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10 Things That Have Been Making Me Happy

Okay... so I saw The Tim Tracker do this on their youtube channel- they got it from a channel called The Leg Life I think... and they did 10 things that made them happy that week/ in this time it sort of ended up being... so I'm going to do that too.

1) Watching TV- I forgot how much I've liked watching Netflix or something before bed... and that's kind of what I've been trying to do lately. It's good to just kind of get your mind off of things and just see what different characters are doing. Plus I used to ALWAYS watch tv and now I feel like there are just a few shows I watch if I'm home and their on... and the one show I did that most with was Modern Family which just ended... And it's mostly comedies I've been watching right now. I watched some of Tiger King and it was okay but I'm not really in a rush to finish it now that I've seen most of it... it made me a little bit sad to watch. I wanted to finish The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina but... I might do that another time.

What have I watched then? Grace and Frankie- my mom was actually watching this and I used to watch it but hadn't seen it since the season 3 finale... so I started watching Season 6 with her and then went back and watched Season 4 and 5 and what I missed of 6. Now I'm caught up and I'll probably finish 6 because it's just a funny show. If you liked Friends I think this is a show you'll like- Marta Kauffman is one of the creators and there are some similar episodes. The characters are all super funny and it's just nice to see Grace and Frankie's friendship. And Robert and Sol's relationship... it's really just a nice show that's funny and fun to watch.

And I watched some episodes of Sex and The City... which is always a fun show to rewatch but I wasn't able to finish it. I could only watch the first 2 seasons free from HBO and then part of season 3 from E- but then I had to pay for the episodes after that and I didn't want to. So I saw RIGHT when Carrie starts dating Aidan WHICH ARE MY FAVORITE EPISODES but... whatever. I think I can watch it with the HBO Now or HBO Go App... but I can't download that right now... but yeah. That's a fun show to rewatch if you can.

I started watching New Girl again after that. I had watched New Girl when it was first on- but when I was out of college I just kind of forgot to watch it. It wasn't on a channel I usually watched- there was nothing I really loved on before or after it so I just kind of forgot. So I'm re-watching Season 1 right now because I know I watched those episodes at some point in time... but it's just a good show. I love Zoey Deschanel and I like Nick a lot and that actor. Just a really funny show that I would totally recommend.

2) Animal Crossing- I feel like I play Animal Crossing most of the day... it's just such a fun game and it's very chill- you really can play at your own pace and just enjoy it and try to improve your island and have fun with it. It's also SO CUTE! It's just a fun, chill way to pass the time. I really love it!

3) Doing Makeup- I totally understand not doing makeup if you're not going anywhere... but honestly for me I'm like "Yes! I finally have time to do my makeup!" It's just nice to be able to do it with no rush and to know that I have time to do a fancier look or something. I don't have to rush to work- I can shop my stash a little more... and I've just been having fun coming up with looks even if I don't go anywhere. I like it a lot.

4) Rearrange Things- This has been the big thing I feel like I've been doing. I've cleaned my room and organized so many different things in the room that used to be my sister's room... it's just a nice way to kind of pass time and be happy with your surroundings for the time.

5) Make a Fluffernutter Sandwich- So I was so happy to find that I had fluff in my house because I had been wanting peanut butter- but I wanted something a little bit more than that and I don't think we have jelly. We do probably have honey... which also tastes good... but the fluff was just what I wanted and needed and it tasted perfect. I toast the bread just because I prefer toasted bread- I'm not sure this is the best way to do it because it does make the bread a little dry... but I still pretty much only eat toasted bread. This is just so much fun and I really like it.

6) Watch a movie- Watching movie's is another sort of obvious thing- but it's really really fun. I've watched Onward, The Princess Diaries, A Goofy Movie, and Joker... I know weird mix but it's just nice to get lost in that world rather than think about the virus. Ohhh Poms too! I have a review on that I need to post! Before theaters closed I also saw The Invisible Man, Sonic the Hedgehog and Harley Quinn Birds of Prey... those I know are On Demand right now and I think they're fun to check out. Ohhh and I saw Coffee and Kareem which is funny too but it is also VERY cringey and I don't know that I'm going to do a review on it because I liked it but I don't remember it that well and it's just very cringey even though the movie has some heart... it's hard to watch with some of the humor they have.

7) Draw- I tried a bit of drawing recently. I made a cartoonish version of myself and it didn't turn out great but I worked on it and made a better one and I might try doing it again and making another one. I can't get the nose right and I have a thought bubble over her head and I don't know what to put there yet... but I'm happy about this and it was fun to do.

8) Sudoku- Again- just kind of a time consuming activity that you don't need to concentrate on anything else... it's just really fun and really cute and I like it! I haven't done too many but when I do it I just feel very accomplished and I really like it.

9) Meditation- I've had some trouble sleeping so I've been listening to some sleep meditation albums and that has been what I've been doing lately before bed to just keep me chill and at least able to get some sleep- usually before 4am but not last night lol... but meditating is just something that's been making my sleep better. I listen to The Honest Guys. They have a youtube channel with different guided meditations and they have affirmations and relaxing sounds and noises... but its mostly meditation for sleep and healing on Apple Music- which is how I like listening to them at night because it's just easy for me to have my iphone right near me as opposed to having a youtube channel on.

10) Planning for the future- So now although I think it's still a good idea to social distance- I think places are going to start opening up slowly in ways that are the safest that they can. I feel like now I see light at the end of the tunnel and kind of planning ahead is fun. And nothing like big- look at all the small businesses around you and the restaurants and maybe pick something from their menu you want to order again when it opens back up or when it's safe to go back out. I know a lot of places are open now- but I haven't been seeing my boyfriend so we can't get together and have a date night at a lot of our favorite places... so we're sort of planning to go back to some places we haven't been to in a while and try some new places or some places I haven't taken him too. SOOO many places have added to doordash too so we're excited to try some of them.

And obviously I've been writing... I want to keep up on my blogs... but I'm also thinking I'll be back to work... eventually I'm not sure if it'll be soon or not. It might be soon- so I kind of want to get caught up and write some for the future when I will be working... so hopefully I can get organized and get everything posted.

Anyway I hope you guys like it! I'm not sure if this is so much things that have been making me happy or things I'm doing... but they're things I'm doing that are making me happy. Hope you guys like it!



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