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Showing posts from July, 2015

Scribbles About Food: Snack Haul!

Heyyy guys! I got some new snacks to try out! Most on the healthier side. Most I haven't tried yet and I'll update you and let you know... but yeah. These all seem pretty exciting, so I'm going to try them! First off I'll just say the unhealthy thing that I already reviewed and they are amazing. The Lay's Biscuits and Gravy Potato Chips from their Do Us A Flavor Contest. The other flavors sound okay too... but I think it'll be really hard to beat this one. That's for sure. This is a good one! Next I got some Special K bars because I really like the ones I've tried and the ones I haven't tried also sounded really good. I think these are all 90-150 calories. These were on sale 2 for $5 where I got them... so I ended up getting 4 of the bars. One bar was the 90 calorie Chocolate Pretzel bar. These are amazing. I already tried it. Its pretty filling and it tastes so chocolatey and salty and sweet. It is like a candy bar instead of a granola bar and i...

Scribbles About TV: Shannon Watches Old TV Shows; The X Files Season 2 part 2

Irresistible- This was a really good one. This kind of stopped the streak of "meh" episodes in my opinion because it was really great. The villain was really creepy, you would never really suspect someone like him would be the villain. He was also charming, so thats a little creepy itself. Also its nice to see Scully kind of scared of something. This job really effects them, and this was the first time her experience was really mentioned other than just Mulder asking if she's okay. I thought this was a great episode and it was such a perfect time in the season to have it. Die Hand Die Verletzt  I actually remember liking this episode a lot. Its creepy. I didn't really remember much of it, I remembered it raining toads and I remembered the girl was named Shannon... but I had no idea that was this episode. And it was really good. I thought the teachers at the school thing was so creepy. This is the last episode that Glen Morgan and James Wong before they left for ...

Scribbles About Books: Looking For Alaska by John Green Review

Heyyy guys! So I just finished Paper towns and I started Looking for Alaska right after... and finished it in a matter of days. Its a pretty short book and its good and an easy read, so Spoilers for my review: I loved it... not spoilers for the book though! I'm going to do a discussion, just like I did for Paper Towns... which I think I've posted by now... and then I'll spoil it... but I really want people to read it... so no spoilers... yet. Lol. So this book... its kind of weird because it doesn't really seem to be about anything for the first part. There are no real chapters, the book is broken down into before and after and its kind of just about some rebellious kids at boarding school. It centers around Miles, or Pudge who is a good and innocent kid that enters into this boarding school his junior year. His Roommate is named Chip or The Colonel and he introduces him to this super hot girl named Alaska who is a wild free spirit and she has a boyfriend. And she...

Scribbles About Food: Mocha Coconut Frappuccino

New Frap you say? Of corse I tried it! I think this is something you can order off the menu... not 100% sure... but it seems easy. I think they always have coconut syrup and they always have mocha... so you can probably get some version of it. The girls at the starbucks were super nice and friendly and the Barrista said that she just made her first one before and it was really good. Never knew Target Starbucks accepted the Starbucks card, but it did! Better than my college Starbucks! Lol. But yeah I was all pumped I thought it was going to be really great, I love coconut so I was excited. And I was not disappointed! This was absolutely delicious. Gloria Jeans has a Mocha Coconut Chiller, so I was expecting it to taste like that... but this had wayyy more mocha in it... which I'm not necessarily saying is better... but thats kind of what I wanted at the time. I was like "I want this to taste a little more chocolatey than the Gloria Jeans" and thats what it was. I f...

Scribbles About Books: Paper Towns Discussion (SPOILERS)

Heyyyy! So I already posted my Paper towns review  here But I noticed the discussion questions at the end of the book and I thought... well that'd be fun. And I'm actually writing this before the review so that I hopefully won't repeat myself in the review. And these are just the discussion questions at the end of the book and I'll add any questions I think of maybe... I hope there isn't a copyright law for this or anything, these were from the publisher I'm guessing... but I kind of miss school dorkily enough and this feels like homework and I have opinions on the characters... so I'm doing it. Lol. And this contains spoilers, so don't read unless you've read the book. Its a really good book and a fast read and I'm sure the movie is tons of fun too, so read the book, see the movie then meet back here. Or just one or the other... but you know read. "When Margo and Quentin are nine, they make a horrible discovery and respond in very diffe...

Bridesmaid Diaries:Tips for finding a Wedding Dress and helping the bride find her dress

Heyyy guys! I think I've mentioned it on this blog before, but my sister just got engaged and I'm her maid of honor and I thought it'd be cool to kind of do a blog series about being a bridesmaid and like helping with weddings and stuff to. Right now I'm going to focus on choosing a dress. I don't have my bridesmaid dress yet, but my sisters tried on dresses and she has one and I kind of thought I'd let you guys know some tips about finding the dress from a bridesmaid perspective Its not how it looks on tv  On TV it always seems like the girl cries when she sees herself in the dress and her mom cries and her mother in law cries and its all just the most beautiful thing in the entire world... but thats not every bride. I don't cry that often. I cried when I heard my sister was getting engaged and seeing her after she got engaged with the ring and everything... but genuinely I don't cry a lot. My sister looked absolutely gorgeous in every dress she tri...

Scribbles about Food: Biscuits and Gravy Lays Potato Chips

Sooo I am trying to be healthy... but I need to try the do us a flavor chips. And this is the one I wanted most.. and its awesome. I haven't had cool ranch doritos in a while... but dare I say it... these are better than Cool Ranch Doritos! I think I even like them better than all the other chips in these contests too. The selection this year actually sounds edible! The other flavors are Kettle Cooked Greektown Gyro, New York Reuben, and Wavy West Coast Truffle Fries. Which is cool cause its sort of like flavors from everywhere. I think the midwest like Chicago is known for Gyros, Truffle Fries are from the west coast, the south with the biscuits and gravy, and of corse New York... so thats kinda cool. I thought these overall tasted like gravy fries. They were a little like the Chicken and Waffles, but they were better. I think there was a little bit of spice to them... they were really quite delicious. They really got the gravy flavor especially right and it just worked so well ...

Feminist Friday: Dana Scully: The 90's Most Awesome (and badass) Woman.

So new thing I'm doing here. Tryin to change it up a bit with a Feminist Friday. What is Feminist Friday? Basically Woman Crush Wednesday... but on a Friday. Lol. I didn't have this by Wednesday. So since I've been rewatching the X Files I've realized how completely awesome Scully is and I'm gonna break it down a little as to why I think she's the coolest. She is never really Glamorized or Sexualized the way that other women on TV are  Gillian Anderson is absolutely gorgeous. She was about my age when they started the show I think, which is weird to think of. And it would have made a little bit of sense to have her be the super hot super young FBI agent and it would have made sense... but they showed her as a really real agent. She gets her hands dirty, she isn't in like a beauty patent or something, she's an actual real agent as much as Mulder is. Its something that they make a point not to do with Scully. And every once and a while it'll come ...

My thoughts on the Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, and Katy Perry feud.

Dear Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, and Katy Perry: All 3 of you are awesome and talented people... I think you should just be grown ups and play nice with each other cause a collab with the 3 of you would be a great song. It would make a ton of money (maybe now you'll listen...) and it will be great. Sincerely, Shannon P.S- Katy Perry if you want an intern to read and edit your tweets for you before you send them out... I'm qualified and available! I have a degree in English from Rutgers and would be more than happy to correct your tweets! Okay so if you all (I really want to say y'all... but I'm from Jersey and that doesn't work.) don't know there's a bit of an argument which started off between Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj and then Katy Perry weighed in indirectly about it and took Nicki's side more or less. Nicki's tweet  Nicki Minaj was snubbed for a VMA this year for Video of the Year with Anaconda. Nicki tweeted about this in a way tha...

Scribbles About Books: Paper Towns by John Green

So I'm actually going to do 2 posts on this. One will be this review and the other will be a look at the discussion questions in the back of the book... so this is just a general review and overview and then in a few days I'll have something too long that no one will read but I'm gonna have fun with. So yeah. This is the first John Green book I read, and I just started Looking For Alaska and his characters are all really really amazing. They're kind of one-note but also multi dimensional in one. Margo in this is a very complicated person and she thinks she's just a "paper girl" looking for something more or something less maybe even. And they were really relatable because it was like you were getting to know them through reading these books. And everything about it was all very high school. In reading this I felt like I had a lot of flashbacks to when I was in high school and my small adventures felt like big ones... and I really thought it worked well...

Scribbles About Movies: Trainwreck Review

I saw Amy Schumer's Trainwreck and here are my thoughts about it. I feel like this story hasn't quite been done before. Its such a simple concept too, woman doesn't have her life together, her job is kind of crappy, her dad is mean, her sister is married and doesn't always have time and patience for her, and her love life is kind of crazy. She drinks a lot but doesn't quite have a drinking problem and then she falls in love with a guy and she doesn't really want to change for him... and ultimately I don't want to spoil the movie but she does have an arc, she's not really the same Amy at the end of the movie as she is at the start... he's probably a part of why that happens but not the reason. And that is cool.  I also like that it didn't show the woman as having her life together and the guy as not having his life together. There are so many movies where guys do completely unforgivable things and the women and then they just apologize and...

Scribbles About TV: Shannon Watches old Tv Shows; The X Files Season 2 pt 1

Little Green Men  This one is a good episode. To be honest... I felt a little underwhelmed after the season finale... but that doesn't make this a bad episode. Its still really good. I like the way that they separated Mulder and Scully but they still talk to each other like they're working together. It kind of set the tone for everything that happened this season. There was a lot of 90s stuff you can't get away with in todays PC culture, Mulder makes fun of a hispanic guy a little bit... which I'm not saying this is a good thing or a bad thing... obviously you shouldn't make fun of someone because of their language, they also sort of portray him as dumb which is something problematic that used to happen that wouldn't happen today. I always think thats interesting. I talked about that with Roland and its just a weird thing that never happens anymore. I don't know. The Host This one I remember as one of my favorites. It still scared me watching it now. Thi...

Scribbles About Food: healthier snacks I've been liking

Alrighty so I'm not really one to like "health foods" or anything... But I've been trying a little better recently so I've found some snacks on the more healthy side that I've been liking... So yeah. At Wallgreens the Nice brand has really good almonds. They have a good selection. I've tried the dark chocolate  dusted and they're really really yummy. If you're more of a milk chocolate person, these don't have too much of that dark chocolate taste to them. They're really chocolatey though and I like them. I also got the honey roasted almonds that are really good too... slightly higher in calories, but again, portion control. A little bit of these fills you up a lot... and its yummy.   The other thing I just got from Target is something new that they have called cookie bites. And these are little round cookies that are a little over 100 calories for each. Some were higher in calories, some were lower. I got the mint chocolate ones, wh...

It List: July 2015

Exciting month!!!! I have a lot of favorites and my first should come as no surprise... 1) Minions- Minions are generally one of my favorite things in the entire world but this month the Minion Movie came out and I'm honestly beyond beyond excited for it. Well I already saw this, I just watched it at the time I'm writing this and it was sooo soo good. Really cute and really clever. Great as a Stand Alone movie and part of the Despicable Me Franchise...and I just really really liked it. I should have a review on it, if I remember to link that I will!!!  2) The X Files and The X Files Files- I used to be a big fan of the X Files... And then they made a second X Files movie and it is the worst movie in the entire world. So I kind of gave up on the show after that... But the show is sooo soo good, I decided to give it another shot, a lot of the episodes I watched as a teenager and didn't love and now watching it I do love...or some I'm like "yeah that's not...

Scribbles About Tv: Shannon Watches Old Tv Shows; The X Files Season 1part 2

Alrighty watching this show again... There are hits and misses and I'm kind of skipping and just going with whatever Kumail Nanjianni picks in The X Files Files and skipping others... But thee are a few I think I liked so I might slip some in here or I may go back and watch the bad ones and talk about them separately. Idk I think I'm going to at least watch one now and include it here... We'll see. Beyond The Sea This was one I really didn't like much as a kid... But it's amazing and probably underrated. This might be one of their best episodes ever and I feel like I never hear much about it! This episode I remember being creeped out by and to this day, the song Beyond the Sea still creeps me out because the actor that plays the villain of this episode is just soooo good. He's really creepy and scary and it just works really really well. He's probably the best villain in the monster of the week episodes ever...  Also Gillian Anderson was incredible...