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Things I do

So I thought I'd kind of do somethin a little different today and post some random things that I do and that I have been doing recently... things that I want to share. Lol. This could literally mean anything... so yeah.

1) I keep people grounded- Everyone thinks they are awesome... Everyone thinks they are the best that is just a fact of life... no one is really all that good. I have come up with the catchphrase "Take Yourself Down A Peg" because really people do. Case in point... Men are super confident... too confident. I have a friend that dated a guy that... well they had a big problem in their relationship. Its something pretty unforgivable. And it was 100% his fault. So... yeah. That was a thing. And somehow... he ends up calling her recently and asking her to see a play with him... Yeah. Take yourself down a peg cause there is no universe in which you are not a total scumbag. Take yourself down a peg... look at the real picture. If you and a girl didn't work out... there's a reason. There are certain circumstances where I think you can get back together with an ex... but not if it ended really really badly... which it did. So take yourself down a peg. 

And I don't mean take yourself down a peg in a way to give anyone low self esteem or anything... I just want everyone to keep it real. Be humble. Like in my mind I'm a super hot, young 22 year old who can sing good and is overall just a cool person. In real life I'm a 23 year old who can't really sing and is kind of a major dork. But hey... keep it real. Be humble. I can admit I'm not the person I say I am while still having the confidence of the person I say I am. Then I can become that cool 22 year old... 

2) I lie about my age- Yep. This is fairly recent. I think I said that I was 22 to my hair dresser by mistake... and I noticed it a little later... and it felt right... so now I age backwards. At one point last night I was 21... its really sad. I am definitely 23... and I've been mistaken for 16-18. I don't look old or anything... but I feel old... so I've started saying "yeah I'm 22 this is awesome!" ... yeah. Might be sad... but I'm 22 I don't have to worry about that yet. 

3) A surprisingly good Sylvester Stallone Impression- You wouldn't know from looking at me. I look basically the opposite of Sylvester Stallone... but I do not do a bad impression of him at all. I don't really have any Stallone catchphrases... but its something I do a lot.

4) When I snapchat people back I send them a duck faced thumbs up- This is kind of a weird one. I don't really know how to acknowledge that I am reacting to a persons snap... so I figure a thumbs up with a duck face is a pretty good and funny way to do that.

5) I sing gibberish lyrics to songs... sometimes in voices- This is a weird one... but yeah. Sometimes it isn't in gibberish, I'll just have different lyrics that mean the opposite of what it is. Its weird.

So if you guys think you're a weirdo... this is me and I'm cool with it!



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