I thought that alone was brilliant. And everything else they did was pretty brilliant and very dark also. It was just good. I was a fan.

2) The Big Bang Theory characters to be turned into Legos- I'm surprised this doesn't already exist to be honest. It seems quite real already lol. They are taking Leonard and Sheldon and probably the other guys and making them into legos! That's pretty cool! As someone into comedy and tv writing, I think it'd be pretty cool if my characters had legos or if I were turned into a Lego. And I'm sure the guys on the show would think that is so funny. Idk. Its pretty cool. Its a cool thing.

3) Amazon to ship packages in Minion- themed boxes- As an advertisment for the Upcoming Minion movie Amazon has started to ship packages for Books, Dvds and music in Minion containers... which is quite awesome. I'm a huge fan of the Minions. I have a giant collection of all things minion and... I just really like anything with a minion on it... so its likely I will be ordering things from amazon soon... just for that! Plus I have prime so its for free! Yayyy!

4) Will Ferrell and Kristin Wiig Lifetime Movie is Real!!! And airing June 20th- There was some buzz about this movie around April Fool's Day... and it was kind of dismissed because it seemed ridiculous. People were upset. But as it turns out? Its a thing. A Killer Adoption or Deadly Adoption or whatever it is is really coming to lifetime. It makes sense to me. Will Ferrell is apparently a big lifetime movie fan. Kristin Wiig played every lifetime movie star on 30 Rock... it makes sense. It makes a lot of sense. Lol.

5) Shonda Rhimes is releasing a book this fall- This might not be that nerdy... but books are nerdy. Shondaland has a pretty big fan base so I guess that makes it nerdy? Lol. So Shonda made a New Year's Resolution to say Yes to the things that scare her this year... so when she was asked to write a book... duhhh she said yes! I'm excited for it. One of the things she mentioned was her cameo on The Mindy Project... which was hilarious... so it just has to be as good or better than The Mindy Project, its a winner in my book. Lol. I'm guessing killing McDreamy scared her... lol.

6) Family Guy Predicted Bruce Jenner Becoming a Woman- Recently a Family guy clip has resurfaced of Stewie calling Bruce Jenner a woman... and everyone is freaking the hell out!

So here is my theory on it... People in Hollywood know more about the goings-on in Hollywood than regular people do. There were probably rumors and things like that. Before David Duchovny announced his sex addiction I remember seeing that he talked about it on Howard Stern years before that. I also think someone on the youtube comments said that he mentioned taking hormones in a Howard Stern interview years ago to (bruce Jenner) I had heard rumors about McGreevy, NJ's old mayor before he came out as gay... so yeah... there are ways of knowing these things before, hearing rumors and writers using that... plus if you yourself are transgendered or know someone close that is transgendered and you kept up with the Kardashians... you may be able to see the warning signs of it.

Its not like the Simpson's 9/11 thing cause that is pretty crazy!

7) Jason Alexander reveals why George Costanza's Fiance died from a stamp- I vaguely remember this on Seinfeld... not trying to make myself seem young. I was a child when Seinfeld aired... but thats not the point lol. I saw this on a repeat I believe. So Howard Stern asked Jason Alexander about this story and said that there were rumors of Jason not getting along with this actress and stuff like that... and the actual explanation... not unlike something that would happen on Seinfeld. Lol.

So Jason Alexander said she's a very nice actress and she's really great, she was good to work with... and he really had nothing but nice things to say about her... but he had trouble playing off of her... which is one of the most important things, especially in comedy. And everyone else on the show loved her, they thought she was great and they announced that George was going to get engaged to her next season... and Jason said "Great who's playing George next season" because he was like freaking out about this.

No one else really had scenes with this actress except for Jason... but then one day Jerry and Julia had a scene with her... and they noticed the same thing as Jason. (side note: Jerry, Jason, Julia? theme here?) And then Julia said "Don't you just want to kill her?" And thats what they did!

Side note: Never get on Julia Louis Dryfuss's bad side! Thats for sure! Lol.

8) The Tonys- For all broadway nerds out there I watched The Tony's last night. I usually get bored during award shows... but not during this one! I thought Kristin Chenowith and Alan Cumming were very funny together! They had great chemistry and there were some weird jokes, like the ET thing... but I think they pulled it off! I liked them.

So the big winners for the night... I don't totally remember but I know Fun Home won the big award, and that looked interesting. That little girl that performed onstage was amazing! The King And I won a bunch, Kelli O'hare did a dance at the end of her speech. The Curious Incident of the Dog and The Nighttime was up there a bunch, that play looks sad to me. Helen Mirren won of corse, Bradley Cooper Snubbed Again! And... Larry David was really really funny. Ohhhh and my new crush won for Featured Player in a musical! The guy that plays Shakespeare in Something Rotten! He was so good on Jimmy Fallon! I love him! Brad Oscar was also nominated and he was Nathan Lane's understudy in the Producers... which I saw him in and he was really good! So that was cool too.

The two performances I thought were great weren't even nominated! Matthew Morrison in Finding Neverland was really good... and the girl that they had in It Should've Been You was AMAZING!!! My parents saw that play and they said she was really good in it. I thought she was the best performer of the night! She was good! The King and I was really good too. And like I said I thought Fun Home was good also. I really really want to see Something Rotten though! Their song was funny. They were the first of the night! I wanted Something Rotten to win cause I want to see it, but I'm also glad it didn't win... cause I want to see it! Lol.

9) Sideshow Bob to kill Bart Simpson?- Simpsons writers have said in this years Treehouse of Horrors they were going to finally have Sideshow Bob kill Bart Simpson. I don't watch the show... I kind of know who Sideshow Bob is because I rode the Simpsons ride in Universal lol. I don't think this is going to be the end of Bart Simpson though... cause it can't be right? The writers wouldn't be that transparent about a Treehouse of Horrors especially. But thats a thing... and its nerdy. Idk I don't watch The Simpsons!

And in Sexism this week... 

Wage Gap for Grace and Frankie Stars?- It has recently been announced that Jane Fonda and Lilly Tomlin, the female stars of the Netflix show Grace and Frankie are making the same amount of money as the male supporting roles of the show Michael Douglas and... nevermind... this was a joke taken out of context according to Lilly Tomlin. This isn't true. Lol. I was googling whoever not Michael Douglas was on this show and then it was taken out of context and people thought it was real and unfair... or Netflix gave them wayyy more money and told them to shut up about it... but I feel like it was probably a joke cause of the way they dismissed it. They said they don't think its unfair.

Idk if they do make more or not, but I'm sure Jane Fonda, Lilly Tomlin, Michael Douglas and Sam Waterston (Thats who not Michael Douglas is! I thought he looked familiar) could have all agreed on getting paid the same price because they are older, mature and seem classy. All the Friends cast made the same amount of money all 10 seasons, so that makes enough sense to me. Plus they all have a lot of money anyway... so yeah.

Guess there is one more story that relates...

Jerry Seinfeld refuses to play at colleges anymore because of the politically correct culture- This is funny. It is also hard to be a comedian trying to tell a joke and then you know people will get offended no matter what you say. Natasha Leggereo tweeted something that was considered offensive once and Amy Schumer came to her defense. Joan Rivers was under fire for an offensive tweet also... but Joan Rivers... so that trumps it! Let comics be comics, don't take them to seriously!

So that is it for the week. Hope you guys are having a good week so far! I've actually had a great weekend, and now its over! And I don't really have a case of the mondays or whatever. Lol just "ohhh a good weekend is a good way to start the week." Right? Right! Lol.



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