Alright so... I've watched a few movies recently... I wanted to get a review of Wonder Woman 1984 up before it was off of HBO Maxx... but that's not going to happen. So yeah. Mini review of Wonder Woman 1984 before the big one next week... It was bad. But also enjoyable. But bad. But I'd watch it again and recommend checking it out... but there are some problems we'll talk about next week.
Anyway Wonder Woman was actually pretty good! It's a nice origin story for Wonder Woman... I think Gal Gadot was perfect as Wonder Woman. Her and Chris Pine had good chemistry throughout the movie. She was also pregnant while filming some of this movie I believe which is... kind of awesome. It was overall a good introduction for Wonder Woman.
Okay... I watched this a while ago so I'm trying to remember what I liked and didn't like about it. The intro was pretty cool- we see Wonder Woman as a little girl and then we see her going into the real world and it is a little bit like Elf and Noel where it's hard for her to adjust to the real world. Actually in 1984 there are some parallels with Diana trying to show Steve what 1984 is like... so that's kind of cool.
The good thing about this movie is that we actually see Wonder Woman doing Wonder Woman things... which is my biggest complaint about the sequel... she barely does any Wonder Woman stuff! But in this movie she does a lot of wonder woman stuff! It's pretty cool!
I don't know much else to say about this... It's not my favorite super hero movie... but it was a really nice and enjoyable movie that I could watch over and over again! I haven't seen that many of the DC Movies- but this might be my second favorite after Shazam... it might be tied with Birds of Prey... which I also really enjoyed. So yeah. I would say see this one... get 1984 if you can when that's out in a few months even though it's kinda bad... and hopefully Wonder Woman 3 will be the best one yet because I'm a fan... but they're not my favorite.
Okay- that is everything I think... sorry this is kind of a bad review where I don't know what to say but... it's a good movie I just don't have that many thoughts and critiques on it.
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