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Beyonce News: 4.26.2016 (Lemonade, Becky with the good hair, Rachel Ray)

So I thought I'd do a whole news post dedicated to Beyonce. I don't know if this will be the only Beyonce news post ever... I think anytime Beyonce does something amazing... I'll write a Beyonce news about her.

Disclaimer: I did not see the Lemonade special and I do not own the cd or the special... if its available to purchase. I didn't know about it and I was too late on it and then everyone was talking about it the next day and I thought I lost 10 years of my life... so yeah. Here's kinda what happened.

So Queen Bey decided to do a special and a cd called Lemonade. And the special was a one day only thing and the cd you can still download. And it was about a lot of things. I guess she was making Lemonade out of lemons because Jay Z allegedly had an affair with Rachel Roy and Beyonce was allegedly forgiving him for it. Shoot he's got 101 problems now!

Anyway there's a line in one of Beyonce's songs about "Becky With The Good Hair." And then people were like "Ohhh Rachel Roy has good hair it must be her." No. Thats not why people thought it, there were rumors before Lemonade that she was with Jay Z. I believe that is why Solange attacked Jay Z in an Elevator 2 years ago. Solange is Beyonce's sister... which I'm guessing you knew if you're reading a Beyonce News article.

Also this is Rachel Roy, you know, with the good hair.

Ahhh look at the beautiful hair. Also she's a fashion designer. So Rachel Roy responded with a selfie with a friend of hers that said "Good Hair, Don't Care" and went on about how she doesn't do drama... I mean if you really want to stay out of drama... you might want to try not sleeping with a married man... ESPECIALLY if that man is married to Beyonce... but you know... it happens. I don't want to accuse her of anything or judge her... but I'm also not going to stand up for her because its Beyonce. 

Just a side note... this is not a good selfie. Rachel Roy is beautiful and does have beautiful hair... but this is a badly lit selfie where only half of her face is showing. The Beehive went crazy... well The Beehive members that read her full name. The rest were bothering another celebrity...

Rachel Ray. A celebrity chef with a name just a letter apart, was also swarmed on instagram...
So Rachel Ray just posted a picture of a delicious Pulled Pork Sandwich and she got swarmed with bees, lemons and people telling her her name is Becky with the good hair! Its okay... you can continue to like Rachel Ray's 30 Minute Meals and be a proud member of the beyhive. She's just trying to make us lunch! Note: On Buzzfeed one of the comments said that Rachel Ray just wanted to make brunch... this pulled pork sandwich is clearly a lunch recipe, not a brunch recipe. So... that person was a little confused too. 

So how did Rachel Rey respond? She made lemonade... you know out of the lemons of people thinking she was having an affair with Jay Z. She posted a recipe for lemonade. Thats pretty cool! 

So yeah that is the Beyonce news. I'll do a review of the movie if I can see it and the album when I get it. I like Beyonce... If you're a beehive member... don't be too mean. Rachel Roy probably regrets what she did, Solange is probably after her anyway cause she's a good sister... and Rachel Ray is just a chef tryin' to make some burgers and sandwiches. Beyonce is more fabulous than any other human being anyway... and no one can come close to her fabulousness... so yeah! I think her hair looks better than Rachel Roy's anyway! 

I kinda like doing celebrity specific news... especially for Beyonce and Jay Z cause anytime something Beyonce/ Jay Z related happens... there are always 

She woke up like that cause she's flawless.



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