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Scribbles About TV: Black Mirror S4E1 USS Callister

Sooo I've only seen one episode of Black Mirror before... but this show tends to kind of stick with you... so I thought I would watch the newest season and do some reviews... I'm not really watching the show in order just because... idk. It's a little more like watching a movie than watching a tv show.

This one I was really looking forward to because I feel like this is what I see all the time whenever I hear anyone talk about Black Mirror. It might just be because this is the first episode of the newest season...either way this looked like a fun one.

This episode centers around Robert Daly- played by Breaking Bad's Jesse Plemmons. He is a video game developer that had the vision to create the video game... but his partner kind of gets more credit for it. This video game is a very intricate virtual reality game... you pretty much just see people gathered in a room laying around while they play it with something on their eyes to connect them to the world of the game.

So Robert created his own world for this game that he's playing based on his favorite tv show- which is basically Star Trek. And in it he has all his co-workers who he kind of takes out his frustrations with through the game... which doesn't sound all that dangerous- except that he's stolen the DNA from the real life coworkers to clone them and keep the clones in the virtual prison of this game. They have to follow his every order, the women have to kiss him after he's defeated whatever monsters or villains he needs to defeat... and they don't have any genitals...

We're introduced to the cruel ways of Captain Robert Daly and this universe through a new co-worker of his that he's included in the game: Nanette Cole (played by How I Met Your Mother's Cristin Milioti) . Nanette is horrified of this universe that Daly has created and comes up with a plan to get out of it...

I won't go into to much more detail than that now... but I really liked this episode. The whole time I was watching it I kind of thought "Ohhh- my mom could watch this." And I don't think my mom would really be into this show otherwise... maybe- idk I think she liked The Twilight Zone and this was suspenseful enough that for some reason I thought she might like it. Lol.

I also really like Jesse Plemmons- I thought he was so creepy in this episode... he does such a great job playing villains that you really love to hate! I think he was great as that type of villain on Breaking Bad... he's super great in this show as that really creepy villain. It's just really funny.

This episode has a lot of characters... which for a tv show like Black Mirror could kind of be a good or bad thing! Nosedive and the other Season 4 episodes I've seen so far mainly focus on 1 or 2 characters... but this one gives kind of a nice ensemble and they each kind of have their moment. It mostly focused on Nanette and Robert Daly... but I think Walton was maybe my favorite character... he had been in the game the longest and Daly had the harshest punishment on him... and there is definitely a distinction between the real life Walton and the Walton in the game... the Real Life Walton is the boss that kind of took advantage of Daly and got him to the point where he's at... and in the game Walton is defeated and needs to escape... and he definitely gets his revenge in the episode and it's just really, really great. He probably has my favorite line in the episode.

And as I've said... I don't want to give too much away... but this ending is very satisfying. I know Black Mirror doesn't always have everything work out in the ending...and since I haven't seen every episode yet most episodes I have seen have had a pretty good ending... so I feel like watching them out of order is a bad idea because I feel like I'll run out of more positive episodes... but I think I can deal with that lol... most of the episodes are pretty dark even if they do have good endings... so yeah.

I would give this episode 5 out of 5 stars... I think it was really good and I immediately wanted to watch it again after seeing it... it sticks with you and it's just good once you kind of figure out what's going on!

Byeee! I think I'll do reviews week by week for this show... so I'll have an Arkangel review next Sunday!


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