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It List: July 2015

Exciting month!!!! I have a lot of favorites and my first should come as no surprise...

1) Minions- Minions are generally one of my favorite things in the entire world but this month the Minion Movie came out and I'm honestly beyond beyond excited for it. Well I already saw this, I just watched it at the time I'm writing this and it was sooo soo good. Really cute and really clever. Great as a Stand Alone movie and part of the Despicable Me Franchise...and I just really really liked it. I should have a review on it, if I remember to link that I will!!! 

2) The X Files and The X Files Files- I used to be a big fan of the X Files... And then they made a second X Files movie and it is the worst movie in the entire world. So I kind of gave up on the show after that... But the show is sooo soo good, I decided to give it another shot, a lot of the episodes I watched as a teenager and didn't love and now watching it I do love...or some I'm like "yeah that's not a great episode." I've already blogged a little bit about it here, I'm gonna blog more about it and there are not-so-great episodes that I think I'm going to go back and watch and blog about here. It's a great show and I'm enjoying watching it again. Also love the x files files which is a podcast hosted by Kumail Nanjiani and it breaks down all the good episodes and explains what works, what doesn't work and basically just nerds out with people about The X Files. 

3) Nice dark Cocoa Almonds- I'm trying to eat healthier, and this is kind of healthier, but still sweet and chocolatey. This is the Nice brand from Wallgreens... I'm sure they have dark chocolate almonds other places. These say dark chocolate but it just tastes like a slight regular chocolate to me. It's really light, but it's still surprisingly chocolatey. I've been really liking these as a snack. I'll probably get more at some point because it's just really delicious. 

4) Snackeez cup- Okay this is a sippy cup meant for kids... But as a grown up I really like this. Lol. I got this mostly because it had a minion on it... As I've mentioned I love minions lol. This is a sippy cup that has a container for snacks in the lid. So as I've mentioned in other posts,I like the snapple Lady Liber-Tea and the nice dark cocoa almonds... I put the lady liber tea in the sippy cup part, the almonds in the snack container and there's a somewhat healthy portion-controlled snack. Plus it's good to go, it's kind of spill proof. It gets messy, but it's helpful and really nice still. I like it, I'm excited I'm going to get use out of this silly thing. It's good for travel or the beach too. Really like it. 

5) Fall Out Boy- I've been pretty into Fall Out Boy lately! I don't really know why, but I have all of their cds and I've been shuffling them on iTunes and I've been really liking them. I really like From Under The Cork Tree, that was the cd that got me into them, and it still holds up as one of my favorite cds of all time... but they have some great songs on their other cds too, and what I like now that they've been doing a lot of is collaborating with really different people. They have some collaborations with rappers and people like Elton John, Elvis Costello, Courtney Love and Debbie Harry. Really great stuff and its weird that that is the direction that they went in, but it just works so so well for them I think. I'd say especially with Courtney Love and Debbie Harry. My sister was a big fan of Hole when I was a kid, so I grew up listening to and singing Courtney Love... so I actually like her and I was excited that she's on this cd... and I think thats one of the songs I like. And I love the Debbie Harry song. I think they should add a female rockstar member to the band. That would be really cool.

6) Paper Towns- I'm always bad because a lot of times I'll start reading a book, put it on an it list, don't get very far, don't finish it till months later and then don't mention it other than in my review... that being said I read quite a bit of Paper Towns yesterday and I really really like it. I'm at the part where Q is just starting to find Margo's clues for him... but thats what I like a lot about it. Its not a real
"mystery novel" like Gone Girl and the ones that I really like, but its cutesy and it has an element of mystery to it. The characters are also really good. The teenage boys in it are really funny and its just kind of typical... and even the minor characters have really great backstories that are super funny. His friend Radar doesn't want to invite a girl over because his parents hold the Guiness record for largest collection of Black Santas... which is one of the funniest things I've ever read and I get obsessed with things like that. Like the lives of these record holders or gameshow contestants and stuff like that. His friend Ben always calls girls Honeybunnies, which is so creepy and its just funny that he continues using the term even though everyone says its creepy. Its just very detailed and I really like that. I'm excited because I have a boxed set of John Green's books and it seems like he has the same obsessions and curiosities I have, so I think I'm really going to like him.

7) Sally Hansen Insta- Gel Nail Polish in Terra Coppa- I probably got this last month but it is my favorite current nail polish. I used to love Designer De Better by OPI and that was my go to favorite color, favorite formula and all around favorite... but it was limited edition and I ran out recently, so I was looking for a dupe for it and this one is pretty dang close. The color is so so pretty, it actually matches the Coach Handbag I got last month and its just so lovely and nice. I really like the way that it applies and it lasts a long time without chipping, and its a really pretty color so I love it.

8) Scream- I actually just watched the first scream movie for the first time a few weeks ago and it was soooo good! I can't believe I'd never seen it before! I plan on watching the other ones as well. I may just go for the next 2 movies because they're on netflix and idk where to get Scream 4 or if its any good... but I want to see them all eventually... so I'll start getting on that. I know I'm behind... but theres a tv show coming on MTV I believe... and now I'm interested. It seems like this is easy to screw up... but it might be good and as a series I think it'd be really different. I would kind of hope that it would be the same killers though, and I don't know if that will be quite as good now that I know the end... so idk. Maybe I'll watch it and see. I never watch MTV though, so... unlikely that I'll remember it or anything... but if there's buzz or anything about it... I'll check it out! Lol.

9) Lush Shark Fin Soap- So I'm not a Lush Junkie or anything, but I saw they had a soap with a shark fin and I wanted to know if it smelled good and it did so I got it.... and I love it! I don't know the name of the soap, the Shark Fin version is out, but it is a permanent product and it smells nice and makes my skin feel really nice and soft.

I think thats it for now... there are probably more... but I'll talk about some food favorites soon and some other things soon maybe? Idk lol.



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