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The Best (and worst) Scary Movies

So since it's Friday the 13th... I thought I'd try talking about every scary movie I've seen and... we'll just see if I can remember the plot exactly and if they're good or bad. I like scary movies... but I don't see them that often and I don't totally remember the plot of all of them.

Let's start out with the first one that I ever saw!

The House on Haunted Hill (1999) 
I saw this when I was pretty young... I was maybe 10 or younger when I saw this one... and honestly... It is a really scary movie for a 10-ish year old... and there was a lot of mature content that went over my head at the time... and I was kind of a scaredy cat as a kid... but this didn't really give me nightmares. I think it's mainly because there were really only 2 likable characters in the bunch and those 2 ended up making it to the end of the movie... so that was pretty good. I didn't know the cast of the movie at the time... but now looking at the cast list- I want to see this again. Taye Diggs, Ali Larter, Chris Kattan... lots of people that I didn't know at the time of this.

And the more I think about this... there were a lot of just weird scenes that weren't really scary just odd and creepy... almost artsy? I remember one part where there was like an old-timey movie projection. There was also a random roller coaster at the beginning that doesn't really have anything to do with the rest of the movie... but it is still kind of creepy. I don't know. I liked it.

The Skeleton Key (2005) 
This was maybe the second horror movie I saw in theaters (house on haunted hill I did not see in theaters.) I remember liking it a lot... but I was so confused by the ending... and I'm still a little confused by it. I did look up what the ending was several years later and I think it made more sense... but I still need to see the movie again. It's a weird one for sure... but it's pretty good up until the end.

The Village (2004) 
This was the first scary movie I saw in theaters... at the time I really liked it... now idk. I feel like not much happens for a long time in the movie... and I did kind of like the book that this was based off of and I don't necessarily think this movie is a good representation of that. It's a pretty beautiful movie though but I think this is when people didn't love M. Night Shymalan anymore.

The Sixth Sense (1999) 
We're getting to all the Shymalan movies now. This was the big one from when I was a kid... everyone knows this movie. Everyone knows the end. I don't know if this is necessarily scary... but there are parts that still scare me a lot. When they find out who killed the one kid... I don't want to spoil it too much and I don't exactly remember it... but that part scared me. It's a good one but I think there are some plot holes with it... need to watch it again... maybe for Blogoween!

Poltergeist (1982) 

This one I saw recently... and I thought it would be a lot scarier than it actually was. I did really like this movie and I think it's a fun movie to watch... but if you watch the Cinemasins Everything Wrong With Poltergeist you know there's a lot wrong with it. I think the story behind the movie is scarier than the movie itself... so there's that too.

BTW I think this was the 1982 version... right now I'm imdbing a lot of horror movies and it's scary lol.

Signs (2002) 
I liked this movie... I didn't see this in theaters... a lot of my friends were scared of it... idk. I just liked it but the end was a little weak.

The Visit (2015) 
I actually loved this movie... but the big thing wrong with it is that they really make you think "This is aliens!" Or something supernatural is happening... and it isn't. And I did like the movie anyway... but it's not something I'd really watch again.

I also kind of like the crappy era of M. Night... I think he's making a comeback now- from what I've heard Split is pretty amazing... and this is just good.

Scream (1996) 

This one is definitely one of the best. One of the funniest on the list and one of the scariest on the list... which is what I really like about it. This is a very suspenseful movie and... it's just one of the best. I need to see the other Scream movies... but I love this one.

Sleepaway Camp (1983) 

Stop what you're doing... watch this movie right now... and thank me later.

Get Out (2017) 

This is another one of the best on the list... if not the best on the list... There's so much to this movie and it's done well... like there are sci-fi type elements with actual psychological thriller elements... it's just a really great one. Plus it's the first of it's kind really... it was doing something totally new to the genre... and it's just awesome. Awesome that this is Jordan Peele's first movie too... it's just such a great movie!

I Know Who Killed Me (2007) 

So I saw this at a sleepover and I kind of fell asleep while watching it... but still this is definitely the worst on the list. It was entertaining... but there's just so much weird stuff that happens that doesn't really have anything to do with the movie... the "twins that are separated" thing was more confusing than suspenseful... and it was predictable. And I don't think anyone actually even died... so yeah. Weird one for sure.

Alright... there are more... but I'm going to end here. I feel like you guys get the idea... I'll try getting to talk about some more in July... and maybe I'll do some stuff for Blogoween too... cause I think I'm going to do that again this year.



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