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Things That EVERYONE in the World Likes- Except for me.

This blog is probably going to make people angry, but I don't care. There are just so many bands, movies and tv shows and other things that everyone in the world seems to absolutely love... and I'm just sort of like meh... it's alright, nothing too special. I know some of these are big deal things and if I don't like them it probably seems like I don't have a soul or something... but you know. I'll explain. And there are some things I do like, but they've been taken out of context, that just didn't sound like as good of a title. Anyway you'll see what I mean.

1) Wawa- Okay actually this is a bad place to start because I went to a Wawa over the summer and now I can totally see why its a big deal.  I used to just think "it's just a convenience store/rest stop type place, I don't really see a big deal." It is like a 5-star convenience store though. They have everything. I think Wawa is pretty much only a Jersey/Pennsylvania thing, but it's a cool place.

2) Titanic- Can someone tell me why the hell this is a big deal? Theres a boat, it sinks and they throw a random love story in there. I refuse to watch the full thing, but I know how it ends. They all die. Kate Winslet could have saved Leonardo Dicaprio, but no, she lets him drown. "I'll never let go" LIES! Such bullshit. Ohhh my gosh.

3) Avatar- Another movie I refuse to watch, but basically I've been told its Pocahontas but with blue people. On Oprah James Cameron said he wrote the movie before the story of Pocahontas... really? REALLY? You weren't alive then. Get the hell out.

4) Mean Girls- Okay this isn't something I don't love. I LOVE Mean Girls, it's one of my favorite movies, but I don't think girls should be doing things from the movie in real life. Some girls take it a bit too seriously. After I graduated some girls at my high school got in trouble for making a "burn book." I've heard people say things like "ohhh you dated her ex boyfriend that's against girl code," and I've heard this from girls in college and its like "really? Girl code? Not woman code? So lame. Fantastic movie, Tina Fey wrote it so obviously its amazing. But I'm also quite positive she never would have wanted girls to take it so seriously. That's why this is on the list lol.

5) Green Day- They aren't a horrible band, I just don't get the big deal. I don't understand why they play the song Good Riddance at graduations cause its an angry break up song... it makes zero sense. I've heard they're amazing live, which I'm sure they are... but they just aren't my thing.

6) The Notebook/Nicholas Sparks- These are the worst. And they are all pretty much exactly the same. The Notebook and The Vow are only different because in one the couple is still young when she can't remember anything, but he basically has one formula. Alright, I've never actually read one of the books, so I'm just basing it off of the movies. They aren't terrible, but meh. They aren't terribly romantic either. And as a person, Nicholas Sparks kind of creeps me out. He's still good friends with one of his ex girlfriends parents. That's just weird. I feel like he's a Gilderoy Lockheart type of author, you know. He's all talk in his books but in real life, I doubt he'd be that great.

7) Twilight- I read part of the first book like a year before the movie came out, and I just couldn't get into it. There was like a whole chapter of Edward and Bella holding hands. I just could not. It was so bad and Bella was just this really weak character that I couldn't relate to and I didn't think she was a good role model for girls or anything of the like. I was excited for the movie to come out because I thought it would get more exciting and I could read the book, but no. It focused too much on the love and not enough on the vampire. It was bad. Just bad. I realize now that there is probably more hate for the books/movies than love for it, but at the time I felt like it was just me and some of my friends that hated it. And all the really hardcore girls at my high school were like "OMG EDWARD IS THE PERFECT BOYFRIEND" and "OMG FORKS IS A REAL PLACE I HAVE TO GO THERE" and I was like "you know who the real perfect boyfriend is? Gob Bluth" and they were like "who?" and now everyone loves arrested development and hates twilight. Different times, my high school was.

8) Mad Men- I was really disappointed that I didn't like this show. And its not that it was a bad show. The acting was great, the characters were interesting and everything. It just bothered me because its so offensive to women. I know its not like really "offensive", thats just how things were back then... I just would prefer not to watch it. Also I love Jon Hamm, I think he's such a great actor in comedy and drama and he's so incredibly good looking that it's impossible not to like him. He's someone I have a lot of respect for. I just can't watch the show.

Although on a good note, I had lowered my expectations for Breaking Bad because of this show and Breaking Bad is amazing. So there's that.

9) Betty White- Just kidding. Betty White is amazing. If anyone put her on this type of a list, they'd be monsters. It just makes the next thing I put seem less terrible.

10) The Beatles- Yes, I'm not a huge fan of the Beatles. It isn't like they're bad... it's just that I don't see why they are the greatest band of all time or how they invented rock and roll. They're songs just sound like pop songs to me, so when I think of who invented rock and roll, I would say The Rolling Stones. And it isn't like their music is bad, I'm not saying "ohhh I hate the Beatles, they suck" I just don't think they're songs are the absolute best songs in the entire world. I can see the appeal, they do have very happy feel good songs, but I'm not really a happy-feel good person... so I guess thats why I'm not a fan. I do like Blackbirds and i kind of like I wanna hold your hand... but I'm not totally blown away by any of their songs. Its just not really my thing. I'm always super hesitant to tell people I don't like the Beatles because I feel like people will think I don't have a soul, but I figured I'd be honest and let you guys know.

Also my parents never really liked the Beatles, so it's not like I was raised with my mom and dad always listening to them saying they were classic. My mom and dad are more Rolling Stones and Motown fans, so I tend to like that better.

Another side note- Ringo is my favorite. He has a Christmas song that is literally the worst Christmas song in the entire world, which makes it totally amazing and brilliant somehow. Plus Ringo is a cool name.

So that is it. Hopefully I haven't made anyone super mad about any of these things. Nothing on this list is that terrible... except Twilight... and Titanic and Avatar and I really don't like Nicholas Sparks.


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