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Superbowl Scoop Superbowl 52! 2018! The Game, The Halftime Show, The Commercials, The Memes!

Alllright! Now for my favorite type of blog maybe? A big TV event happens and this is my scoop about it! And The Superbowl might just be the biggest event on TV... so I've got a lot to talk about.

Now I'm not a big football fan... but I have to admit every time the Superbowl comes on... I actually enjoy watching it. The games are usually pretty exciting and this time especially I thought "huh, maybe I'll watch next year." It was a genuinely interesting game that made me want to watch more games!

And I don't totally understand football... but basically Philly did really good in the first 2 quarters... and then in the 3rd and 4th the Patriots picked up a bit of momentum... the last few superbowls the Patriots have been in have been pretty big comeback games... so I wouldn't have been surprised if that happened again- but I was rooting for the Eagles... I root against New England teams typically as someone from New Jersey... so yeah. I also just don't like Tom Brady... I know he's a great football player or whatever... I just don't like him. I could go into reasons but if you like him you like him and I don't really want to ruin that? He's won more superbowl rings than I have soo... there's that.

Anyway... back to the game... it was just pretty exciting. Both teams did really good- especially towards the end of the game... but Philly really played a good game the whole game through... and it was exciting!

Sooo the performances! Leslie Odom Jr did a great job singing America The Beautiful... I'm a big fan of his... so I was excited to see him do the show. Pink sang the National Anthem... which was a lot of fun... and the halftime show was Justin Timberlake... who I thought did a great job- but he could have maybe done better.

One bad thing about superbowl performances is that they try to sing as much as they can and it's really not that long of a time they have to perform... so I feel like they cut the songs a little short... and it felt like he barely played Sexyback and some of his bigger songs... so that was a little disappointing. I heard people disappointed that there was no N*Sync reunion... but I don't know if those people saw the N*Sync reunion when they honored Justin at the VMAs... lets just say the rest of the guys were not in as good shape as JT and... it really showed in their performance. They just couldn't keep up with him and they were noticeably out of breath... so I was happier they didn't show up...people would have just complained about them not being that good... so that was kind of that.

As far as commercials go... there were a few highlights. First off... I didn't watch this yet- but the Solo trailer debuted... which is really exciting. I'm SOOOO pumped for this movie... Han Solo might be my favorite fictional character of all time... so I really hope this is a good movie!

My favorite ad of the night was the Lip Sync Battle between Peter Dinklage ft. Busta Rhymes in a Doritos Blaze commercial and Morgan Freeman ft. Missy Elliot in a Mountain Dew Ice commercial... that was just really good.

Then there was an ad where Alexa lost her voice so, Cardi B, Rebel Wilson, Anthony Hopkins and other helped her out... that was a good one.

There's the M&Ms and Danny Devito Commercial... which I didn't like that much but I still laughed at...

And of corse- the one people will be talking about the most... which somehow I missed last night... the ad with Eli Manning and Odell Beckham Jr dancing to the Dirty Dancing Dance... which was just so funny. I think that ad was just for the NFL... which is funny to advertise for during the superbowl... but whatever lol. I'm not complaining- it was still really funny!

And the memes of the night...

This one  from Funny Or Die's Facebook page
Tom Brady just sat down when it looked like the Patriots had no hope of winning... and it was funny. This is him as the Kendrick Lamar album cover. 

And there was some kid from the Superbowl Halftime show that JT took a selfie with some kid...and that kid's instagram blew up... and now there are several copy cat accounts I think of him... so that was funny. There was a meme that he was checking his phone googling "Who is Justin Timberlake?" And that was kind of funny. 

None of these memes can beat Left Shark... who is the best. 

And after the superbowl was a special episode of This Is Us... which is what I will review tomorrow... but I always like knowing what was on after the superbowl each year... maybe I'll do a little "History of TV After the Super Bowl" maybe I won't... idk. But it's something I like knowing... so maybe other people would too!

Anyway... that is all I have for this superbowl! I hope you guys like it and let me know your favorite ad.



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