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Scribbles About News: Beginning of May 2015

1) Reunion news of the week- Do the Full House babies know about the reunion? Plus Lizzie McGuire Reunion???- There have been quite a few reboot news items this week... and I'm sure its not even over yet lol. So I guess the Olsen Twins said that they didn't know about the Fuller House reunion and John Stamos said uhhh yeah they did or something like that. I don't know if it is that the Olsen twins said they didn't know it was going on or whatever... that is just what I'm guessing cause he said they weren't honest about it... idk. I'm probably going to stop talking about this now because I think its really stupid lol.

Also there was a small reunion between 3 Lizzie McGuire castmates! Jake Thomas aka Matt McGuire posted a picture of himself with Hillary Duff and Lalaine aka Miranda and now reunion buzz is happening. I feel like it ended nicely, and I don't think anyone in the cast acts anymore... so that probably wouldn't be good. But its cool they still see each other!

2) Daredevil is the highest rated Netfilx show- First off I'm not exactly sure how they calculated this graph... its really really weird. They said the timeline didn't include season 2 of OITNB or Bojack Horseman because it didn't make the cut for the timeline... but Ohhh wait  I get it... They must have started this count after those aired... so it includes Season 3 of House of Cards, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Daredevil and Bloodline... that makes more sense. Alright.

So Daredevil is the highest followed by Kimmy and then House of Cards and Bloodline is last. I should probably watch Daredevil... I'm not super into it... but Jessica from Trueblood is in it and she's my fave so I will probably give it a chance just for that. And Bloodline I've wanted to see anyway. House of Cards my sister's boyfriend and dad said is good the first 2 seasons but this season just wasn't great. Plus it is pretty much the same as Scandal but with Kevin Spacey... which I'm okay with. He's my old man crush and he can actually act... so that is cool. Not sure I'll like it as much cause I like Kerri Washington a lot. Lol.

3) Kate Middleton gives birth to a Baby Girl!- It's a Princess! Charlotte Elizabeth Diana is the name that was chosen. Very sweet to give a nod to both Charles and Diana and its just fun that there's a little princess around now! Everyone was thinking it was a girl and they were excited and it is a girl! I used to think that if I had a daughter I would name her Charlotte... then I had a bad experience with Charlotte... but this is making me like it again!

Thats kind of all I have for this week. A lot of bad news has happened this week, but here's just some things that were cute and interesting and fun for the week. So that is cool!

Anyways Sorry I've been a little MIA recently... I've had a super busy weekend, and I was looking forward to blogging yesterday... but my internet was down and it wasn't fixed until midnight... so yeah.

So... yeah that is it! Byeee!


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