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Scribbles About TV: Black Mirror S4 Ep 6 Black Museum

This episode is a tough one to handle... but it's probably the best episode of anything ever maybe... it's just really good.

So in this episode a young woman named Nish stumbles into an odd museum claiming to be about criminals... and we see there are lots of odd artifacts used by different criminals... including the smashed Arkangel device from Arkangel, the device used to clone people from USS Callister along with the lollipop with the child's DNA on it... there were a lot of references to episodes in this season and from other episodes of Black Mirror. Some episodes were not referenced- which I guess means that those episodes took place after this episode took place... which is something that I want to get into after I finish up all the seasons because I know there's a shared universe here and this episode kind of confirms it more than anything.

But there are 3 main attractions that we're introduced to from a man named Rolo Haynes that used to be a medical technology salesperson... but later he curated this museum and that's what he's doing now. The first main attraction is about a doctor that uses a device so that he can feel the patient's pain so that he can find out what is bothering them and cure it... he also uses the device with his girlfriend and eventually after a patient flatlines while he uses it... he becomes addicted to the pain and feels pleasure out of it... which drives him crazy and eventually ends up putting him in a permanent comatose... with that same mad pleasured look on his face- as the legend has it!

The second attraction involves a man named Jack and a woman named Carrie. They meet each other at a party... they end up having a kid together and they're happy until one day when Carrie is taking a picture of Jack with her son- she is hit by a car and put in a coma. Carrie can communicate by giving Jack a yes or no answer on a light switch... but she can't give full responses and she can't really see her son or eat food or anything. Rolo comes over and suggests they try a new technology where he can put Carrie inside of Jack's head so that she can experience everything that he experiences and they can talk to each other. It kind of works at first... but she is ALWAYS in his head with no way to control what he does... which ends up annoying the both of them... eventually Jack puts Carrie on "Pause" during the week- but then takes her off pause during the weekends so that the 3 of them can be together... which works for them until Jack gets a new girlfriend and the girlfriend wants to spend the weekends with Jack and his son.

Rolo suggests that Jack transfer Carrie to a stuffed animal so that she can continue to live and see her son... but she won't be in Jack's head anymore. The Stuffed Monkey only has 2 ways of communicating however, through a smiley face button that says "Monkey Loves You" and a sad face button that says "Monkey Needs a Hug." And eventually... Jack gets tired of playing with the Monkey toy...and it ends up at the Museum... with Carrie still fully conscious in there.

The main attraction of the museum however is a convicted murderer named Clayton. Clayton is in jail for murdering a weather girl- and he is still waiting on DNA evidence of his innocence when Rolo approaches him asking for the rights to a digital clone of himself for this museum. Clayton is so sure that he'll get off that he ends up signing away the rights... and even if he didn't end up getting out- he can still support his family this way and they'll have money after his death... and unfortunately Clayton does end up getting the electric chair... and the Museum's main attraction is that guests can actually see Clayton in this museum and pull the lever themselves... so he is constantly dying in the electric chair- fully conscious and awake during the whole thing... and even available to get a keychain of him always screaming in misery for this terrible pain that he's forced to live through over and over again... and the key chain is actually him always on and always screaming.

As it turns out... Nish wasn't just a British tourist at home for the weekend visiting her dad... she's just an American girl at the Museum so that she can visit her dad... Clayton! And take her revenge on Rolo... and in that way... the ending is very satisfying- it combines all the stories and it ends on the most positive note that the bleak episode could end on... perfectly capturing the whole season... I don't want to spoil it too much more than that... but Carrie in the Monkey ends up okay... and Nish gets herself a nice new keychain.

So... yeah... this is maybe the best episode of anything... ever? Definitely 5 out of 5... its more like a 10 out of 5... I just think it was perfect. I think I need to watch this one again after I finish watching the rest of the series... so yeah... stay tuned for that. I'm going to go back to the beginning and start watching from there- so I will continue with my Black Mirror episode breakdown blogs... then I think I'm going to look a little more into the shared universe of it all... because I already kind of have my theories... and then I think I'll maybe move onto Pixar movies... lol. I always wanted to get into the Pixar Theory on my blog... so I think I might do that after I finish this up and I get better with these shared universe stories... I have some plans for these Sunday Night Blogs because I'm having fun with this!



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