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Showing posts from May, 2018

Favorite Disney Animated Movies Ever- Top 34 Movies!!!

Heyyy everyone! You just saw my bottom 34... now here are the top 34... hope you guys like this! This list took a long time and a lot of work to curate... and I'm excited about it. 34) Finding Dory-  So fun fact... Finding Dory was going to be on the other list... but I included 2 movies on that list that I didn't need too... and apparently I did the same on this list... which is kind of funny. I also originally had The Hunchback of Notre Dame at the top of the other list/ bottom of this list... but I think it was just because I had just seen Hunchback that I liked it a little bit better... but I think Finding Dory is a better movie overall and even though it's not my favorite Pixar movie... it is my favorite of their newer sequels and I think that this kind of put pixar in a better direction as far as movies go... so I love this and it definitely belongs on this list! 33) Pocahontas- This is another one that I just saw and I think that that kind of put it a little high...

All The Disney Movies That I've Seen: Ranked Part 1! Bottom 34!

Okay... so I realized that out of all the disney movies out there... I've seen 68... and for the most part... they aren't all that terrible... so I'm going to do a countdown... this is going to be my bottom 34... so some of the last few are pretty stinky or just not my thing... but for the most part... you could get me to watch any of these again with little protest. BTW I'm not only including Disney... Disney Toon Studios is included here, Pixar is included here, touchstone I think is included here... just different divisions of Disney that aren't actually Disney... so keep that in mind. I was just going to do Disney... but then I thought lets just make this epic and include everything. 34. Doug's First Movie This is maybe the one I would fight you on watching again... and I'm not even sure this is my bottom pick but I'm pretty sure this is probably the only Disney Movie that my mom has taken me to that she really doesn't like. My mom never liked...

Throwback Thursday: Playing With Word Magnets!

Soooo... this is kind of fun. If you are a writer or creative in any sort of way... this is a fun thing to get. Basically it's just magnets with words on them... these were big in the 90s... and I found some today and I decided I have a lot of magnetic surfaces in my bedroom and I could stick these there and try to write things... so that's what I've been doing for  an hour and I thought I'd share them with you. They don't all make sense... but I kind of want to maybe make some stories with them! I don't know... this is just a fun little thing and I wanted to share. These don't all make sense... so yeah. 1) The Dinosaur Present 2) Haiku (some of these are just words that I wanted to do something with but couldn't find anything to go with it. But I'm still including them.) 3) iron 4) I woman (I tried to include am) 5) Promise to not grope me 6) see above 7) liquid 8) Say dopey little funny 9) Mr. Boogie 10) Essentially Fabulous ...

Scribbles About Movies: Nocturnal Animals

Sooo this movie is one I was pretty excited to watch... and I think the end of this was the most disappointing ending of all time... and I'll get into it and I'm probably going to spoil the end... but honestly, you should know what you're in for before watching this movie. It's a really long movie and I thought it was going to be a thriller... but it really wasn't. There's suspense in it still so it will kind of keep you on the edge of your seat... but the end wasn't my thing. I do have to say this movie was written and directed by Tom Ford. Tom Ford is a well known luxury fashion designer and he has a very prestigious makeup brand... I respect him for this and I love when anyone kind of goes beyond what they are known for. I think Ford wrote and directed this... and I think he even did something with the costumes and the makeup in the movie. And I do love the visuals of this movie... I don't even think it was that badly written or badly acted- I don...

Scribbles About Movies: Victoria and Abdul

So I recently mentioned that I got my mom a few dvds for Mother's Day... and she loved them by the way! Anyway- the one that was the biggest surprise and the one I thought she would like the most is a movie called Victoria and Abdul. This is a recently discovered story about Queen Victoria befriending an Indian man that was supposed to be a servant of hers. This was when India was under the control of England and Victoria was the Empress of India as well as the Queen of England. Abdul was there to present the queen with a coin as a gift from India to her for being their empress. The queen thought that Abdul was handsome- so someone that worked for the Queen invited Abdul to stay. Abdul treated the queen differently than everyone else did. He kissed her feet and that sent everyone else into a panic, but Victoria appreciated it. She asked Abdul to teach her his language and he did. And the two became very close and he considered Victoria "The Most Special Person in his life. E...

Rise Got Cancelled... And Here's Why

So if you guys remember a few weeks ago- I posted about a new TV Show I was obsessed with called Rise. If you want to read my initial review... you can check it out right  here . Now I used to LOVE reviewing new tv shows... but what would pretty much always happen is I would give the show an okay review... and then I'd never end up watching it again and it would get cancelled... so now I'm trying to do my reviews a little bit differently... I'm trying to watch the show a little more closely- maybe watch the pilot twice and then if I continue watching it I'll do some sort of review... I liked my post on the little details I liked about Good Girls instead of just posting a review on it... so I think I'm going to do that now. Anyway... Rise was a show that I thought was off to a strong start. At first I didn't really think it was that realistic for a high school to do a performance of Spring Awakening... and I thought it was a little weird for Josh Radnor's...

Movies That I got For My Mom

Sooo...I noticed Target had a sale on a lot of DVD's and I wanted to pick some up for my mom for mother's day... and I thought I would tell you guys which ones I got. Bad Moms and Bad Moms Christmas were both on sale... and I know my mom loves the first Bad Moms movie so I got her that. We keep recording the movie on our DVR and then deleting it because we need more room... so I thought if I just got the DVD we would watch it a lot and we wouldn't need to keep recording and deleting it. Also- we've tried watching it with my grandmother and she doesn't really want to see the dirty scenes in it... so it would be a little easier to fast forward past those on dvd than it was on DVR. We had never seen Bad Moms Christmas- so I was excited to see that there too. I love Christmas movies and I thought this would be a fun one to watch any time of year... but it'd be fun to watch at Christmas too. And then I got her Victoria and Abdul. This movie I don't even think...

Scribbles About Movies: Guardians of The Galaxy Volume 2 (spoilers)

I think one of the movies I was most excited to see in my journey to see as many Marvel Movies as I can was Guardians of The Galaxy Volume 2. I had seen the first one in theaters and I really wanted to see this one but just didn't have the time... so I was just looking for a fun... slightly lighter Marvel Movie... and I kind of got that but the end upset me. So I feel like Yondu really shines in this movie and they were really building him up to be one of the Guardians of The Galaxy... and then Spoilers... They kill him. Which made me really sad because Yondu was so funny and I felt like he helped connect the characters. He raised Peter, so obviously he had some connection there... plus throughout the movie he had a kinship with Rocket... and that was kind of nice to see too. Plus he definitely had the coolest weapon of any movie... it was basically a laser arrow that did, in fact, make him look like a very cool Mary Poppins. I thought this movie was even a little funnier than ...

APPyness: New Harry Potter Interactive Game Review

So for a little over a week I would say I've been playing the new Harry Potter: A Hogwarts Mystery game. And I think it's pretty fun. It's a lot of just clicking and going to different places at different times... but I think it's pretty fun and it is a good way to feel like you are a part of the Wizarding World and you get to know the Professors pretty well. So far, I like Flitwick and Snape is really pretty scary. I'm guessing the story is the same for everyone... but you do get to choose your house... I chose Ravenclaw. Basically your character has a brother that got expelled from Hogwarts and vanished suddenly... many students saying that he went insane... and one girl even bullies you because of it... and you are trying to figure out what exactly happened to your brother, what sort of secrets are hidden at Hogwarts... plus you need to defend yourself and your friends from this bully... all while learning your regular subjects... it's quite a lot for an 11...

Scribbles About Movies: Coco Review! (Spoilers)

So I was so excited about this movie coming out...and I didn't get to see it until now! And it was well worth the wait! There's so much that I really loved about this movie... I'm not even sure where to start... I'm thinking of starting with the family aspect of this movie because I thought that these characters were really great and they were really nice, well developed characters too. I think they all changed at the end of the movie... which is really nice. It was sweet how close everyone was even if they didn't agree on everything... and that just made the ending even sweeter. And there's even a little bit of a twist involving the family... and I thought that was done well and it made the movie a lot better. So with that twist in mind... it was predictable. But this is an adult who has been a massive Pixar fan since the first Toy Story came out... so for most of my life I've been a massive Pixar fan... I write Pixar's rules to storytelling in pret...

Scribbles About Movies: Captain America- Civil War

Alright so the next movie on my Marvel List was Captain America: Civil War! This isn't the next movie within the MCU to be released after Avengers... but I thought that I could watch this before Ant Man and still enjoy it. Plus this is the oldest Marvel Movie on Netflix, part of me wonders if they'll get rid of it soon and put on Thor: Ragnarock because that would make more sense to me but with deals between Disney and Netflix's streaming services... who knows. Part of me wants to watch ALL of the Marvel Movies... but I might just wait until they're available on Disney's streaming service... because that's something I'm interested in. So for some reason I always thought of this more as a mini-avengers movie instead of just a Captain America Movie... and I feel like it's half and half. Thor and The Incredible Hulk are not in this... but this is where we're introduced to a few more Avengers. Spider Man is first seen in this movie (I think?), Black Pa...

Scribbles About Movies: Avengers Age of Ultron

So I'm trying to watch a few more of the Marvel movies because I want to see Avengers Infinity War... I just mentioned this in a post... but I started with Avengers: Age of Ultron. This isn't the first Marvel Movie I've ever seen... but it's the first in a long time. I have seen the original Avengers and Guardians of The Galaxy... and I think that's all! So yeah this was a good re-introduction to the MCU and I thought it was really fun to watch. I only vaguely remember the first Avengers movie and the first Guardians of The Galaxy... so I didn't really know what I was getting into watching this. At the beginning I didn't really know who they were fighting or what was going on and that didn't really deter me from liking it. Seeing the action and the character interactions... it's just fun to watch. And I think its easy enough to just kind of pick up what's going on. It's like in the Star Wars movies... the first Star Wars Movie took place in...

So I think I Might Watch Marvel Movies: Where to Watch Stuff!

Alright... so I'm not really someone that's kept up to date on Marvel's movies. I liked the first Avengers movie and I liked the first Guardians of The Galaxy... but that's really all I've seen. I've had some Marvel Movies on my list of things to watch for a while now... but Infinity War is out and I really need to get serious. I'm probably going to try to see Infinity War anyway because I should, right? But I thought I would maybe tell you guys where you can watch what movies. It's a little tricky to look for Marvel Movies anywhere because Disney is having their own streaming service... but they don't actually own 100% of all the Marvel Movies in the MCU... so yeah. So there are only 3 movies on Netflix currently and that is Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Strange, and Guardians of The Galaxy Volume 2... very weird combo of movies if you ask me... I feel like one of them will probably be removed soon and maybe Thor: Ragnarock will be in it...

Throwback Thursday: Weird Music Loop

So I have kind of a weird Throwback Thursday Today... but it's fun. I went down a kind of weird youtube/apple music wormhole last night and... this is just kind of what I listened to, why I listened to it and what I think of it. Panic At The Disco It started with the Panic! At The Disco album- A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. I wanted to listen to this because I heard a song from it recently and I really like it. Plus there's a huge Mandela Effect on the song "I Write Sins Not Tragedies." I remember it saying "I chimed in with a 'haven't you people ever heard of closing THE goddamn door?'" Well in fact... I recently heard it on the radio and it sounded like it said A   goddamn door instead of the. And sure enough- Apple Music says the same thing. There was even a whole thing where a famous person tweeted at the lead singer Brendon Urie and couldn't explain it. Anytime they sing it live... They sing THE goddamn door. Anyway funily enough...