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The Ratings Game: Lowest Rated and Highest Rated Episodes of The Office

I thought I'd do something different today... cause this is something that kind of interests me... I don't know if anyone else would be interested in this at all... but I like knowing what the highest rated and lowest rated episodes of TV shows are... and I've been watching The Office a lot lately and I've seen both of these episodes pretty recently, so it seemed like as good a time as any to compare the two episodes!

Highest Rated- Stress Relief Season 5 episodes 14+15  (aired February 1st 2009) 22.91 million viewers 

So the highest rated episode of the show is Stress Relief. This aired after the Super Bowl in the fifth season of the show and it got 22.91 million viewers According to Wikipedia. The second most viewed episode of the series was the Pilot- which had 11.20 million viewers... so quite a difference there!

This is one of my favorite episodes of the show in general... I think personally for me it's 2nd or third on the list for me after Mafia and about tied with The Injury... it's just a really funny episode. Dwight's affair with Angela had ended recently, and he's kind of gone crazy because of it... although that is not stated in the episode itself- fans of the show would probably be able to connect that.

Dwight sets an actual ("controlled") fire in the office and heats up the doorknobs so no one would really be able to escape. The Office starts panicking and in all the chaos that ensues, Stanley has a heart attack. When Stanley returns to work Michael has started over-compensating for the accident... which ends up stressing Stanley out even more and Michael hosts a Roast of himself for the whole office... which then upsets Michael for the day until he can think of a Roast for everyone in the Office.

I think this was kind of the perfect "After the Super Bowl" episode because you didn't really need to see any other episode to enjoy this... plus it gives you a good insight into what the show is about and the character dynamic amongst the show. I think this is the only episode my sister's ever seen and at the time the only episode my mom had seen.... and they both laughed at it! So... it's a good one.

Plus the episodes following this were really good too and I thought the series kind of picked up a lot because of this episode. Definitely a good one.

Lowest Rated- Paper Airplane Season 9 episode 20 (aired April 25th 2013) 3.25 Million Views 

So this was one of the last episodes of the show... there were only 3 episodes left at this point. I didn't watch this... I had stopped watching the show around the "Work Bus" episode... which I liked I just hadn't really seen it passed then. I was still in college at the time and I had a lot of classes on Thursdays usually- and this show just wasn't what it used to be so even when I did watch it I wouldn't always pay attention. I've rewatched the last couple seasons since and I liked it better... but it's better in bingewatching than on TV.

This episode shifts between Jim and Pam in "Couple's Counseling" with Toby and Nellie as their Therapists (I think) and they both really go through their problems- they kind of end up reconciling at the end... but it is pretty cold there for a while. I really liked this season for showing hardships for the "perfect" couple of Jim and Pam. And in this episode you can really, really see all their flaws. Especially highlighted through the very flawed characters of Nellie and Toby who say "They deserve each other" comically commenting on their craziness.

The other story of this episode involves a Paper airplane contest. Erin, Angela and Dwight are the main parts of this contest. Erin is very competitive because of her years in foster care and she doesn't really want her boyfriend Pete to see that side of her because she gets hurt when she loses. Dwight wanted to throw the contest for Angela because he knew that Angela wasn't doing great financially after her divorce from the senator. Dwight was almost engaged to a woman named Esther at this point and she kind of makes Angela think Dwight's "Gallant act" in Angela's eyes wasn't out of love for Angela, but because he felt sorry for the state she was in.

And we see Andy quit Dunder Mifflin for his acting career- with Roseanne Barr as his manager... and he's not doing so well at the gig he's in... which is pretty funny overall.

I thought this episode was funny... oddly enough this was probably the second episode my mom had ever seen as it was in re-runs recently and she thought the Jim and Pam problems were presented in a more humorous way because of Toby and Nellie. So... there's my mom's perspective on it once again.

My biggest critique at the end of this series- with this episode kind of as the highlight of it all... Erin's storylines could have been a lot better. I didn't think she was a throwaway character at all when they brought her on... but with her and Andy's relationship... I think she ended up as a sort of throwaway character... but she also kind of had one of the best moment's in the finale... so that was good.

Guest Stars 
The Office rarely had guest stars... but both of these episodes actually had some good guest stars and it's sort of interesting how they incorporated them.

In Stress Relief Jack Black, Jessica Alba and Cloris Leachman all guest star. They are in a movie that Jim, Pam and Andy are all watching. Jim and Pam are discussing problems between Pam's parents and Andy thinks that they're talking about the characters in the movie and that they have an incredible insight on the movie that he didn't see.

And on Paper Airplanes Roseanne plays Andy's talent agent... and she's pretty tough and funny on the episode... and I thought she did a good job... it was well cast. I always find it interesting when The Office has guest stars because it really is kind of rare and when they are on- they're kind of bigger stars... not that Roseanne really is... but again- I think this role worked for her. I liked the guests of Stress Relief a little better... but overall Paper Airplanes was okay.



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