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Throwback Thursday: History of the Superbowl Lead Out Program

So I'm always interested in the superbowl lead out programs and what shows have actually played after the super bowl... I was going to list them all- but there are 52 of them... and I don't know all that much about the shows that were on before I was born... so I'm just going to 1991 since that is when I was born... and I'll do a couple little mentions of some important ones. Here is the Wikipedia page about it... so yeah.

Before Shannon Was Born... 

So the first superbowl in 1968- from the looks of it aired on both CBS and NBC. CBS showed Lassie and NBC showed Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color- which is interesting because it was before ABC was owned by Disney... so tha'ts pretty cool.

All in The Family, The A Team and CHIPs were other shows that I recognized. The Nightly News and 60 Minutes were in a few... plus there was another Wonderful World of Color and a few more Lassie's.

Shows That Had Pilot Episodes After The Superbowl... 

The first show that made it's debut after the superbowl was Brothers and Sisters on NBC in 1979.

The next was MacGruder and Loud in 1985- which also marked the same year ABC showed the superbowl.

CBS followed a few years later with a show called Hard Copy...which seemingly wasn't all that popular as there is no link connection to it's wikipedia page. Then in 1988 The Wonder Years had it's pilot episode after the super bowl... which actually surprised me! I know The Wonder Years and it's a pretty popular show... so it somehow surprises me that its debut was after the super bowl!

Grand Slam on CBS in 1990, Gone for Goode on NBC in 93, The Good Life on NBC in 94, Extreme on ABC in 95... surprisingly Family Guy debuted in 1999 on Fox, Jimmy Kimmel in 2003 on ABC. American Dad debuted in 2005 on Fox after an episode of The Simpsons. Undercover Boss debuted in 2010 and last and maybe least... 24: Legacy debuted in 2017. I thought the original 24 series debuted after the Superbowl... but it didn't! I remember hearing about it at a Super Bowl Party though... so I guess that's what made me think that.

Episodes I've Seen 

Okay... so rather than go through all of them... I'll talk about what I watched and what my favorites were because this is long enough already and I don't really know much about things like The John Larroquette Show which had it's episode in 1994!

The earliest one on the episode that I saw in this is the Friends Episode "The One After The Super Bowl" which is probably my favorite episode from season 2. It was a 2 part episode with tons of guest stars including Julia Roberts, Brooke Shields, Jean Claude Van-Damme,Chris Issak and a few others. It's a great episode and so far- the highest rated Superbowl Lead Out Show and the second most watched episode of the show.

The X Files episode Leonard Betts was the first Superbowl Lead Out on Fox... as it was Fox's first year hosting the Superbowl. I love this episode... it was suspenseful it had an awesome twist ending... it was definitely one you could watch and pick up on if you hadn't seen The X Files- but if you had seen The X Files before- it had something for you too... which is great.

I remember seeing part of the Malcolm in The Middle episode... I never really watched Malcolm In The Middle- I just had it on because I was already watching The Super Bowl... I think they had some guest stars.

I don't remember watching the Alias episode... but I always kind of want to start watching Alias... so maybe I will some day!

I'll also probably see the episode of Grey's Anatomy sometime because I do like that show.

Possibly my favorite episode of The Office is Stress Relief- which was the funniest superbowl lead out ever... my Mom and Sister watched this episode too and they didn't watch The Office before... and they were cracking up too... This is definitely one of the best episodes! It probably was the best one... but for whatever reason Mafia has been my favorite after re-watching the show.

I remember Undercover Boss debuting... and I was pretty disappointed in this after the Super Bowl... it also looked pretty gross- and after eating food and we were having desert at this point... it just didn't really go together.

I watched Glee when that was on after the SuperBowl... my roommate liked Glee when I was a Freshman and she got me into watching it... and I really liked this episode. It was dramatic and just really good... Finn and Rachel had just broken up and he got back together with Quinn- who was cheating on Sam with him... it was a lot.

I remember Elementary being on after the super bowl. We tivoed it because my friend liked it and she was at our house watching the superbowl... I never watched it.

I watched New Girl's episode Prince... and I must have watched Brooklyn 99 too because I loved that show when it was on... but I just don't remember that one. I do remember Prince being on New Girl... and the episode was good. Nick told Jess he loved her and she finger pointed at him.

And I think I watched Stephen Colbert- or at least part of Colbert when that was on... but I don't think I watched James Corden... and I love James Corden... I know I tivoed both of these... and I'm pretty sure I maybe watched Colbert... maybe I didn't watch either. Lol.

And then This Is Us... which I just reviewed so I won't talk about... so yeah!

Okay... that is everything about the superbowl Lead Out Shows... so out of 52 I watched 8... sounds right. I've maybe seen a repeat of All In The Family's episode... but I'm not sure and I don't remember... so that's about it!

Hope you guys liked this or found it interesting. What's your favorite superbowl lead out? Mine was The Office.



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