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Movie Monday: The Lovebirds Review (now on Netflix)

Lovebirds was a movie that I saw trailers for and I thought it looked okay- but I wasn't planning on seeing it in theaters. Theaters closed a little bit after that because of Covid 19 and when this was announced to come to Netflix- I was really excited for it! So this is a brand new movie you can see at your house- just with your netflix account... no need for renting it at an inflated price! Which is cool. 

So like I said I thought this movie looked good but not like the best movie in the world... so I was actually really surprised by how funny and actually suspenseful and action packed it really was. I had just seen Stuber the week before I watched this- and I was kind of expecting this to be just like Stuber because the concept is very similar... but this movie was actually a lot of fun and... watchable! 

The movie starts with a Jibran (Kumail Nanjiani) and Leilani (Issa Rae) getting together and she gives him her phone number. It's all very cute and sweet to see... but then it quickly switches to 4 years later (I think) and they're having a fight about basically nothing and kind of everything. They go out to have a date and then they decide to break up while they couldn't stop fighting in the car. They hit someone on a bike and he starts to bleed- they offer to get the guy help but he refuses. Then a guy claiming to be a cop says "I'm a cop I need your car!" and then he runs over the guy, kills him and runs away while Jibran and Leilani realize that they're pretty sure that guy is not a cop and they're pretty sure they're going to be charged with Murder. 

They decide to investigate everything further and that ends up leading them to all these strange and dangerous places and they kind of see more things about themselves. Jibran doesn't realize all the things that Leilani does for him- like buying "date night" heels and dressing up really beautifully whenever they go out. And Leilani doesn't realize that her friends relationships aren't really as perfect as they seem either. They kind of fake a lot of stuff for social media and Leilani never really saw that. 

I'm glad they released this to Netflix because I really liked it and I'm not sure I would have seen it otherwise. I really thought Kumail Nanjiani and Issa Rae were really funny and they were good together. 

Overall I'd totally recommend this movie. It was really funny and really good and I would watch it again. 



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