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Scribbles About TV: What I've been watching lately

So I don't think I've posted about this in a while... so here is what I've kind of been watching recently. Over the past few weeks.

I've seen some episodes of Malcom in The Middle... idk if I mentioned this, this was probably a couple weeks ago. It was funny. It reminds me a lot of The Middle. Its both family friendly and a little edgy... its a simple show... but I feel like a lot of thought goes into each episode because it is both family friendly, but still edgy but it doesn't quite cross that line. Bryan Cranston is also really funny in it... which is amazing. I saw him in Breaking Bad before watching this show and its unreal how different the characters are. Its also funny because he seems so threatening now that I think of him as Walter White. He's like "don't tell your mother about this" and I'm like "OKAY I WON'T JUST DON'T KILL ME MR. WHITE!"

I watched the movie They Came Together with Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd. Its a kind of spoof of Romantic Comedies, really over the top and funny. Very very meta and pretty spot on. Its really funny. I love David Wain and Michael Showalter who wrote and directed this movie. Anything with those guys in it... I especially love David Wain as a director. He's directed some of my favorite comedies and this is just as good.

I also watched the movie Face/Off.... I cannot express how amazing this movie is. Its a movie about Nicholas Cage and John Travolta's faces... can you even imagine how amazing that is? There are soooo many close ups of their faces, its just awesome. Basically Nicholas Cage is a bad guy, John Travolta is a good guy in the FBI. John Travolta goes through surgery to have Nick Cage's face on his so that he can go undercover as Nick Cage... but then Nick Cage wakes up out of a coma and gets Travolta's face on his body. Plus there are millions of weird subplots and plot twists... this is a long movie, idk if I can watch it more than once... It probably has the most and best explosions I've ever seen in a movie. There is a ton wrong with it that makes it really fun to watch, but it is completely entertaining other than all the weird terribleness of it. Its 2 hours long... but still super super good. Do Recommend.

I watched that because I like a podcast called How Did This Get Made about bad movies and the main host of that podcast, and one of the co hosts are on a show called NTSF;SD;SUV which is a spoof of the Law and Order, CSI, NCIS types of shows. Its really funny. It aired on Adult Swim and its not on anymore I don't think, but if you have Hulu Plus you can watch all the episodes. They're only like 11 minutes long and its really funny. Again more explosions than most things. Super funny. If you like those shows but think they're a little ridiculous, you'll like this.

I watched the finale of The Last Man on Earth. I really liked it! I'm excited that Jason Sudekis is joining the cast. I hope the rest of the cast stays too... I want Phil back in Tuscon. It was really meaningful and sweet and I thought it was good. I'm happy.

This is kind of a guilty pleasure... but I've slightly been watching General Hospital... I don't fully watch it every day and I'm not like crazy about it... but with the Nurse's Ball and stuff it must be sweeps week and its been okay. Also they brought back Spinelli, who is my favorite character and I love him. The thing with him and Maxi is a little weird... but its been slightly watchable lately so I've been watching it. The Nurse's Ball is really just a week of hour long Aveeno commercials with a little bit of plot... but I still like it. Nicholas's sun is weird tho!

I caught up on Jane the Virgin. I'm officially Team Michael. I love Raphael, or at least I loved him but really he's no Michael. I'd be happy either way... but how can you not love Michael? A few months ago I said how could you not love Raphael... but still. I think I love Michael. And I think Jane does too. Its also been incredibly INCREDIBLY GOOD LATELY. These past couple episodes have just been amazing, the whole series so far has been amazing, but its just been sooo soo good. I love it. I'm excited for the season finale. Such a good show. I was only behind a couple episodes... but this is definitely something I missed a lot lol.

I also caught up on New Girl... well I watched last weeks episode then the finale. I'm happy that its going in the direction it is going in. I honestly don't like Will They Or Won't They things in comedies (Jane the virgin is different of corse) and I was kind of for the Nick and Jess thing and then I wasn't really for it once it happened... I may need to rewatch... but idk if I feel that strongly about it. I thought it kind of went downhill cause now its pretty unbelievable. Its weird that a bunch of people in their 30s are all living together... plus Nick and Jess are exes and they still live together... but its okay. Yeah I think if they are going to bring Nick and Jess back together... they're doing it the right way. Not too sudden, not too slow. Its good either way!

Veep. Obviously.

Episodes! I love this show, I don't love watching it when its on because I really enjoy bingewatching because its addictive. I've watched like half of this past season and I really like it... but there's still something that I haven't been quite as "I need to watch this right now all day every day!" Maybe because I've been a little busier... but I felt that way with Veep... so yeah.

Secrets and Lies... tomorrow I will have a full post on this because Wow. I kind of thought that's how it would end... but its still creepier than I expected. Its good. I really like it I'm excited because it was picked up for season 2 and... its really good. I can't help but feel there is some sort of weird scientology message in it though... I know Juliette Lewis is a scientologist and it just seems like there could be something in it. Idk. Its a weird thing that I feel like could brainwash people... so that makes sense to me. I'm gonna watch Going Clear and see what thats all about. Whatever you believe is cool but its a little scary when you can kind of sense a hidden message in something that you watch... which surprise... is everywhere. Lol.

American Crime, Grey's, Scandal... big post on this Friday cause I like these shows and they are all ending their seasons on Thursday... so thats a thing. I'm really excited for Scandal... idk. American Crime I've been sort of catching up on here and there. I have one episode left, and its good. Compared to Secrets and Lies... its more symbolic and less cheesy and obvious... but Secrets and Lies I think is more enjoyable to watch. I was satisfied cause the person I thought was the killer was but they did it in a surprising way... so yeah. I'm good with that.

I feel like there's probably more... but I'm going to end it there. Lol.

I think this week will be a mostly tv related week. I'm gonna talk about some things I'm going to watch and... reviewing. And my weird little fan fiction type of story about Derek's life in a hospital for the dead featuring other dead tv characters too will be up on Thursday. Lol.



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