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Close Encounters of the Real People Kind #4- My Oddest Target Experience

So this happened over the summer, and I'm actually going to start off with a less weird target trip just to sort of preface the story and such.

So at this point in the summer I was obsessed with the show Extreme Couponers. I don't know what it is about the show, I just love watching it and can watch it for hours. It actually isn't even because its entertaining its because its entertaining enough to keep watching, but not so entertaining that it distracts too much from what I'm doing. I love watching it when I clean my room and stuff. It's just a fun show and its something I'm definitely interested in doing. Free stuff is so easy to get lol. 

Anyway so My friend Tori and I were in line at target about to check out and it was taking a long time. Why? BECAUSE THERE WAS A REAL LIFE EXTREME COUPONER RIGHT IN FRONT OF US! It was so exciting. I never thought Target would be like the #1 couponing place to go to because they have some restrictions, and there were some restrictions on this woman's coupons- but she didn't get mad or anything about it she was patient (SPOILER: the lady in my second trip was not.) Anyway I think the order was originally like 200ish dollars maybe more and she got it for less than 40... less than 30 I believe actually. It was insane. 

Anyway I went back a few weeks later to back to school shop and see if they had any Minion toys, and we didn't find any minion toys that I didn't already have (I have a lot... don't judge!) so I went to the little dollar kids section where they have pokemon cards and all that type of stuff and they had something! They had a build your own minion eraser and it was a mystery of which one you got... it was exciting. Not only did they have that, but they had Parks and Recreation trading cards!! What the hell? That was the weirdest thing I had ever seen, so I had to buy it because it's Parks and Rec! 

So I go back to the cashier to buy these two bizarre things and this woman behind me is trying to cut me and complaining to one of the cashiers and honestly she was really being mean to her. She had all these laundry detergents and these coupons and said something to her like "that's why you have to go back to school you have to learn how to read" and the poor cashier just looked so upset. The cashier that was waiting on me (they were two different cashiers, I don't know if thats clear) was looking at the coupon and trying to explain it to the woman. And I'm sure the girl that helped the mean coupon lady was right and mean coupon lady probably knew that and she probably just wanted to use her coupons and thought insulting everyone would get it. I mean you could clearly see that this girl was being very helpful to the mean lady and she took her time to help her get the right laundry detergent and then this woman was just tearing her apart for no reason. It was sad. Also I was upset because she wanted to cut me so I just sort of told the cashier that was waiting on me "hey I have these two things I'm ready to go." I think the coupon lady was so hellbent on destroying the poor target girls life that she didn't even notice I was going in front of her (plus it literally took 2 seconds to check me out. I was just buying toys from the dollar section. I was not about to let her cut me and take 5 hours with this order and I really wanted my toys. lol.) 

Then while I was walking out my mom saw this woman that had 3 young kids with her and she had a cart filled with a lot of stuff. The kids were all being well behaved at the time too. One was asleep in her arms and the other two were trying to help their mom I think. 

Now my mom is like the nicest woman ever. If she sees someone that looks like they need help, she'll offer them help. She'll have a nice conversation, just all around she is the nicest. So she offered to help this woman a couple of times and the woman said no but she thanked my mom very nicely. Then my mom told the mother how well behaved her kids were. And then one of the kids says "you're crazy, lady." Their mom started to yell at them saying that this woman was just giving them a nice compliment, and then you could see that this woman was a little frustrated, as any mom of 3 all under 10ish probably would be. 

My mom didn't hear the little kid say that, but I told her in the car and she thought it was funny. It just kind of goes to show you, its hard to be nice and neighborly anymore. People tend to take things out of context. I at the time was thinking how nice it was for people to offer to help each other because that mean coupon lady was just being so mean because she couldn't save a few bucks. It's not like she was buying a huge amount of things and saving a ton of money like the first lady, she was probably only saving a few dollars. There's no reason to complain that much just for a few dollars, I work in retail, I have dealt with some similar people, trust me. 


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