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Scribbles About Movies: Mini Movie Reviews- March 2016- May 2016

So I think I'm going to challenge myself to watching 1 movie every week. Why? I was reading entertainment weekly and they weighed in on the Oscars controversy saying that they didn't quite think that a lot of the older, male voters would watch "Straight Outta Compton" because "It wasn't really their type of movie." My Grandfather is 85 years old and he saw Straight Outta Compton and liked it, even though it isn't really "his type of movie." He goes to the movies every week with my uncle and they'll see whatever's playing... not just what's interested... and I figure if they can do it, I can do it and the Academy should be able to do it as well.

I'm not going to actually go to the theaters to do it, I'm just going to see whats on TV or things that I haven't seen that I own on DVD or something and watch it. If its a movie I've seen before and can remember... for the time being I'm probably not going to include it in here... but I'll include that in my Weekly Wrap Up... which I do every Sunday.

Some of these movies may be new, some may be old... and by the time I post this they may or may not be available on demand or on netflix... so I'm sorry about that... but yeah. Lets get into it!

My Bloody Valentine- I'm going to admit... I barely watched this one. It was pretty bad, but I love Jensen Ackles... and he was actually amazing in this. I didn't like that... Spoilers... it was him in the end... but I'm kind of happy they didn't kill him in the end. And I guess its a little better that he was the bad guy than the other guy being the bad guy and that it was because he was being haunted by Harry's ghost and he's insane... so really for him to die it would be sad because he doesn't even know he's the killer, its his mental illness. The twist would have been bad either way, but it was obviously one of them... and its scary that its the nice guy. Jensen Ackles is the nice guy and the woman's husband that had an affair with the other girl is the bad guy... so its sad that the good guy is the bad guy.

It was pretty bloody too. They aren't lying about it being a Bloody Valentine.

Birdman- So I watched half of this movie one night and the rest the next. By "Half of this movie" I watched about 30 minutes... lol. Less than half. No one I know likes this movie... I know it won for best picture... but everyone that I know that saw it hated it. I liked it... I thought I would because its all one act... and that is difficult to do. When I watched the first 30 minutes I was like "meh. This is kind of hard to watch. There isn't much character development. I sort of like that there's no plot... but I kind of want a plot" type of thing... but I thought in the "2nd Act" -which is just what I'm calling the end of the movie I watched the second night-had a lot of character development! I just liked it. Idk if its something I'd really recommend... as I said, I don't know anyone that actually liked this movie... but I really liked it. I haven't seen many best picture winners... and I'm happy I saw this one.

I've seen 12 best picture movies including this one. The Godfather, Lord Of The Rings: The Return of the king, Slumdog Millionaire, Forrest Gump, 12 Years a Slave, Crash, The Departed, Schindlers List, Chicago, American Beauty, and West Side Story are the other Best Picture winners I've seen. In case you were wondering. Lol. I think I want to see all the ones of the most recent years at least.

What We Do In The Shadows- This is the most in my comfort zone... so I really ended up liking this one. Lol. Its a fake documentary about Vampires that live together. Jemaine Clement is in it and his character is "Vladislav the Poker" based off of Vlad the impaler... who I took a class on so I know a lot about him. Lol. He's also the basis for Dracula, which is cool. I think this might be one of my favorite movies ever, its so funny... I just love it. I can't wait for the sequel We're Wolves... so funny. I love this movie! Highly recommend checking it out if you want to watch something super funny.

I didn't quite finish this movie... but I saw most of it and it was funny. It isn't my favorite movie on this list... so yeah. Lol.

Hot Pursuit 
This must have gotten the worst reviews ever... but it was so funny! You could tell Reese Witherspoon and Sophia Vegara had a lot of fun making the movie... and I just thought it was a fun "girl power" type of move. There were some really funny parts and some action-y parts... but it was pretty fun all in all. Its a sleepover movie, don't take it too seriously, it'll just be fun and really good.

I think this is my favorite movie on the list here... lol! I thought it was really funny! I didn't totally watch it all the way through... but I did mostly pay attention to it and I thought it was really funny and it had a good ending and a good message. I thought Christina Applegate and Ed Helms had good chemistry... and it was just soo fun! I hope they make more of these, I happened to love the reboot! Lol.

This was really good too... again... I didn't fully pay attention to it... I fell asleep at one part and I keep falling asleep at the same part... but its a good fall asleep. Its like "ohhh I'm enjoying this so much... I can just fall asleep at this one part and then wake up and it'll be a really good part." Lol. Its good though and if you love disney movies and fairy tales... you'll love it!

The Intern 
This was okay. Really I mostly saw the end... and it didn't end that well. There wasn't much of a plot and there wasn't much of an ending. Anne Hathaway was amazing. I really like Rene Russo and I'm not sure why... but I like seeing her in movies or on tv. Maybe its just because she's pretty... idk. Lol. I thought whoever did the wardrobe in the movie was bad too... idk. Not one I was thinking was going to be my favorite... but also not my least favorite. It was good.

17 Again 
This was my first time seeing this movie a few months ago... and it was pretty good! Funnier than I expected... I missed the end... but I did like the movie in general!

Jurassic World 
If you notice a theme here... you'll notice I don't 100% watch or pay attention to all of these movies... this one was no exception. I liked it. My sister said it was terrible... I liked it enough. I'd watch the full thing.


P.S- I wrote everything up to spy in March... and then Spy-after on May 28th... so thats a little thing. Lol.


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