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Throwback Thursday: Playing With Word Magnets!

Soooo... this is kind of fun. If you are a writer or creative in any sort of way... this is a fun thing to get. Basically it's just magnets with words on them... these were big in the 90s... and I found some today and I decided I have a lot of magnetic surfaces in my bedroom and I could stick these there and try to write things... so that's what I've been doing for  an hour and I thought I'd share them with you. They don't all make sense... but I kind of want to maybe make some stories with them! I don't know... this is just a fun little thing and I wanted to share.

These don't all make sense... so yeah.

1) The Dinosaur Present

2) Haiku (some of these are just words that I wanted to do something with but couldn't find anything to go with it. But I'm still including them.)

3) iron

4) I woman (I tried to include am)

5) Promise to not grope me

6) see above

7) liquid

8) Say dopey little funny

9) Mr. Boogie

10) Essentially Fabulous

11) Caress is a vile

12) Next Minute

13) Why Cry

14) Lip

15) Live or die

16) Pretend Moon Landing

17) Snowy Dog Days

18) Hate His Smile

19) Midnight Chocolate would be rewarded with delirious music

20) I smell her sister

21) Bubble Buddy Bambino

22) Ruby Knife Before talk

23) Wiggle it In Bed

24) Icy Stare

25) Fast Dogs are Big

26) Snakes want warm blood

27) Watch my juice and

28) Star

29) Black

30) Milk is a bad

31) Egg hog

32) a thousand cold urges

33) If you dream do

34) nip

35) Beneath

36) Smelly Cat

37) She Went To Heavens

38) Electronic Poison Machine

39) He requested me

40) follow me

41) Post

42) Cobalt pavement

43) he had kid blue eyes

44) tv will (I put devour here but I changed it)

45) Devour flower

I have a few more on my desk... maybe I'll share them... but I thought this was kind of a fun way to brainstorm and get ideas for writing things... so yeah. Maybe I'll share the other ones too... that's more for the background of my youtube videos... but I thought it was cool still!



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