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Scribbles About TV: Black Mirror S4Ep4 Hang The DJ

Alllright! Hope everyone's having a nice weekend and you're ready for a nice Black Mirror Review of a nice episode... not to dark... actually a pretty cute ending! 

So this episode seems to take place in a parallel universe... not much is explained- but the whole world seems to only focus around dating. No one really has a job or hobbies or friends or anything... its just this device that arranges people to find their "Ultimate match." Each date starts out at a restaurant... where the food is already ordered for you and the date is already picked out... and then whatever else you decide to do or not to do is kind of up to you... but it is designed to find your ultimate match so you can live happily ever after or whatnot. It always claims to be "99.8% effective." 

So the device is referred to as "Coach" and it has an expiration date with each couple and you're supposed to check it together to see how long you'll be together... It could be anywhere from a few hours to a year or several years. The couple we see arranged at the beginning- Amy and Frank seem to get along very well... but they're only matched for a few hours. They decide to just talk and hold hands since they're each others first matches... but they're sad when they have to move on to their next matches. Amy seems attracted to her next match... but she doesn't joke with him the way she does with Frank... and Frank is matched with someone that's just awful and doesn't really want anything to do with him. They're both matched with these other people for about a year... Amy is slightly shorter than a year and then gets a lot of matches that are just short and feel meaningless to her... until Coach matches her back up with Frank... but this time she doesn't want to check the expiration date! He agrees with her... for a while... then eventually Frank wants to check it... and he sees they have 5 years... but it keeps getting shorter and shorter because he checked it without Amy and he messed everything up!

They both continue on with the system until it says that it's found Amy's ultimate match and it gives her another chance with one of her matches- she chooses Frank and then the 2 want to rebel against the system. 

I didn't see the twist ending of this episode coming... so I don't really want to give that away... I thought it was pretty good! I don't think the episode in general was as airtight as something like Arkangel where everything mentioned in the episode kind of payed off... but for me personally... I thought this episode was cute and sweet. It was kind of funny too... and I just liked it a lot. This is another one that when I was watching I was like "ohhh my mom might like this." Which is funny because this is possibly the best way I would be able to explain a dating app to my parents... lol. 

I really liked seeing the weird universe that this was set in where everyone was just kind of doing cute date night things all the time. I just thought that was kind of cool... it reminded me of The Good Place because of how they showed the "Ultimate Matches" and how they showed the neighborhood.

Like I said this episode does kind of have a twist to it... and I feel like it was effective... but it was maybe a little out of no-where... it's something I guess you could have seen coming so it wasn't entirely from left field... but it was a little from left field... which is why I think I'll give this 4 out of 5 stars... even though this might be a favorite episode of mine... I want to kind of be a little bit critical of these... so the fact that the twist was from no where... plus not all the loose ends were really tied made me grade it a little less... Still a great episode and this might be the happiest of all the episodes so far. 

I hope you guys like this and find it useful! If you want to see my other reviews from the season, I reviewed the first 4 episodes of season 4 so far... and I'm going to keep it coming for the next few weeks too! I usually lump tv show episodes together... but I think of these more as movies than episodes... so that's kind of how I'd like to review them! I've seen some timelines of black mirror and some different fan theories and easter eggs... so maybe if I get really into the show I'll get into that too... I love things like The Pixar Theory so I'd like to kind of get into that too! 



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