So I saw Keanu yesterday... and its one of the most clever and funny movies I've ever seen. Probably a favorite of mine... I love it. I've never seen a full episode of Key and Peele. I don't know too much about their sketches or anything... but there were some billboards and little things in the background of the movie that I'm pretty sure were jokes from Key and Peele sketches... not 100% sure... but they were funny either way and I'm thinking they have some significance. And really... they work so well together. Its just fun to watch them together because they have great chemistry and they're so fun. And the concept for the movie was brilliant... if you're a writer or a film nerd... you've probably heard the concept of Saving The Cat. You want your hero to "save the cat" in every film to make them more likable. In Gone Girl, Ben Affleck has a cat that he saves... doesn't make him more likable... but he also didn't kill his wife. L...