So I was going to do a whole post on everything I'm Thankful for, but I thought it was too cheesy to say what I am thankful for, and it always kind of makes me sad because its like yes, I do have a lot to be thankful for, but at the same time, a lot of things suck and I don't want to become one of those people that make everything seem perfect just because it's Thanksgiving. It's a kind of Charlie Brownish approach to the holidays also. Plus I can't help but thinking that The Addams Family Values Thanksgiving scene is not that far off. I mean sure the Pilgrims and Indians sat down and had a meal together, but the pilgrims did also take their land and treat them like they were savages... so it's a bit of an effed up thing to celebrate. Like Columbus Day. Okay so seriously without me being a complete Thanksgiving Scrooge, I like the holiday. It's like Christmas but with more family and less presents, so its a more humble and less commercial experience. It ...