Alright so... here's some stuff I don't really buy from target! I'll give you reasons and... yeah!
1) Brand New Movies- Brand new movies I can usually pass on buying them at Target. I prefer to wait until the movies are on sale- sometimes even if I haven't seen a movie and I see it on sale- I'll pick it up at Target because there's usually a good deal on it. If it's a movie that I really liked and I want right then, if I'm feeling spontaneous and just want to buy something, if it's something I've been waiting for, or if it's something from Disney or Marvel... I will usually get it right away on the spot. Usually after a while you can get something for around $15 or less. On Black Friday they usually have a lot of really great sales so if I see a movie I like right now- I feel like "eh I can wait till Black Friday to get it" because... usually I don't watch the movies right away anyway and if it goes on sale before I watch it I feel really silly.
That being said- that's a bit of a gamble sometimes because sometimes it can be hard to find again- and sometimes it sells out by the time I get to Target on Black Friday (I also work retail) so... yeah. Plus this year I'm not sure if they'll even have black friday or not... so who really knows!
Also Disney, Star Wars and Marvel movies usually don't go on that good of a sale- usually you would just save $5 or so... so if you see that and you want it or your kid wants it or something... you probably won't miss out on a great sale for it.
2) Makeup- So I do buy a lot of makeup from Target... but it isn't my favorite place to buy makeup from. I feel like at my store it's picked over a lot of times, plus the prices are pretty good at Target- but they aren't always the best prices. There's another drugstore right by my Target that usually has better deals on makeup and beauty products and I kind of like buying from that drugstore more because it's smaller than target so I want to keep it open... plus I feel like they've taken better safety measures during the pandemic than Target has... not that I feel unsafe at Target- but I feel a little safer at the other store. Anyway- makeup isn't something I usually go into Target to look at anymore- unless I can only get the brand from Target.
3) Furniture- So I'm not sure I've actually ever gotten furniture from Target. I thought my parents got my old furniture from Target- but apparently they did not. I just don't really think it's the best quality and it's not usually the best price you're getting for it. Even the Utility Carts they have are actually kind of expensive. I got 2 from Costco that I like better. So... just keep that in mind.
That's everything I can think of right now-let me know what you guys don't really buy from Target!
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