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Scribbles About Dreams: Vivid Dreams (March)

I've been having a lot of really vivid dreams lately... and idk what it is... but I'm going to share some of the more fun ones here.

Oscar Winners 
So I had a dream that I was a 3 time Academy Award winner... and it was something I totally forgot about until I found my Oscars in my room. 2 were smaller ones and one was a big one for Best Adapted Screenplay. They had these for college films and I guess thats how I got the oscars because I was like "ohhh yeah. Those are the Oscars I won in college. So happy I don't have to deal with all this hollywood crap now." And then I woke up wondering where my oscars are... and realized nope. No oscars here.

I Burnt My Hand 
So in this dream it was my dad's friends birthday or something I guess and we were figuring out if our culinary torch worked and for whatever reason I tested it out by holding it right up to my hand and of corse it didn't work and I couldn't turn it on so I just sat there with my hand burnt. Side note: I have a lot of dreams about fires and usually its when I'm too hot under my covers and it scares me to wake me up because I'm too hot and I'll get sick if I'm too hot... idk if that was the case here... I was just really scared.

I Had To Write A History Paper 
This dream is a little further back... so I don't remember it entirely but I guess I was in a history class and I had to write about a historical event we learned that year and I just wrote about Alexander Hamilton because of corse this was when I was listening to the Hamilton soundtrack non-stop. I was concerned that my professor would know that I knew these things from the play and not from my memory... so I was a little nervous and trying to cover it up.

I Had To Take A Government Mandated Test On The Same Day As My Sister's Wedding 
This was an incredibly nerve-racking dream... apparently during every wedding, Barack Obama made all of the guests and the bride and groom take a random test covering a little bit of everything... and it made me so nervous! I think most of my questions were about The Peanuts, like the Charlie Brown cartoons... and I didn't know any of the stuff and I was super embarrassed. And I love The Peanuts and I like being the person that knows everything... and it was just very very scary. I hate dreams where I have to take a test.

I Was Driving 
Little known fact: I can't drive! I'm 24 and I still don't have my license... so usually when I have a dream where I'm driving its very scary and disturbing. There are usually old toys in the back seat and its like I have to drive because I'm trapped and I need to and then the car loses control... this one was different. I was with someone, I think my grandmother and I was just very casually driving us somewhere... and I wasn't freaking out or anything, I was just driving.

Gabe Saporta and I Were Helping The Big Love Families Escape the Polygamy Cult Community 
This one... was the weirdest by far. So I started watching Big Love recently and I was watching an episode where Bill, the husband of 3 women and main character of the show, was going to visit his parents who live in a polygamist community... like the ones they discovered on the news and helped people escape a few years ago. Anyway apparently Gabe Saporta, lead singer of Cobra Starship who I was in love with when I was in high school, and I were dating (in real life Gabe is married, but he wasn't in the dream. Lol!) and we ended up saving the main family from this cult... which is weird... but yeah. This was the same night as the Government Mandated Quiz also... so yeah.

I Was Talking To Michelle Phan in Boston 
This was along with the last dream. I was in New York, again with Gabe Saporta and we went to a Michelle Phan candy store that was kind of gross and run-down looking. The candies I got were good... but one bag was kind of melting. So then we went to Boston and ran into Michelle Phan and she said yeah she was re-branding her cosmetics line and her candy line along with that... so it was going to be a lot better. She was opening up a big store and her makeup was going to be wayy better quality than what it was and she was going to have a cleaner candy store that was also going to be an aquarium since her old one was by a Zoo or something and then some of her friends came and we were all just talking to each other and having a good time... lol.

And thats weird. Someone I watch on Periscope or something mentioned Em Cosmetics I guess... so I think thats what made me have the dream... I have one Em Cosmetics palette and its not terrible... but it isn't amazing either... so I think it will be amazing when she re-brands... lol. None of this will be in Boston and she doesn't currently own a candy store, zoo or aquarium and will not be owning any of those as far as I know... I mean I guess she could someday, but she hasn't announced it or anything. Lol. Idk about this one... it was weird.

So... before I bore anyone I'm just going to leave those there... and of corse I'll post more if I have any more odd vivid dreams... but I'll probably keep it in the important snippets like this because I know people get bored with dream talk.



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