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The Shannon "It" List

Sooo I know entertainment weekly does this type of thing where they talk about 10 things in entertainment that everyone loves. I'm going to do pretty much the same exact thing, but with things more relevant to my life... which is basically TV and food... so yeah. This is like the weird brother of Entertainment Weekly's It List. Like Entertainment Weekly is Prime Rib and I'm, I don't know weird brother of Prime Rib (NAME THAT QUOTE! QUICK WRITE IT IN THE COMMENTS!). So here you go.

1) Brooklyn Nine Nine- This is the best new show. I already love it ALMOST as much as Parks and Rec, which is really REALLY saying something because I love Parks and Rec ALMOST as much as Arrested Development, which is REALLY REALLY saying something because I love Arrested Development almost as much as I love myself. No, probably not, but you get the point. I'm not even a huge fan of Andy Samberg's acting abilities... but this is just amazing. It's really the second funniest show on TV right now and if you aren't watching it what the hell! Watch it!

2) Anchorman- So you know how when the Royal wedding happened people had Royal Wedding Fever? I think I have Anchorman 2 fever. It is such a great, funny movie. I've been trying not to quote it for my facebook status this whole week because I've used them so much. I don't think I've ever said Milk was a bad choice. That'll be my status.

One time on an exam, I was on the written part and all I could think about was Betty White and some Anchorman quotes. I got a C. Meh.

3) Lorde- How can I not be obsessed with Lorde? She's a teen pop star from Australia that actually speaks her mind against celebrities people her age admire. And she's also really talented! Sure I know everyone is a little sick of Royals by now, but I still think it's a great song.

4) Welcome to NightVale- I've already reviewed this, so you know I love this already, but ohhhh my gosh. I just recently finished listening to every episode... I'm actually listening to the episode about the shape in Grove Park again right now cause I think it's pretty funny that there is this shape that nobody acknowledges or speaks about. I just love this show. It's a podcast by the way if you didn't see my review. It's good.

5) Instagram- I instagram too much. I just feel so accomplished after putting a picture of myself or something that I like or something funny or my adorable puppy and having people like it. It's probably my favorite social media thingamajing just cause I like taking selfies a lot.

6) Penne Vodka- I realize this is not a new thing, Penne Vodka has always been around... but I just discovered it a few months ago and it is wonderful. It is the most wonderful thing in the world probably. I never thought I would like it because I don't like tomato sauce very much and I ended up thinking it was the most delicious thing in the universe. Now I eat it about once a week... no shame. I feel bad that there are people out there like me that have never tried Penne Vodka and I think I should go door to door and tell people about how Penne Vodka changed my life, like how people do that with religion. People should know the good word of Pasta and it should be a thing!

7) Mindy Kaling- This is weird and should be saved for a Woman Crush Wednesday but there is something about Mindy Kaling's life that I really admire. She's only like 12 years older than me and she's showrunner of her own show that is hilarious! And she's super funny and adorable and has a book that is super funny and adorable. And she posts pictures on her instagram and she's like an actual grown up with an office that does things like storyboard and can afford to buy things and do stuff. I know that doesn't sound like such a big deal, but to a poor 22 year old college student, that's a whole lot. I guess I want to have a similar job and stuff and it's like "wow this can be my life in a few years." Soon I will be able to have an office and afford things and do stuff also. Thats a goal I think I can reach.

This obsession makes me laugh, but I'm actually totally serious.

8) Gaps Solitaire- Ohhh my gosh this is a fun game. I have an app on my ipad called all in one solitaire that has this and it is fun and awesome.

9) Peanut Butter Candy- I just went to the convenience store and bought like $9 worth of chocolate and peanut butter candy. No regrets. It's pretty great.

10) The free tote bag Victoria Secret Just gave away- Not sure why I'm obsessed with this, but I totally am. It's silver on the bottom and it has silver glitters and it's lined with a silky lining and it has a little pouch on the inside. It's a nice tote bag. It looks like it was more expensive than free. I like to hide the Victoria Secret logo in the hopes that people think it's a Michael Kohr's bag or something like that. Although I don't live in the best place, so if it was a Michael Kohr's bag that might be dangerous... wheras a free Victoria Secret bag is less dangerous. I don't know. It just makes me feel fancy and I'm a little obsessed with it.

Sooo those are ten of the coolest things in the world right now. What 10 things you think are cool? Whisper it softly in your computers ear. Or leave a comment.



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