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Chart Chat (1.16.18)

Here's the top 10 movies of the week! Hope you guys like this! I'm also including some of the info about the movies and how long they've been out and how much money they made this week and how much total... so let me know what you think about that! I like doing that!

10) Darkest Hour- (8th week on the chart. 5.6 million this week, 36.8 million total) 

I think this was on the charts and off the charts... but I believe with Gary Oldman's recent Golden Globe Win, plus more theaters picking it up now... it's gotten a little more buzz and is making a little bit more money because of that. Compared to the other movies this week... 36 million isn't bad... that's higher than the total that the Number 1 movie of the week has grossed in it's 4 weeks on the chart... although of corse this has been out for 8 weeks instead of just 4. I have a feeling this will jump up the charts a little more because it's getting more buzz. I think Gary Oldman is a really great actor and I thought his Golden Globe Speech was funny because he thanked his wife because "She went to bed every night with Winston Churchill and woke up with Gary Oldman... which I suppose is better than the other way around" (or something like that.) I just thought that was funny and you could tell how proud Oldman was of his win and of his performance playing such an iconic man in history... and many actors have played Churchill before... but Oldman's performance is one of the most critically acclaimed and that is something to note. That's a pretty great accomplishment!

9) Pitch Perfect 3- (4th week on the charts.7.3 million this week, 96.3 million total)

I'm not quite sure how I feel about this movie... I love the Pitch Perfect series and I like the way the trailers portrayed the Bella's struggles after graduating college... I think that is very relatable and I like that... I have kind of a love/hate relationship with this movie being focused entirely on the Bellas... and the fact that the Treblemakers are not in this movie is a little upsetting. It makes sense because they were BARELY in the second Pitch Perfect and it is nice to see this entirely focused on the Bellas and on the girl-power aspect of the movie... considering it is the final installment of the series... but I have a little bit of a problem with it because I feel like the first two movies had us really rooting for the Treblemakers in their various romances with the Bellas. In Pitch Perfect 2 I LOVED the romance between Fat Amy and Bumper. Plus a huge subplot of that movie was the romance between Benji and the new Bella, Emily played by Hailee Steinfeld. And really? No Skyler Astin in this movie? That's just not fun! He's married to Anna Camp who is in this movie... I just think they could have included them somewhere because we spend all this time rooting for the romances... and as much as I love the Girl Power aspect of it all... it's sad that after all that, they aren't together anymore (I'm guessing.)

8) Proud Mary- (1st week on the charts! 12 million total!) 

This movie looks kind of awesome. Tariji P Henson is a producer and star of this movie... she was just on The Chew and mentioned that she wanted to become a producer because she thought The Actors were really the weakest link in the game... and she didn't want to be the weakest link- so she produced this... helped it get made and I think it looks really good. It reminds me of the movie Atomic Blonde that came out this year with Charlize Theron as the female assassin... I think this one is a lot different because I think it kind of shows more about why Taraji's character went into being a badass... I think they showed her son on the brief preview that I half watched on the Chew... and it seemed really cool and I thought it gave it a little something different... I have a feeling this will be one of those "word of mouth" movies that will probably do a little bit better next week... but for it's first week being an independent movie... I think this is kind of where it's expected to be at. Mid January isn't the best time for movies... as I will mention in our next movie.

7) Insidious: The Last Key (2nd week on the charts, 14.6 million this week, 50.8 million total) 

I have yet to see any of the Insidious movies... but I have not heard anything good about this one yet. I heard a review from Sandy Kenyon that was actually a very negative review... he didn't like it at all and after seeing the other Insidious movies- it sounded like they didn't even really try to make this one scary. I think a preview of this was included within one of the houses for Halloween Horror Nights in Universal Studios... I believe it was just in Orlando- although it could have been in Hollywood... I'm not quite sure... but this seemed to be something that confused a lot of people that went through the houses. I don't think it's the best idea for them to use the houses to preview a movie because I think you kind of want to have an understanding of the actual movie itself before going and seeing the house... that's just my opinion... but this seems like something that can be a problem... and everyone I heard seemed to be confused by it.

This is probably the last Insidious Movie... and I think it's probably run its course and it's time to move on to a different horror movie franchise now... until they remake this in a few years like they've done with Saw and The Ring this year.

6) Paddington 2 (1st week on the charts. 15million total!) 

I'm a little surprised this is so low on the charts considering that it is only it's first week... but at the same time... they haven't advertised this a ton. I don't think I even knew there was going to be a sequel until I saw it in the Thanksgiving Day Parade... and even then I thought it was released already and I was surprised that it's just released now in the middle of January instead of before the holidays... seems like a missed opportunity... but movies like Star Wars, The Greatest Showman and Jumanji have been out for a while... so I wouldn't be surprised if these slipped in the charts and something like Paddington 2 went up on the charts.

5) Star Wars Episode VIII- The Last Jedi- (5th week on the charts.15.3 million this week, 595.6 million total!) 

I've already reviewed this movie... and I think everyone has seen this already- so I don't really want to talk all that much about it... but I did really love the movie... I'm not surprised at all that this was on the charts for so long and that it is still in the top 5... it's just a good movie. And I didn't realize that Solo came out in May... I'm really excited for that!

4) The Greatest Showman (4th week on the charts. 15.6 million this week, 98.4 million total.) 

This is the movie out right now on the charts at least that I want to see the most. I'd like to see this and Ladybird... both look really good. I didn't initially think this looked that great... mostly I didn't think Zac Effron would be good in it... but I think he's probably good because it is a musical... and he has a supporting role. I love Zac Effron... but a lot of his movies have been critically panned. Everything I've heard about this movie has been pretty positive though- and I know my mom wants to see it... so hopefully we'll get to see it soon.

3) The Commuter (1st week on the charts! 16.4 million total!) 

This movie I hadn't heard about before... but it sounds pretty great! Typical Liam Neesan Action Movie... but it sounds a little like The Girl on The Train also... which is cool. It's about a man that gets involved in a criminal conspiracy while commuting to work... I like the way that sounds... I feel like this will be one of the ones going down on the charts... but either way sounds like the most fun action movie out right now.

2) The Post (4th week on the charts. 23.4 million this week. 27.9 million total.) 

This is the very buzzed about movie starring Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep... It sounds like a good movie to me... but nothing I really want to go out and see right now... it mostly sounds good because Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep are very talented... and this is a topic that is pretty relevant right now! I'm sure its a great movie... but it doesn't sound as fun as The Greatest Showman. I'm wondering if this will be down a little on the charts next week... or if maybe people will flock to it more. Who knows! Didn't win any Golden Globes... at least none of the big globes... so I wouldn't be that surprised if something like Darkest Hour went ahead of this.

1) Jumanji: Welcome to The Jungle (4th week on the charts. 35.4 million this week, 291.6 million total!)  

I have to say I'm usually pretty pro-remake and sequel... but I have to say I'm a little protective when it is something from my child that had Robin Williams in it.... I don't know why. Maybe because he was in so many things... maybe because he is no longer with us... this one just looked... bad to me. I've heard good reviews from both critics and from audiences... so I'm pretty sure this is one that'll be good to see... I just don't think this is on the top of my list to see now. I like that it's a sequel and not a remake or a reboot... but idk. I don't love the thing where the kids are in avatar versions of themselves... it seems a little weird and I don't love that angle. I do really like The Rock... I think Kevin Hart and him are good together... Jack Black is funny too... and Nick Jonas is in this and I really really like Nick Jonas... but that's about it. It seems too high budget and less fantastical than the original... and I liked that the original had the jungle just happening around town for them... this looks more like the kids are transported into the Jungle and I don't know if I love that... but it still looks like a pretty good movie overall and I'll see it on TV or something maybe.

That is it. Did you see Jumanji? Should I see Jumanji? Let me know!



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