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My thoughts on the Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, and Katy Perry feud.

Dear Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, and Katy Perry:

All 3 of you are awesome and talented people... I think you should just be grown ups and play nice with each other cause a collab with the 3 of you would be a great song. It would make a ton of money (maybe now you'll listen...) and it will be great.


P.S- Katy Perry if you want an intern to read and edit your tweets for you before you send them out... I'm qualified and available! I have a degree in English from Rutgers and would be more than happy to correct your tweets!

Okay so if you all (I really want to say y'all... but I'm from Jersey and that doesn't work.) don't know there's a bit of an argument which started off between Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj and then Katy Perry weighed in indirectly about it and took Nicki's side more or less.

Nicki's tweet 
Nicki Minaj was snubbed for a VMA this year for Video of the Year with Anaconda. Nicki tweeted about this in a way that wasn't directly aimed at anyone (other than the voters I guess) and it was just commenting about the people nominated. Her tweet reads "If your video celebrates women with very slim bodies, you will be nominated for vid of the year." And then a bunch of emoji's.

My thoughts on Anaconda as a song: 
I like it, I don't think its the most original song cause its just the sir mix a lot song with some Nicki Minaj in it. I know girls with skinny butts were offended by the song... but clearly they're getting nominated for video of the year... so yeah. Nicki is awesome and looks hot in the video though, so I understand. Also it was last year, so its weird that it makes it for the VMAs this year.

My first thoughts on her tweet 
Well... it wasn't the best video and its a year old. Nicki should have kind of realized she wouldn't be nominated she shouldn't be upset.

Second Thoughts 
Okay, Nicki isn't really upset about it at all. I think she did realize it was a longshot that she'd win... but she still voiced her opinions on the nominees in a way I think was classy. You win the fight Nicky.

Taylor's Tweet 
Here is where it gets... strange. Taylor fans, don't hate on me! I've gotten a lot of hate from Taylor fans in the past... just for voicing my opinion basically. Taylor Swift clearly owns the game though and she's awesome for that... so you know. Don't hate me because I don't agree with her tweets. Lol. I'm not attacking Taylor, I'm sure she's lovely and I like a lot of her music... but anyway here is her tweet.

"I've done nothing but love and support you. It's unlike you to pit women against each other. Maybe one of the men took your spot."

Then follows it with this guy:

"If you win please come up with me! You're invited to any stage I ever win on."

Alrighty so in the first tweet... Taylor is taking it a little too personal. And not to be mean to Taylor at all... but she tends to take even the slightest jabs a little too harshly. Remember her feud with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler? They said a pretty tame joke and she said there's a special place in hell for them! Thats a step too far in my opinion... And I can kind of see her like "Well Nicki is clearly taking a jab at me, that's a little annoying" and getting upset about it... but seriously Taylor SHAKE IT OFF! You said so yourself! You can voice your opinion and stuff and you're a totally awesome person, but Nicki never said anything mean or against you... she just pointed out "Ohhh they left out the booty for Video of the Year this year. Lemme tell twitter this." So yeah.

And the second tweet... that was a bit mean. Its like "ohhh Nicki didn't get nominated... but you can join me when I win because I was nominated because I'm better than you and I'm skinnier." Lol I say this in jest... but for real. Like I'm imagining being in that situation where a friend of mine wins something and I'm not nominated and they bring me on stage like "Heyyy this is my good friend Shannon. She wasn't nominated tonight but isn't it cool that she's on stage." And then I'd be like "Thanks friend. Nothing feels better than being a less successful version of you on national tv. Thanks." Plus she's being all "ohh I invite you "like Nicki would Kanye her award or something.

And I don't think Taylor is a mean person... I'm sure she didn't mean it in a mean way at all... but... its hard to have someone else's success shoved down your face while they're accepting an award... and "graciously" and "classily" inviting you on stage... it would be like torture. Lol. If there's one thing that hurts worse than not succeeding, its watching your friends succeed while you don't. I know thats a horrible thing to say... but you know its true.

And I guess for Taylor's side... Nicki clearly knows she has millions of twitter followers, probably including Taylor herself... so she knows Taylor and her fans will see it and kind of agree with Nicki on her part... so yeah. I guess I'd be upset at that too. Her calling Nicki out isn't a monstrous thing to do, its justifiable... but I think Taylor is right and it isn't like Nicki to pit women against each other because she didn't mean to.

Katy's Tweet 
Alright I'm not going to read Katy's tweet directly because, as mentioned before the grammar was horrible. I guess she was probably nervous about posting it... but basically she pointed out that it was Ironic that Taylor was accusing Nicki of pitting women against each other when the video Bad Blood is all about pitting women against each other. She also mentioned the real crime was that the Bitch Better Have My Money" video didn't get nominated.

So... I feel like I didn't care about this argument until Katy got involved... and I think it would have gone away by now if Katy hadn't gotten involved... So I feel like that was kind of a shady thing to do. Also don't bring Rihanna into this feud either... I feel like that's rude. Rihanna's got a lot of stuff going on. That bitch didn't give her her money!

Other than that... she has a good point. Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house... but seriously none of these ladies should be throwing stones when they live in mansions. There are lots of bad things in the world that these girls could focus on helping instead of setting feminism back 100 years... although I think they all thinking they're contributing to feminism, I think if Nicki Minaj's tweet had been left alone it would be a good feminist thing.

Now I'm not 100% sure... but I think Nicki didn't respond to Taylor either. I think she favorited Rihanna's tweet... but I don't think she tweeted "No, not everything is about you Taylor, GOD." Which is probably what I would have tweeted.

So all in all... this is pretty high school and these are 3 very successful, beautiful, powerful and awesome women. They're all super cool and, as I said I'd love to hear a song featuring all of them. I even think it'd be cool if there was like a Lilith Fair type of concert with Taylor, Katy, Nicki, Lady Gaga, Kesha, Lorde, Rihanna, Rachel Platten, Casey Musgraves, Hayley Williams, Beyonce, and pretty much any awesome lady singer. It would be such a cool concert... but there would be so many fights between fans and between the stars that I don't think it could ever happen. Lol.

So those are my two sense. It's really sad when 3 awesome women can't get along, for rather childish reasons... so Its a sad state.

Although... I guess Nicki and Katy get along. I don't really know.

Way to go Taylor! She did it in a very classy and mature way also! She said that she misunderstood Minaj's tweet and then misspoke about it. Good for you Taylor! Very mature! I'm happy they're friends again!

Also Minaj did tweet back to Taylor saying "huh you must have misunderstood. I still love you just as much." Or something vaguely like that. Good for you Taylor! Good for you! No word from Katy yet, but I hope they make some sort of attempt at friendship sometime soon. A collab with them would be really cool right????? It could happen.



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